TPT September 2023
The international magazine for the tube and pipe industry
The international magazine for the tube & pipe industries
VOL 36 NO 5
Tube mills & rollforming lines
Interview: Takeshi Takiguchi, president, Sanyo Seiki Co Ltd
Minimac® II Digital EC Testing for Tube See It at FABTECH Booth #D42627
The international magazine for the tube & pipe industries
VOL 36 NO 5
4 - 8 Number of cameras
5 Min. object diameter (mm)
720 Max. object diameter (mm)
PROFILEMASTER® SPS Profile Measuring System The PROFILEMASTER® SPS is a light section measuring device for measuring contours and dimensions on profiles of all kinds in cold and hot steel applications.
Highest measuring accuracy due to thermally stabilised measuring unit Surface defect detection based on intelligent software algorithms (Utilising machine learning) Detection of smallest defects due to high sampling rate Designed for measuring complex profiles from rebar’s to train rails Easy maintenance and quick cleaning thanks to proven concept
Zumbach Electronic AG | Hauptstrasse 93 | 2552 Orpund | Schweiz Telefon: +41 (0)32 356 04 00 | Fax: +41 (0)32 356 04 30 | |
INDEX Editorial
3R solutions.................................................................................24 AC Valve Alliance......................................................................... 66 Advanced Drainage Systems.......................................................70 Baekchun Precision Co Ltd..........................................................52 BLM Group.............................................................................22, 28 Bültmann GmbH............................................................................8 Can-Eng Furnaces International Ltd............................................42 Comau SpA..................................................................................43 Combilift....................................................................................... 18 Controle Mesure Systemes..........................................................14 Danfoss Power Solutions.......................................................66, 69 Danieli.......................................................................................... 52 Davis-Standard LLC.....................................................................39 Dietronic Srl...................................................................................6 FD Machinery...............................................................................61 Fives..................................................................................7, 26, 51 Fronius Welding Automation........................................................ 36 GF Piping Systems......................................................................69 Inductotherm Heating & Welding.................................................42 International Metal Technology Taiwan........................................24 KASTO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co............................................34 Paul Leibinger GmbH & Co..........................................................37
LS Starrett Co..............................................................................33 Mastercam................................................................................... 30 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH.............................................................16 Officine MTM SpA ....................................................................8, 59 Parker Hannifin ......................................................................49, 67 Pemamek Ltd...............................................................................29 Randolph Tool Co Inc...................................................................59 Schroeder Valves GmbH & Co KG..............................................68 Smap3D Plant Design..................................................................46 Sofratest......................................................................................... 6 SSAB. .......................................................................................... 70 TechnipFMC................................................................................. 72 Teledyne FLIR..............................................................................46 Tenova. ........................................................................................ 56 Uniflex-Hydraulik GmbH . ............................................................. 44 Unison Tube LLC...................................................................10, 20 Voortman Steel Machinery...........................................................30 Wenzhou Leakage Corrosion Hardware Products Co.................41 WITT. ........................................................................................... 72 Xiris Automation Inc............................................................... 44, 54 Yamazaki Mazak..........................................................................12 Zekelman Industries...............................................................67, 73
You have tube and pipe to produce.
We can help you do that.
Guild International o ers complete entry systems for your tube and pipe production lines that can be customized to accommodate your particular needs. Our entry systems may include an uncoiler, speed funnel, shearwelder, accumulator, or anything else you may require.
Guild International can design and build the coil joining and mill entry equipment you need to keep your lines up and running smoothly and pro tably. We are the leader in supplying coil joining and
mill entry equipment for the tube and pipe and steel processing industries around the world. Isn’t it time to put Guild’s experience and expertise to work on your tube and pipe production lines?
World Leader in Coil Joining Equipment for the Steel Processing, Tube Producing and Stamping Industries Since 1958 +1.440.232.5887 USA
CONTENTS 2 Editorial index 6 Industry news 7 Diary of tube events 28 Technology news 50 Tube mills & roll forming lines 62 Interview: Takeshi Takiguchi, president, Sanyo Seiki Co Ltd 80 Advertisers index
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September issue • Business & market news • Mitigating the potential risks of low quality products with steel pipe certifications
The trade magazine for tube and pipe products
September 2023
Photo credit: Karan Bhatia
The latest development of roll changing robots on pipe welding lines By Mr Gao, chief engineer, FD Machinery Precise process control toward automation in HF tube and pipe welding By Olexandra Tupalo, manager, Thermatool
Tube & Pipe Technology magazine is available in print and online. Go to for more information.
The Professional Publishers Association Member
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The September Issue Welcome to the latest issue of Tube & Pipe Technology magazine. This issue we have technical articles from FD Machinery (page 76) and Thermatool (page 77) that offer a detailed insight into the latest use of robots and automation in pipe welding.
September 2023 Vol 36 No 5
Rory McBride – Editor in chief
As well as dealing with ongoing issues with recruitment and the training of enough welders across manufacturing – as many of the older generation retire – the automated technology also increases workplace safety and allows the remaining experienced welders to use their expertise on more specialist assignments. In the case of roll changing, this heavy job can now be performed safely and accurately by a robot. 3R also offer wise words (page 24) about the benefits of fabrication automation and the competitive advantages it can offer. On page 73 there is advice for tube buyers and manufacturers from Zekelman about the use of certifications to ensure pipe is of the highest quality. Finally, we welcome an in-depth interview (page 62) with Takeshi Takiguchi, president of Sanyo Seiki Co. This month we also see a welcome return for three excellent trade events in the form of FABTECH 2023 in Chicago, USA; Tube SE Asia in Bangkok, Thailand; and EMO in Hanover, Germany. I hope they are a great success. The editorial deadline for the forthcoming November issue of TPT is 3 October 2023. If you would like to submit an article, or have any questions, you can contact me at: I hope you enjoy the magazine.
The international magazine for the tube & pipe industries
On the cover . . . Randolph Tool Co Inc offers high quality tube cut off blades and die jaws, manufactured to exact specifications to best suit the
VOL 36 NO 5
production needs of its customers. The blades are manufactured by experienced craftsmen using the best manufacturing procedures and have a reputation for exceeding expectations. Randolph Tool, which was established in
1968, deals direct to reduce customer costs. You can fax a drawing of the blades, dies, jaws or repair parts for your tube mills that you require. You will then receive a quote and will find that the pricing is competitive, with a fast turnaround time. When you receive the blades they will be flat within 0.002 and the surface of the blade will be extremely smooth, which will help the blade last longer. Randolph Tool also offers services such as resharpening of used blades and die jaws as well as precision machining, and uses only top-grade tool steel to produce the best industrial knives and die jaws in the business. Visit or email for more information.
Dietronic delivers eleven Antirust systems to Hierros Añón Group tube mills
(up to 255mm diameter), is currently being installed in Tumesa. The Dietronic Antirust system is now installed on more than 250 steel tube mills globally. It is designed to spray an accurate and precise amount of rust prevention oil on the product surface. This is done in-line and at full mill production speed with automatically adjusted application proportional to line speed. This means even if mill speed is changed the Antirust will always maintain the correct amount of oil sprayed in g/m². The benefit of this is total and accurate oil application with minimal usage resulting in fully protected products with minimal cost. Any oil over-sprayed or collected as mist is returned to the recycle tank and filtered multiple times before being pumped back to the main tank to be reused. This ensures minimal well as loss of coupling in the body and edges of the strip. These defects can therefore be detected early in the manufacturing process. A dynamic calibration can be realised at constant intervals during the control. The inspection mechanism will slide over a calibration table (in off-line position) in order to check all the settings. Sofratest’s software displays the results of the ultrasonic inspection in real-time. The traceability is ensured by production software, which creates complete and customisable inspection reports. Once the recording is completed, a profile file is created and stored. The system’s screen is remote
IN 2022 Tubos del Mediterráneo, SA (Tumesa) located in Valencia, Spain, installed a Dietronic Antirust 04 unit at one of its steel tube mills. The machine was operated over a period of two months to verify performance and ensure that the system would protect their products against rust in storage and transportation. After this successful installation an order was placed for ten more Antirust systems for tube mills in the same plant as well as mills installed in sister companies Perfiles Aragón (Peasa, Zaragoza) and Tubos de Legutiano (TLA, Vitoria). The new Dietronic systems were delivered on a schedule of one per month and immediately installed ready for commissioning. The final unit, an Antirust 12 system for larger pipes and profiles SOFRATEST designs and manufactures non-destructive testing (NDT) solutions, offering customised and adaptable equipment dedicated to SAW and ERW pipes inspection. To strengthen its presence in the NDT market, Sofratest is now part of Controle Mesure Systemes Group, which specialises in the manufacture of eddy current and ultrasonic NDT systems for tubes, pipes, plates, wires and rails. Sofratest’s ultrasonic system allow the inspection of strip before the process of forming and welding into ERW and SAW pipes. It detects lamination, or splitting, defects as
wastage and low environmental impact. Dietronic designs and manufactures precision lubrication systems for all kinds of metal processing applications including surface preparation/protection for tubes, pipes and profiles. It also has a full portfolio of machines for metal stamping/presswork applications. Hierros Añón SA manufactures and markets a wide variety of steel products. The company is based in Madrid, Spain. An order was placed for ten more Antirust systems for tube mills at a number of mills
Dietronic Srl
Strip lamination ultrasonic inspection for SAW/ERW pipes
Strip lamination ultrasonic inspection
to allow a global view of the inspection performed, allowing the necessary adjustments to be made in real-time. Sofratest will be at booth D42441 at the FABTECH Exhibition in Chicago, USA from the 11 to 15 of September 2023.
2023 11-14 September FABTECH Chicago, IL, USA 18-23 September EMO-Hannover Hanover, Germany
Advanced technologies to help produce high quality tubes and profiles in Australia
20-22 September Tube Southeast Asia Bangkok, Thailand
In addition, the project targets to obtain a green production certification for manufactured tubes thanks to regenerative systems and energy efficient motors to be installed at the Unanderra’s facility of Orrcon Steel. “We are proud to announce that Orrcon Steel will benefit from our advanced technologies which is a result of our continuous innovations, process know how and constant collaboration with tube makers,” highlights Luca Cagnolati, sales and marketing director at Fives OTO, a Fives’ subsidiary specialising in welded tube mills and automation equipment. “Our advanced technologies include a new loading carriage with integrated burr rotation to maximize productivity and increase operators’ safety, as well as a proprietary robotic packaging system, tailored made to fit the tube length and site layout,” he added. Robopack at the Unanderra’s facility of Orrcon Steel features a unique configuration modularity, having three robotic arms. It will bundle tubes correctly spaced and aligned guaranteeing high performance and flexibility.
FIVES has been entrusted by Orrcon Steel, part of BlueScope, to design, manufacture and supply a complete OTO tube mill in Unanderra, Australia, to serve the needs of the regional industry. The new mill will produce high quality tubes and profiles for residential, industrial and commercial buildings, as well as structural and architectural elements with strong aesthetic and geometrical advantages. Fives, together with its regional partner ProTube Engineering, will provide Orrcon Steel with a complete OTO tube mill line, from coil loading to an automatic packaging system for 10" diameter steel tubes. “We are building this line to contribute to the future needs of our people. We chose to work with Fives again due to its experience in turnkey projects and its proven track record that will guarantee high quality standards, sustainable production from the first day of commissioning and compliance with strict safety rules. We are confident that our cooperation will present outstanding results to our customers once the line is commissioned in early 2024,” said Tony Schreiber, general manager of Orrcon Steel.
3-5 October Tubotech 2023 São Paulo, Brazil
29 November – 1 December MTM Expo 2023 Shanghai, China
2024 8-11 January
Steel Fab Sharjah, UAE 25-28 March Global Industrie Paris, France
15-19 April Tube Düsseldorf Düsseldorf, Germany
15-19 April MACH 2024 Birmingham, UK
11-13 May China (Guangzhou) International Metal and Metallurgy Exhibition Guangzhou, China
A complete OTO tube mill will be built in Unanderra, Australia, to serve the needs of the regional industry
All shows are correct at the time of going to print, but are subject to change. Please check to ensure the event is going ahead
Plans for several installations and developments for MTM tube division during 2023
meet the growing demand for special products in the automotive industry and strengthen the company’s position in this key region. In the US, the installation of three A071 CS cutting machines is also scheduled – these new machines will enhance the quality and efficiency of production for existing lines. MTM 120 CS line – in addition to the cutting machines, a line dedicated to the production of tubes for the solar energy sector will also be installed in the US. This represents a step forward in MTM’s mission to promote a sustainable energy future. MTM 160 CS SPL line in Canada – the installation of a production line for Max OD 168.3 x 10mm tubes is planned. This new facility will serve the Canadian market by offering products that meet its specific needs. Mr Fassa said: “In addition to expanding our production activities, MTM Group is also concentrating on growing its team. Thanks to the positive market trends and our success, we have hired 10 new collaborators. These new hires cover various areas, including technical, commercial, project management and
MTM tube division has achieved excellent results in recent years, “thanks to the dedication of its team and the trust of its customers”, according to Lorenzo Fassa, MTM tube division’s sales director. This success has allowed the company to expand its presence in the tube market and to take on new challenges in innovative sectors. More projects are also in the pipeline in the coming months with a roundup below: An MTM 130 CS Special Line A production line for Max OD 127 x 10mm tubes will soon be launched in the US – this facility will enable MTM to supply specialised products for the US market, meeting the specific needs of local customers. An entry line MTM 060 SEL in Italy – a new project is underway for the installation of an entry line for the automotive sector. This new line will help the customer to improve plant productivity with innovative and high quality solutions. MTM 120 CS SPL complete line in Mexico – the installation of an innovative production line dedicated to high strength tubes for the automotive sector is in progress. This investment will
production departments. The company is committed to providing the necessary resources to support our expansion and maintain a high level of quality and service.” “We are also expanding our sales network through new agency relationships in Turkey, Brazil and India. At the same time, we will strengthen our partnerships with agencies already present in Europe, Spain, the Baltic countries, America, Canada, Mexico and Central America to reach new markets and provide assistance and support to customers in these regions.” The positive performance and future projects demonstrate MTM Group’s dedication to providing high-quality solutions in the most innovative sectors. “We are excited about the opportunities ahead and ready to face future challenges with determination and passion,” Mr Fassa concluded. MTM Group is focused on providing high-quality solutions in new sectors and in new territories
Officine MTM
Welded and seamless tube finishing lines tailored to specific customer requirements
size ranges from 5 to 250mm can be covered with the modular components. Combined with state-of-the-art, user friendly control and visualisation systems, the lines guarantee success in modern tube production and also meet increasing quality requirements, the company said. The entire production process can also be tracked and documented with practice-oriented Industry 4.0 intelligence.
automation. The lines are equipped with state-of-the-art Bültmann components in the areas of oiling, pointing, drawing, straightening, cutting, chamfering, NDT-testing and packaging. The company has been producing machinery for more than 50 years and aims to offer the highest product quality, which is necessary, for example, to supply the automotive sector. Bültmann finishing lines are individually tailored to the respective customer requirements and conditions on site and are designed to meet high performance requirements. Tube
BÜLTMANN finishing lines for welded or seamless tubes are designed to be efficient and operate with minimal manpower due to their high degree of
Bültmann has been producing tube machinery for more than 50 years
Bültmann GmbH
All-electric tube bender for Sharpe Products
you can imagine, such impressive repeat orders are an incredible testimony to the faith a customer places in our machine technologies, operating software and product support. The new 100mm Breeze machine will bring valuable extra capacity to one of our longest-standing customers in the US. Equipped with the latest version of our Unibend control system, it will deliver cycle time speed improvements in the region of 25 per cent compared to earlier versions. It also incorporates innovative new teach routines and simulation features.” The Breeze 100mm (maximum tube diameter) machine is one of Unison’s flagship models. The 100 mm Breeze offers rapid setup, fast tooling changes, rigid mechanical design and all-electric control for right-first-time repeat sub contract work, or immediately after producing a single trial part.
by Sharpe Products since 2003 and will be used to provide additional capacity for bending tubular components for the company’s customer base. Sharpe Products and UK-based tube bending machinery manufacturer Unison Ltd have a long history of working together. Sharpe’s president and CEO, Paul Krickeberg, was an early convert to the idea of all-electric tube bending and bought one of the very first British-built Unison Breeze machines in the US. “This latest Unison Breeze tube bending machine will help to support our ability to offer short lead times and consistent results – attributes that are essential to our customers,” said Mr Krickeberg. “We’ve worked with Unison for numerous years and look forward to installing this next generation machine at our plant.” “We’re absolutely delighted that Sharpe Products has chosen to purchase yet another Unison Breeze all-electric tube bending machine,” says Stuart Singleton, VP of Unison Tube LLC. “As
SHARPE Products, a US-based tube and pipe bending and tube laser cutting specialist, has ordered the all-electric Unison Breeze CNC tube bending machine that will form the centrepiece of Unison Tube LLC’s display at FABTECH in Chicago. The machine, a 100mm single-stack model, will be on display at Unison’s FABTECH booth D41930, after which it will be installed at Sharpe Products’ Wisconsin, US-based manufacturing plant. It will be the ninth Unison Breeze tube bender that has been purchased
Unison Tube LLC
Boehlerit is behind it
■ Many companies rely on Boehlerit‘s innovative technology to manufacture their products. The Styrian carbide specialist Boehlerit is guaranteed to be behind many products.
Mazak manufacturing vision at EMO 2023 THE Yamazaki Mazak stand at EMO 2023 will showcase a wide selection of machines that aim to enable users from across Europe to improve their productivity.
such as EV battery manufacturing, showcasing the new FSW-460V, a hybrid machine principally designed for automated friction stir welding while maintaining metal cutting capabilities. A new VCN series vertical machining centre equipped with high performance machining and the Mazak Ultraspindle to suit modern high-speed machining techniques will also be exhibited. The latest advanced Mazak laser cutting technology, the OPTIPLEX 3015 NEO will also be on display, featuring the latest beam-shaping technology and the newest MCT 3 cutting head with intelligent functions, including auto nozzle changing and auto focus distance. Stand visitors will also be able to view more information about Mazak iCONNECT, a new digital service for existing Mazak customers that has a suite of free services, including product manuals and e-learning,
to Mazak technology. The entry level machines, built in the UK and specifically developed for European machine tool users, include the CV5 500 5-axis machining centre and the new VCE-500 vertical machining centre. In addition, the stand will also display a high-performance turning centre from the QTE range of machines. Automation systems to increase productivity and mitigate the impact of skills shortages also form a key part of Mazak’s stand. A total of 12 integrated automation solutions will be on display capable of delivering increased machine uptime, greater production flexibility, improved operator utilisation and reduced costs – working towards the ultimate goal of increasing ROI and profitability. The solutions on the stand will include easy-to-program machine tending robots and more sophisticated automation to support the trend towards high-mix, low-volume manufacturing and the demand for 5-axis automation. Mazak will also include new machining solutions for rapidly growing industries,
Located in hall 15, stand B14, Mazak will be showcasing a total of 19 machines and 12 automation systems to include both machine tool and laser technologies, live cutting demonstrations, advanced software solutions and the latest developments in its Smooth Ai control software. Visitors can register for complimentary tickets courtesy of Mazak, as well as schedule appointments on the Mazak stand via the website: discover. Mazak will focus on offering solutions to the major challenges that face machine users – from productivity improvement through to skills shortages, energy prices, wage inflation, increased competition and a focus on the environment. Mazak will demonstrate entry-level machines that increase productivity and competitiveness as a key theme, particularly for machine users new
Yamazaki Mazak
Eddy current and ultrasonic rotary inspections from CMS
probes, located inside the head, rotate around the product to detect longitudinal defects. The inspection is carried out with a helical pitch. With the user-friendly Zet@Setting software and CMS’s eddy current electronics Zet@Master, the results of the inspection are displayed in real-time. The traceability is ensured by production software, which creates complete and customisable inspection reports. RotoUTscan, the ultrasonic rotary head, detects internal and external defects of any orientation while simultaneously performing dimensional measurements (ID, OD and wall thickness). The system can inspect products with diameters ranging from 4 to 450mm. Ultrasonic transducers are rotating in immersion at speeds up to 8,000rpm around the inspected product. This latter moves in translation through
CONTROLE Mesure Systemes Group has been operating as a manufacturer of eddy current and ultrasonic non destructive testing equipment for more than 35 years. The company is composed of Controle Mesure Systemes, Sofratest (specialising in UT for ERW and SAW pipes) and CMS Inc (the US division). CMS designs and manufactures a range of customised and turnkey solutions to inspect tubes, bars, wires, plates and rails. RotoETscan, the eddy current rotary head, detects surface and subsurface longitudinal defects at high speeds on products with diameters ranging from 0.8mm to 220mm. Often installed directly on the production line, the inspection speed reaches up to 6m/s. During the inspection, the product moves in translation through RotoETscan. Two or four eddy current
Eddy current and ultrasonic combined inspection bench
RotoUTScan. The combination of transducers rotating, and the product translation, results in an inspection with a helical pitch. The transmission of the signal between the stator and rotor is contactless by capacitive module. An ultrasonic electronic MultiUTscan, which work up to 20KHz, allows high speed inspection with good repeatability. The alarms are set on supervision software Probus. At the end of the production, it automatically creates complete and customisable inspection reports to ensure traceability. CMS will be at booth D42441 at the Fabtech Exhibition in Chicago, USA from the 11 to 15 September 2023.
Controle Mesure Systemes
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Schweißen & Schneiden 11-15 Sep 2023 Booth 4B07 Essen, Germany Fabtech 11-14 Sep 2023 Booth B10047 Chicago, USA ADIPEC 2 - 5 Oct 2023 Booth 9574 Abu Dhabi, UAE Visit us at these upcoming trade shows:
More than 40 Years of Experience
GET YOUR SOLUTION 3R solutions Kleistr. 39 59073 Hamm Germany
+49 2381 9724 710
> API ERW Tube Mills > Automatic Strip Joint Benches > Strip Accumulators > Cut-Off Units > End Facing Units > Hydrostatic Tube Test Units > Threading Units > Non-Distructive Control Systems
FIMI is able to design, manufacture and install plants for the production and the finishing of tubes in the range from 13 up to 508 mm API diameter, manufacturing them according to production speeds and thicknesses to customer specifications. FIMI provides machines for the finishing of steel tubes, with a range from 19 to 608 mm in diameter, for thicknesses from 0.5 to 20 mm and lengths from 3 to 15 m, both in-line and off-line.
> Tube Packing Systems > Tube Handling Systems
FIMIGroup will exhibit at: FABTECH | 11-14, September | Chicago, IL - USA | Hall D - Stand D42460 ALUEXPO | 12-14, October | Istanbul, Turkey | Hall 3 - Stand A046 BLECHEXPO | 07-10, November | Stuttgart, Germany | Hall 10 - Stand 10206
International decision makers and experts set to attend Tube 2024 in Düsseldorf
is the special area for plastic tubes in hall 1. Forming and bending technology will be found in halls 5 and 6 and pipe processing technology in halls 6 and 7a. Machinery and equipment will be in hall 7a. Hall 7 is again reserved for Chinese pipe producers and pipe processors. wire 2024 will occupy exhibition halls 9 to 17. Wire, cable, wire products and technologies are scheduled in halls 9 to 12 and hall 15; China’s expertise will be found in hall 14; and hall 16 will be a special venue for fastening and fixing technologies and for spring making technology, including end products such as screws, grooves, eyelets and technical springs. Heavy, space consuming mesh welding machines will be located in the central hall 17.
at show organiser Messe Düsseldorf. In addition to themes such as machinery and equipment for wire, cable and tube production, processing and end products, wire and Tube place a strong focus on topics that include stainless steel, hydrogen, plastic tubes, cutting and slitting technologies and e-mobility. In addition, fastening and joining technologies, spring manufacturing technology and glass fibre technologies are gaining increasing interest. The main industries involved are the chemical, oil & gas sectors, the automotive industry, the construction sector and the entire telecommunications sector. Tube 2024 will occupy halls 1 to 7a. Tube accessories, tube manufacturing and the tube trade will be located in halls 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7a. A new feature
Gain the cutting edge. WITH more than 2,000 exhibitors from 65 countries, the wire and Tube 2024 events will once again assert their positions as the leading international trade fairs for the key industries of tubes, pipes, wires and cables and their associated industries. More than 100,000m 2 of the Düsseldorf fairgrounds will be occupied, as global trade visitors arrive at the event. Exhibitors come mainly from the strong European production countries, the USA, Central and South America, Asia and Africa. “The Düsseldorf trade fair venue is the absolute front-place for the wire and Tube sectors when it comes to presenting innovations from the relevant industries to a broad, international audience,” said Daniel Ryfisch, director of the wire/Tube and flow technologies
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
• 2D, 3D and tube fibre laser cutting machines from Europe • Accessible high power and high performance • American-made nLIGHT fibre lasers • Advanced Lantek CAD/CAM nesting software • From the exclusive Nukon distributors for the UK and Ireland Contact us now to discuss your needs: +44 (0) 1723 582 868 I
F OREVER Shijiazhuang Forever Machinery Co., Ltd.
F OREVER Shijiazhuang Forever Machinery Co., Ltd.
HF Tube/Pipe Mill Line Cold Roll Forming Machine Slitting Line and Cut-to-length Line Directly Forming to Square and Rectangular Tube Mill Line Tube/Pipe Mill Line ld Roll Forming Machine tting Line and Cut-to-length Line ectly Forming to Square and Rectangular Tube Mill Line
Combilift to introduce latest of five new models at FABTECH 2023 as it marks 25 years
demand from companies wanting to ensure that their carbon footprint is reduced while benefitting from powerful and productive performance alongside emission-free and quiet operation. Advances in battery technology have enabled Combilift to offer ever increasing lift capacities, an example of which is the heavy-duty C10,000XLE, with high ground clearance and roomy cab. Safety is also a priority and there has been a move towards replacing ride-on forklifts with pedestrian operated stacker trucks as these are safer, particularly when working alongside pedestrians. Combilift will be exhibiting its Combi WR4 multidirectional reach stacker and the Combi-CS counterbalance stacker, which both incorporate a feature common to all Combilift walk behind models; its
COMBILIFT, a manufacturer and global supplier of customised handling solutions, is marking its 25 th anniversary by introducing five new models throughout the year. Following on from the debut of the compact Combi-CUBE in April and the 15,500lb lift capacity Combi-CB15-5E in May, a further innovation will be unveiled on the first day of Fabtech at 11am at booth A2959. Combilift’s products, which have lift capacities from 2,000lbs to over 220,000lbs, are all designed for the safe, space saving and productive handling and storage of the various loads typically handled in the fabricating sector, many of which are long and bulky. The focus of the dozen exhibits spread across two stands is on electric powered products, which are increasingly in
Combilift is marking its 25 th anniversary by introducing five new models this year
patented offset tiller arm, which means that operators are no longer required to be in the dangerous “crush zone” behind the truck. Combilift will also be exhibiting at EMO in Hannover, 18 to 23 September in hall 6, stand C100.
Since 1978
40 years of field experience
Tube mill & finishing line pro ducing API 4” to 24” O.D x 20t
pipes, developed w ith adva nc ed
tec hnolog y and v erified th ro ugh c ontinuous R&D based on exte nsiv e field ex perienc e accumulated over 40 years in the tube mill & finishing line.
We provide API, high-strength and high-end tube mill line and an advanced finishing line alongside the latest technology on a turnkey basis. · Tube Mill Line capability of Manufacturing up to 24” · 6-Roll, 7-Roll, and 10-Roll Straightening Line · Max. 2-Head Automatic End Facing & Bevelling M/C · Max. 5-Head, 700bar Hydrostatic Tester · Automatic and Semi-automatic Bundling M/C · Related Equipment and Facilities to Comply with API Standards
4” ~ 8” O.D, Up to 18mm wall thickness TUBE MILL LINE
5” ~ 12” O.D, Up to 16mm wall thickness TUBE MILL LINE
12” ~ 24” O.D, Up to 20mm wall thickness TUBE MILL LINE
BAEKCHUN PRECISION CO., LTD. 252, beoman-ro, Sosa-gu, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea.
E-mail :
Homepage :
Tel : +82 31 313 7151~3
Fax : +82 31 313 2305
New Zealand company adds Unison all electric tube bender TOTAL Hydraulic
Solutions Ltd (THS) of Rotorua, New Zealand, has purchased a brand new all-electric Breeze 65mm single-stack tube bending machine from UK-based Unison Ltd. THS modifies new excavators from leading global brands such as John Deere,
Caterpillar, Hyundai and Kobelco to accept forestry harvesting equipment and also provides a wide range of maintenance and support services for users of hydraulic equipment. THS’s new Unison Breeze machine will be used to manufacture small batch runs of heavy gauge tubular components from either stainless steel, black schedule steel or carbon steel. It will replace an older hydraulic tube bender. While visiting Unison Ltd for factory acceptance testing of his company’s new Unison Breeze machine, Total Hydraulic Solutions Ltd’s joint owner, Andy Bedford, said: “The obvious question people will ask is why we chose to travel halfway around the world to buy a new tube bender. The fact is, after considering machines from several manufacturers and dismissing those which failed to meet our exacting requirements for quality, reliability, repeatability and support, we were directed to the Unison website by a company we know and respect in Australia. “A conversation with Unison’s sales projects manager, Steve Chambers, then followed. Steve clearly understood our need for a robust single-stack machine that offered easy setup, rapid programming and fast tooling changes – all essential as, with small production runs, we typically need to change bend tooling up to 20 times a day. In our busy manufacturing facility, the near-silent operation of an all-electric machine was also highly appealing. Unison also offered to adapt our existing tooling so it could be used on our new Breeze machine.” The 65mm Breeze offers rapid setup, fast tooling changes, rigid mechanical design, and all-electric control for right-first time repeat subcontract work, or immediately after producing a single trial part. “It was a pleasure to assist THS in purchasing a new all electric tube bender that will fulfil both its current and future tube bending needs,” said Mr Chambers. “We look forward to commissioning the new Breeze machine in Rotorua and training the THS team in its use. Going forward, the business will also benefit from first-class support from our regional representatives, as well as from our UK HQ.”
Unison Tube LLC
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Open house dedicated to innovation and research to be held at BLM Group HQ
September 20 to 4 October) to welcome its customers. The open house event is called Innova, which places a strong focus on the company’s devotion to technological innovation. This year’s theme is: “Vision. Technology. Solution.” These three concepts represent the technological development path that BLM Group aims for. The event occupies a total exhibition area of more than 10,000m 2 divided into four main tech hubs, where attendees will have the opportunity to get hands-on with the latest innovations on the group’s various technologies (laser tube, sheet laser, 3D laser cutting cells, tube benders, wire benders, sawing machines and tube shapers) and all the software solutions of the BLMelements suite. At Innova, attendees will also find specific areas dedicated to research and development and the wide range of services offered by the group: maintenance, technical assistance, training and BLMportal. During the event, guests will also have the opportunity to interact with industry experts, who will guide them through the exhibition spaces to help identify the most suitable solution for their needs.
AT its headquarters in Levico Terme, Italy, BLM Group is offering customers the opportunity to attend the latest edition of its open house event. The group, which produces tube and sheet metal processing machines, is opening the plant doors for two weeks (20 BLM Group, which produces tube and sheet metal processing machines, is opening the plant doors for two weeks
BLM Group
100% made in Italy
TCT, HSS, Segmental, friction and band saw blades for steel, non ferrous metals and alloys; Diameter 80÷3200 mm - Kerf 1,2 ÷ 14 mm - Pitch 6 ÷ 180 mm
innovative technology
Speeding up tube and pipe production
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Leveraging innovation: how automation in pipe spool fabrication boosts productivity
resulting in a significantly improved fit during assembly. Fewer field failures and leakages reduce maintenance costs and potential reputational damage. From a safety perspective, automation reduces the risks associated with manual labour, such as handling heavy pipes and operating dangerous machinery. This improved safety can contribute to lower insurance premiums and compliance-related fines, further augmenting the bottom line. The journey towards automation is not without hurdles. Executives should consider the high initial investment and the need for employee training. In addition, the risk of job displacement may present challenges. However, the right strategy, including potential re skilling initiatives and a gradual transition plan, can help mitigate these issues. 3R solutions can act as consultants for this planning, by creating a concept layout that meets each customer’s individual requirements, including the selection of the optimal machines. In a second stage they can act as general contractors, handling the purchase, delivery and commissioning of the equipment, as well as coordinating the different OEMs in their installation and operator training activities. In the grander scheme, the ROI offered by automation in pipe spool fabrication is compelling. Higher output, improved quality and safer operations position companies favourably for growth. It also aligns with the industry’s push towards sustainability, given the reduced waste. In summary, the forward-thinking C-level executive will recognise the iMT Taiwan is set to drive greater multinational trade across East Asia and its neighbouring markets. Organised by Kaigo Co Ltd, its president, Gerd Keim said: “the global market confidence in the potential of Taiwan’s metal industry stems from its future-forward metal businesses that deliver quality solutions reliably and in tune with technological advancements sought-after by various industry
AS we venture into an era marked by digital transformation and heightened competition, executives in the manufacturing sector are seeking innovative strategies to maintain competitive advantage and drive growth. One such strategy is the implementation of automated fabrication methods in pipe spool fabrication, promising not only enhanced productivity but also potential for significant cost reduction. 3R solutions, based in Germany, has assisted clients around the world in this endeavour for more than 40 years. Traditionally, pipe spool fabrication – the process of assembling prefabricated components like flanges, elbows, and pipes – has been manual, time consuming and prone to human errors. This paradigm, however, is undergoing a tectonic shift with the integration of automation. The massive advantage that fabrication automation offers lies in its operational efficiency. By leveraging high-speed, automated machinery that can cut, bevel and weld pipes with precision, production rates surge while minimising errors. Reduced waste and rework translate directly to cost savings. In combination with a dedicated fabrication control system, such as the software suite by 3R solutions, automation also brings a new level of precision to pipe spool fabrication. By providing the relevant fabrication data in digital format, the variability introduced by manual intervention is eliminated or at least reduced. This exactness ensures every fabricated pipe spool aligns with the defined specifications, THE International Metal Technology Taiwan (iMT Taiwan) returns in 2023 at a new venue in central Taipei. Now centrally located at the convenient Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, iMT Taiwan 2023 will deliver a useful business platform over three days from 18 to 20 October 2023. As metal processing is the foundation of all heavy industries, and is one Taiwan’s most strategic industries,
potential of automation in pipe spool fabrication. The implementation of such advanced technologies serves as a testament to a company’s commitment to innovation and efficiency, building investor confidence. The result is a business model that not only meets the growing demands of the market, but also drives bottom-line growth, making automation an indispensable part of the future of pipe spool fabrication. 3R solutions will be present at FABTECH in Chicago, USA, Schweissen and Schneiden in Essen, as well as ADIPEC in Abu Dhabi. Its staff will be happy to answer any questions about the benefits that automation can bring.
3R solutions International Metal Technology Taiwan returns
verticals with niche engineering and production demands.” Taiwan has a strong technological infrastructure and skilled workforce, enabling expertise in precision engineering, advanced manufacturing processes and cutting-edge technology.
International Metal Technology Taiwan
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