TPT July 2011
стандарту API 5L, обеспечивая комплексную поставку оборудования и технологий для самых ответственных проектов во всем мире. Tri tool为国际陆上管道提供重要的解决方案 TRI Tool ServicesSM提供国际关键任务支持,如阿曼主要石油生产商的设备安装启用。这个两年的 项目需要多层次的支持,包括定制设备设计、设备物流,和专业的客户培训,连同现场机械加工和 项目协调人员。 面临石油运输问题的客户将需要先进的技术支持。在原油里的腐蚀性硫化氢成份,与热和摩擦因素 结合,会从化学上和机械上腐蚀和溶解管道内孔表面。这一损坏每年加起来能达到一英寸多,而且 在一些情况下,理论上可能比原壁厚还大。解决这一问题的方法是在碳钢管内径孔内全部衬上均匀 的被证明具有耐酸性和焊接性的因科镍 625涂层。 这要求焊接端准备来确保用因科镍焊丝焊接接缝时,根部焊道能提供一个连续的抗腐蚀面。因科镍 焊缝要求极高的精度而且将被使用的管线截面众所周知应有非常严格的失圆度条件。 为该项目选的设备是Tri Tool的PFM 816 PIpipemaster®,通用的Model 224B Bevelmaster®,和新 设计的Tri Tool®激光器尺寸标注系统。管线截面端是由配有外径跟踪系统的PFM 816精密钻内径孔 至均匀壁厚的。 管端被检测、编入索引和被编录,用于与Tri Tool的新激光器尺寸标注系统相配的孔。在使用Model 224B焊接前,立即进行焊接端准备。Tri Tool还对实施移动焊接站提供帮助,能可靠的定位生产设 备,来实现最佳的焊接准备和焊接周期。 Tri Tool能支持所有API 5L管道操作,结合多学科机器和服务技术,用于世界上任何地方的高要求应 用。 Tri Tool Inc – 英国 Fax: +1 (916) 288 6159 Email: Website: - - - - - - - TMK acquires stake in Volgograd River Port TMK, one of the world’s leading oil and gas steel pipe producers, has acquired a 25.5% stake in the Volgograd River Port from the Russian State. TMK won an auction held by Russia’s Federal Prop- erty Management Agency on March 16, 2011. OAO Volgograd River Port includes several ports along the Volga River. The transaction was valued at approximately RUB 113 million (approximately USD 3.9 million). “The acquisition of a stake in the Volgograd River Port will allow TMK to improve logistics efficiency at its largest facility, the Volzhsky Pipe Plant, which is located in direct proximity to this transport hub,” said Alexander Shiryaev, TMK CEO. “It will also open up additional opportunities to ship our OCTG and line pipes to oil and gas fields in the Caspian Region, which is one of our key markets.” TMK is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of steel pipes for the oil and gas industry, op- erating 23 production sites in the United States, Russia, Romania and Kazakhstan. TMK has the world’s largest steel pipe production capacity, about half of which is dedicated to the production of high margin oil country tubular goods (OCTG). In 2010, TMK’s pipe sales totaled approximately four million tonnes, shipped to customers in more than 65 countries. TMK’s ordinary shares are listed on Russia’s RTS and MICEX stock exchanges. Its GDRs are traded on the London Stock Exchange, and its ADRs on the OTCQX International Premier trading platform in the United States.
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