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wiredInUSA - March 2014


Delhi Metro has become the country’s first

mass transit system to install solar power plants

on the roofs of its stations. The first 500KW roof

top solar power plant is under construction

at Dwarka Sector 21 metro station and is

expected to be functional within six months.

A power purchase agreement (PPA) for the

plant was signed between Delhi Metro Rail

Corporation (DMRC) and the developer, a

multinational firm engaged in the installation

and production of solar power worldwide, in

the presence of DMRC’s managing director,

Mangu Singh and other officials.

DMRC will pay for the units generated by the

plant while the capital investment is provided

by the developer. The power produced will

meet the power requirements of the station.

“After the installation of this roof top plant,

Delhi Metro will also explore the possibility

of installing more such plants at its stations,

depots, parking lots as well as residential

complexes,” said executive director of

corporate communication, Anuj Dayal.

In 2011, DMRC was certified by the UN as the

first metro rail and rail-based system in the

world to earn carbon credits for reducing

greenhouse gas emissions.


Solar station power