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wiredInUSA - August 2014



“The internal frame was designed, fabricated

and installed around a tubular steel skeleton.

A tubular steel secondary frame carried the

many brackets to which the stainless steel

‘skin’ was attached using C50L fasteners,”

explainedJohnRickers, systems development

manager at Alcoa Fastening Systems.

“The C50L’s powerful clamp strength

combined with Huck’s hydraulic tooling

enabled the sheet to be immediately

shaped into place during installation, thus

eliminating the additional time it would

have taken using a conventional nut and

bolt system. Not only did the solution meet

the mechanical requirements of holding

everything in place, but the fasteners were

quick and easy to install.”

David Tyas, managing director at Permalok

Fastening Systems, added: “The C50L

lockbolt is historically a heavy industry

fastener, and this application showcases

the enormous strength of the product – as

shown in its ability to bend the sheets to the

supporting frame – and the ease with which

it can be installed. It is also interesting to see

how the fastener has been incorporated

into the aesthetics of the sculptures.”



fastener is a key component in amajor

Scottish construction project. Photographs

courtesy of

Cable labels take the heat

UK labelling manufacturer Silver Fox has

reported positive results from recent

high temperature tests on its printed

labels. The tests, carried out by the UKAS

certified Environmental Test Services over

a three-month period, were performed

in accordance with the test specification

MIL-STD-202G, method 108A.

The resulting certificate relates to the white,

yellow, blue and red Fox-Flo UV-stable LSZH

tie-on cable label.

When tested, Silver Fox’s Fox-Flo labels

showed no change after being subjected

to a temperature of 70ºC for 500 hours.

The labels continued to perform well when

subjected to a temperature of 85ºC and at

100ºC for 500 hours, with only the white label

becoming “a shade darker” according

to testers, with the same observation after

exposure to 100ºC for 1,000 hours.

Nick Michaelson, CEO of Silver Fox, said:

“These labels are used in the energy,

power, rail and data and telecoms

industries worldwide, often in demanding

conditions where they can experience high

temperatures, so it’s important that the labels

are tested thoroughly to ensure that they’ll

perform well under ‘real world’ conditions.”

Offshore fasteners

Measurement technology is being adopted

across a number of major offshore oil and

gas projects in an effort to extend the life of

essential platforms. Work is underway on the

re-fit of measurement fasteners on existing