WCA November 2019
Technology news
Rod PDH coating: 100 per cent dry, not measurable drawing die wear at extreme speed Advertorial on behalf of Decalub
The PDH rod dry coating and wire lubrication system is rapidly improving the current state of rod preparation and wire drawing, enabling process users to achieve substantial cost saving in the production of drawn wire, including spring wire, PC strand wire, plating wire, cold-heading wire, CO 2 welding wire, etc. The PDH system enhances wire drawing performance by eliminating dramatic issues related to friction heat, benefiting from the most unique fully controlled extremely sensitive five-way interaction between the five most important lubrication parameters, including lubricant pressure steplessly adjustable up to 350 bars/5,000psi, viscosity, thermal stability, lubricant melting temperature and lubricant full film thickness. All these variables are continuously and automatically controlled, all communicating together which enables controlled fusion of borax- free powders until lubricant melting point is attained at a temperature range of 195°C to 240°C/374°F to 464°F for high carbon wire drawing applications, thus instantly creating a high-performance residual dry coat that reduces die wear to an unmeasurable level (about 0.2 micron per tonne of drawn wire), meaning the burnt lubricant issues and rapid
❍ Wire rod coating and lubrication by PDH system die wear are totally eliminated. Benefiting from the lubricant five-way interaction control, the PDH rod dry coating can be used with a customised next-generation white graphite powder, easily formulated for the application on-site within one hour, that creates a high-performance full-film anti-friction conversion coating, performed at zero energy consumption, that is found to perform
compatible to or better than zinc phosphate or any other in-line wet pre-coating chemical. Applications include all plain carbon wires up to 0.98 per cent carbon, mechanically descaled or acid cleaned, coated or uncoated, drawn at extreme speed. Decalub – France Email : info@decalub.com Website : www.decalub.com
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2019
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