WCA November 2018
wire India 2018 27-29 November for the wire and cable industry. The focus of the products is on complete taping lines with taping materials, eg PTFE, Kapton, Mica, paper or metal. This is also for producing special cables for medical, aircraft or power applications. The product range covers single components like pay-offs, capstans, caterpillars, sintering ovens and take-ups, up to complete rewinding lines and fine wire drawing lines for non-ferrous materials. With a new drive concept, Lukas ensures a further improvement of quality in the taping technology: Undesirable effects may occur occasionally in taping units, due to frictional wear on moving parts of the force transmission (eg drive belts), especially when using certain taping materials. These effects appear as an ‘undulation’ of the diameter of the finished wire product. Lukas has now developed a new drive concept that reduces these effects to a minimum. A hollow shaft drive together with a lightweight carbon head improves the running qualities so that frictional wear is reduced and – as a positive side-effect – the production speed can be significantly increased. Additionally, the design of the components has been revised for easier handling and better serviceability. Lukas Anlagenbau GmbH – Germany Website : www.lukas-anlagenbau.de Paramount Die is a large supplier of carbide wire dies to the global wire drawing industry, and delivers quality dies and new technology. Paramount has introduced several products that have become wire industry standards or best practices, and continues to innovate. The wire die systems developed by the company have contributed to faster wire drawing speeds, and improved wire quality and productivity throughout the industry. ❍ Paramount has introduced several products that have become wire industry standards Paramount Die Stand: B135/C121
The Paraloc pressure system is a widely used pressure die system. Paramount works to promote sustain- ability by having customers return their used carbide dies to be remanufactured in the company’s fully automated mass production process. In addition to standard dies, Paramount supplies and develops intermediate and large dies, and is working to develop new technologies that will deliver higher value to die users. All of these factors allow Paramount to deliver high quality wire dies to wire drawers across the globe. With an eye toward the future, Paramount continues to improve die quality and develop new technologies to maximise the value Rosendahl Nextrom will once again be part of wire India and show the latest developments in the following areas: • LAN cable production line • Solar cable production line, in co-extrusion as well as tandem extrusion • High-speed house wiring lines with speeds of up to 1,500mpm • Manufacturing solutions for fibre optic cables such as loose tubes, SZ–stranding, jacketing and tight buffer • Fibre draw towers of up to 3,000mpm and a maximum preform size of up to 8.8m (including handle) • VAD/OVD preform technology Rosendahl Nextrom GmbH – Austria Website : www.rosendahlnextrom.com Effective maintenance and repair for wire drawing die moulds is important to decrease the cost of wire drawing. Due to the vibration of the wire, the die compression zone area is the first to produce slight ring wear, which then expands to the sizing area, resulting in a decline in quality of wire rod performance. Serious wear and tear can lead to moulds producing transverse cracks (mainly in soft wire drawing) or longitudinal cracks appearing in the control of hard wire. In general, small polishing of ring wear can be used to restore or slightly returned to wire drawers. Paramount Die – USA Website : www.paradie.com Rosendahl Nextrom Stand: G55 Shree Mahalaxmi Die Industries Stand: TBC
wire India 2018 - 7 th International Exhibition for the Wire & Cable Industry www.wire-india.com
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