WCA November 2018
Diary of Events, Industry News, Technology News, India Insight, Telecom News, From the Americas, wire India 2018 and Technical Article
8 Industry News 24 行业新闻 29 Technology News 36 技术与产品 40 India Insight 40 印度透视 42 Telecom News 44 通信新闻 45 From the Americas 49 来自美国的消息 51 wire India 2018 60 Editorial Index 60 通讯目录 60 Advertisers Index 60 广告索引
Technical Articles 56 Alternative to soldering: Back-cast resistance welding electrodes made of tungsten and copper ensure optimum current transfer 58 焊接新方案:钨和铜背铸电阻焊接 电极可确保最佳电流传输
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2018
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Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2018
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Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2018
Attention turns to India
Increased infrastructure spending and pollution cuts in neighbouring China have propelled Indian companies to be some of the best-performing industrial firms in the world over the last five years. Of the 15 best-performing stocks and shares over that period, eight are from India – home to some 1.3 billion people and Asia’s number three economy. China’s anti-pollution measures and India’s pledge to electrify even the remotest villages have all led to this boom within the industry. The details come from Tata Asset Management, which oversees $3 billion in equity funds (see page 40). It is perhaps fitting then that the industry focuses its attention on wire India, held in Mumbai, from 27 th to 29 th November. This exhibition has steadily grown over the seven times it has been staged. Machines and equipment, the latest technologies and services in the areas of wire and cable production and metallurgy will be presented over the three-day exhibition. Aside to this will be the first staging of the ‘Fastener Special Zone’ in India, where exhibitors of fastener technology will be part of their own special show, highlighting the interest in this sector of the industry.
Our coverage of wire India starts on page 51 and you can collect free copies of Wire & Cable ASIA and EuroWire , and sister publications Tube & Pipe Technology and Tube Products INTERNATIONAL, from our stands in the halls.
David Bell Editor
When and where
2019 28 February-2 March: TEL – trade exhibition – Istanbul, Turkey Organisers: Voli Fuar Hizmetleri Fax : +90 212 604 5051 Email : info@voli.com.tr Website : http://tel-fair.com
13-16 May: Interwire –
5-7 March: Cables 2019 –
27-29 November: wire India – trade exhibition – Mumbai, India Organisers: Messe Düsseldorf India Pvt Ltd Fax : +91 112 697 1746 Email : info@wire-india.com Website: www.wire-india.com
trade exhibition – Atlanta, Georgia, USA Organisers : Wire Association International Fax : +1 203 453 8384 Email : sales@wirenet.org Website : www.wirenet.org
conference and technical programme – Düsseldorf, Germany Organisers: AMI International Tel: +44 117 314 8111 Email : info@ami.international Website: www.ami.international
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2018
Photo credit: bigstockphoto.com “Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus” • Photographer FiledIMAGE
Industry news
❍ Investment is on the table for the Scunthorpe Rod Mill £50m investment from British Steel
significant role in major infrastructure projects such as HS2 and the Heathrow expansion. We continue to invest in our people and products, remain focused on reducing the cost of liquid steel and are growing into new markets across the globe. “With the support of our employees we’ve achieved a great deal in a short space of time and while a lot of hard work lies ahead, we’ve made significant progress towards building a sustainable future.” The £50 million wire rod investment will see a new modern wire rod line open at the company’s current Scunthorpe Rod Mill. It has been designed by Primetals which will also oversee its installation. The new operation is set to be commissioned in autumn 2019. British Steel – UK Website : www.britishsteel.co.uk
turnover was £1.4 billion compared to £1.2 billion in 2017. An EBITDA of £68 million pro-forma for 2018 excludes the £47m one-off cost of a blast furnace chill, for which the company is pursuing an insurance claim. More than 1,000 people have joined the business since its launch in June 2016. Employees are now receiving a staggered four per cent pay rise and have been allocated a further one million company shares. British Steel executive chairman Roland Junck said: “Our transformation remains firmly on track and continues apace with unprecedented levels of investment going into the business. “Our order book is strong and we have the capacity and capability to play a
BRITISH Steel reported a quarter one profit of £21m (EBITDA) and announced the biggest single investment in its manufacturing operations for a decade. In its second annual trading update, British Steel said its turnaround remains firmly on track, and reported: • A significant long-term investment plan to support the business for years to come • £50 million investment upgrading the Scunthorpe Rod Mill • Commitment of £40 million to other capital expenditure in the 2019 financial year to maintain and improve the existing asset base (£120m in the first three years of the business) • A further £500 million of projects are being pursued In the 2018 financial year, annual
Graphics bigstockphoto.com Artist Eky Studio
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2018
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WIRE DüSSELDORF CABWIRE Düsseldorf, Germany AMI CABLES Cologne, Germany EUROBLECH Hanover, Germany WIRE RUSSIA Moscow, Russia MADE IN STEEL Milan, Italy LAMIERA Bologna, Italy TEL Istanbul, Turkey WIRE CHINA Shanghai, China GUANGZHOU WIRE FAIR Guangzhou, China WIRE SOUTHEAST ASIA Bangkok, Thailand INDOMETAL Jakarta, Indonesia WIRE INDIA Mumbai, India TOLEXPO Paris, France WIRE SOUTH AMERICA São Paulo, Brazil IWCS Orlando, FL, USA INTERWIRE Atlanta, GA, USA WIRE EXPO Nashville, TN, USA STAINLESS STEEL WORLD Maastricht, The Netherlands
Photograph courtesy of Jiangsu Handing Machinery Co Ltd
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Industry news
Sampsistemi expands operations in China
acquisition of Setic and Pourtier, Sampsistemi has completed a three-year strategic initiative aimed at strengthening its leading position in the market and meeting the ongoing demand for a single source-provider, capable of supporting the clients with cutting-edge solutions. The new organisation will enhance our capability to provide products and services in China, the largest wire and cable market in the world.” Sampsistemi is a company of the Maccaferri Industrial Group, an international holding active in seven main sectors, boasting a turnover of €1.2 billion, 58 production plants and 4,600 employees worldwide. Sampsistemi – Italy Website : www.sampsistemi.com New director at Miltec Mark Walter has been appointed as the new director of engineering at Miltec UV. He brings over 20 years of extensive knowledge in microwave technology, plasma physics, engineering and leadership to the role. He obtained his Bachelor of Science in Physics Engineering from the US Military Academy, West Point. Miltec UV – USA Website : www.miltec.com
SAMPSISTEMI, part of the SAMP Group, has announced the expansion of its operations in the China-based subsidiary Sampsistemi (Shanghai) Co Ltd. As a result of the recent acquisition of Setic and Pourtier, two well-known French companies of the Gauder Group, Sampsistemi has decided to expand and strengthen its existing Chinese footprint. The plan is to expand the Setic plant in Changzhou, China, with a significant investment in infrastructure and enlargement of the whole production area. The plant, located in Xinbei District, covers an area of 6,400m 2 and is currently dedicated to the manufacturing of rotating machines and related equipment for the wire and cable industry. The expansion will increase the manufacturing area to 10,000m 2 , plus 2,600m 2 dedicated to office space. The unit will be equipped with assembly lines for wire and cable machinery and an enhanced R&D centre with a test lab. The consolidation of the production capacity into one location will allow the company to fully synergise the combined know-how and technologies, while providing greater value to its customers. Lapo Vivarelli Colonna, CEO of SAMP, said: “With the
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2018
Industry news
Planning underway for Interwire 2019
presentations focused on the convention theme “The Next Generation of Wire & Cable”; and for aluminium and copper continuous casting technical papers. WAI accepts online abstract submissions for both segments until 5 th November. The International Fastener Manufacturing Exposition (IFME) will co-locate with Interwire 2019. The IFME features machinery, materials, tooling, control systems, and support services for the design and manufacture of fastener or precision-formed parts for a broad range of applications. Regarding the co-location, IFME organiser Ray Zirkle said: “Although IFME is a new launch, we have been organising successful exhibitions concentrating on the machinery aspect of the fastener industry for over 35 years. “The name of this new event reflects our focus on, and dedication to, providing the machinery manufacturers a much higher profile than may be available elsewhere. “The decision to co-locate IFME in Atlanta, with Interwire 2019, is based in large part on previous successful co-locations and the synergy between the fastener and wire industries.” Wire Association International – USA Website : www.wirenet.org
PLANNING is well underway for the Wire Association International’s biennial Interwire, 89 th annual convention and the third global continuous casting forum at the Georgia World Conference Center, Atlanta, USA, next May. The convention and casting forum run from 13 th to 16 th May; exhibits for Interwire and the co-located International Fastener Manufacturing Exposition (IFME) run from 14 th to 16 th May in Hall A. Remarking on the co-location, WAI second vice president and Enkotec Co Inc president Jan Sørige said: “The rapid development of new manufacturing materials combined with the emerging opportunities that Industry 4.0 presents make this an incredibly exciting period for manufacturing that should be experienced first hand. These two events – staged under one roof – share a synergy that is emblematic of the next generation of manufacturing.” “For Interwire, 175 stands already have been allocated to 190 exhibiting companies,” said Bob Xeller, WAI’s director of sales. “We expect a sold-out floorplan by January 2019, which ensures that Interwire 2019 will uphold its earned reputation as the largest wire and cable marketplace in the Americas.” The WAI has issued calls for papers requesting
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2018
Industry news
50 years of innovation from Paramount
IN 1968, two brothers raised $750, bought some manual die lapping machines and set up shop in a shed behind their parents’ house. The company they founded, Paramount Die Company, is now a large supplier of finished carbide wire drawing dies, and is celebrating its 50 th anniversary. Paramount has introduced several of the wire industry’s ground-breaking innovations, according to the com- pany. One of its biggest innovations, the wire drawing die insert, has become a global standard. Significantly reducing the shipping cost of dies and making the manufacturing of dies easier to automate, the wire drawing insert has led to many transformations in the wire industry. No longer constrained by internal die shops or the need for local supply, wire drawers can now procure highly advanced and optimised wire dies from global die experts. In half a century, Paramount has evolved from a start-up operation to a large company in the industry, and maintains the culture of innovation that inspired its original success. In 1992, the current owner and president, Rich Sarver, took the lead. Working within his company, Mr Sarver has transformed Paramount from a regional die company, to the global organisation it is today. Compound acquisitions
❍ Rich Sarver, president and CEO of Paramount Die, right, celebrating his company’s 50 th anniversary with Friedrich Kehrer, global portfolio director metals and flow technologies at Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, at wire 2018 earlier this year
advances in material science and metrology, Paramount is exploring advanced coatings, grade developments and geometric optimisation. The company is developing the technologies which it expects will once again move the wire drawing die industry forward. Paramount Die Company – USA Website : www.paradie.com
In the early 90s Paramount developed the ParaLoc © pressure system. This innovation improved the wire drawing process by increasing lubrication and reducing drawing temperatures. ParaLoc made higher line speeds and drawing higher tensile materials possible. Moving into the future with even greater
aimed at increasing MCC’s footprint in the ASEAN medical market. MCC has stepped up its mergers and acquisitions activities in the performance polymer sector in recent months. Mitsubishi Chemical Corp – Japan Website : www.m-chemical.co.jp Contract for EHV LS Cable & System has won a contract worth $40 million to supply extra-high voltage cables in eastern India. The company said the contract with Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation is the largest project ever won by the company’s local subsidiary, LS Cable and System India. LS Cable & System – South Korea Website : www.lscns.com
Japanese materials supplier Mitsubishi Chemical Corp (MCC) has announced plans to buy the Indonesian PVC compound producer PT ABC Plastindo. Plastindo supplies products for various applications including automotive components, electronic cables and electrical appliances. MCC has thermoplastic elastomer and PVC compound production sites in Thailand, operating its business mainly for automotive application. With the acquisition of Plastindo, MCC expects to accelerate its business expansion into the automotive and electronic cable segments in the growing ASEAN region. In late June the company announced its acquisition of the India-based PVC compounder Welset Plast Extrusions Pvt Ltd,
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2018
Industry news
Alloy Wire flying high at Farnborough
ALLOY Wire International (AWI) headed to Farnborough International Airshow with its largest ever range of high temperature nickel alloys. The company, which enjoyed a 20 per cent surge in sales in 2017, showcased its Nimonic, Inconel, Waspaloy, Rene 41, Phynox (UNS R30003) and titanium material to manufacturers looking for high quality and reliable delivery for use across the aerospace sector, where the need for corrosion-resistant wire and bar is high. AWI’s new campaign – ‘Certainty in an Uncertain World’ – was also promoted, highlighting the firm’s ability to ‘make to order’ in just three weeks and its stock range that now exceeds 200 tonnes of more than 60 different alloys. “The aerospace sector represents a huge opportunity for us, with spring manufacturers using our wire to produce compression springs, tensions springs, torsion springs and formed parts for use in critically demanding environments like aircraft engines – where other wire just does not perform under such conditions,” said Angus Hogarth, sales director. He went on to add: “What we do really well is that we can produce any wire size between 21mm to 0.025mm to close tolerances. There has also been a lot of demand for wire that is certified to an increasing number of aerospace specifications, or produced to the customer’s own special material properties.” Operating across 55 countries worldwide, Alloy Wire has held the AS9100 Aerospace & Defense quality accreditation for over five years. All of its 60 different high performance alloys are DFARS and EU compliant and can be supplied in quantities from 3m to three tonnes. Jakarta plant venture LS Cable & System is to be part of a joint venture with the AG Group, which has a wide multi-sector presence in the Indonesian cable market. A press release said that LS signed an agreement with AG Group to jointly invest $40 million in the construction of cable plants near Jakarta, due for completion by 2019. The plants will produce overhead cables for infrastructure and low and medium voltage cables used for construction and plants, and are expected to generate around $100 million by 2025. The AG Group is described as among Indonesia’s top ten companies, active in banking, hotels, construction and resorts. LS Cable & System – South Korea Website : www.lscns.com Alloy Wire International – UK Website : www.alloywire.com
❍ High temperature alloys at Alloy Wire International
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2018
Industry news
Keeping pace with a Schuler press
LOCATED not far from the German city of Nuremberg, Waasner has been manufacturing electric motor laminations for more than 70 years. While the advent of e-mobility has given rise to an important new sales market, the motors made for electric cars are accompanied by stricter production requirements. To keep pace with these requirements, Waasner has placed an order for a Smartline EV 3.8 press from Schuler. Because lamination geometries are becoming increasingly complex in the quest to make motors more energy efficient, the number of stamping steps – and therefore the size of the progressive dies used – is also rising. At the same time, the outer diameter of the laminations is increasing to provide better motor performance. Today’s sophisticated stacking techniques for thin laminations also require greater die complexity and precision. To make matters even more challenging, there is a growing trend towards stamping laminations in two offset tracks, in order to save material and increase productivity. The result is the same all across the board: The presses require a bigger die installation area for the longer progressive dies (which in some cases are also twice as heavy) and must also satisfy extremely strict requirements for precision. The Smartline EV 3.8 features an upright opening measuring 3.8m and a press bed with a length of 3.7m, Pacific cable launch
❍ With its longer press bed, the Smartline EV 3.8 offers ample space, even for more complex progressive dies. Photograph courtesy of Schuler
processes sheet metal with a minuscule thickness of just 0.2mm. The overall result is higher levels of efficiency, lower eddy-current losses, and less electricity consumed as fuel. Schuler expects to deliver the system in the first half of 2019, and plans are already in the works for the purchase of another identical machine, leaving Waasner prepared for the future of electromobility. Schuler AG – Germany Website : www.schulergroup.com
suitable for clamping exactly these types of dies in place. The machine also offers the low deflection and superior precision found on systems with shorter press beds. Thanks to a slide guide without play and excellent stiffness characteristics, the press delivers precision within 100 th of a millimetre, even when running at several hundred strokes per minute. In progressive lamination stacking, precision also plays a major role because of its impact on energy efficiency. The Smartline EV 3.8
entities and public companies. Its anchor customers include Amazon Web Services, Vodafone, American Samoa Telecommunications Authority and Research, and Education Advanced Network New Zealand. The US territory of American Samoa will be connected from day one, and the cable has several stubbed branching units to enable its future connection to of New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga. Construction of the Hawaiki cable system, including the marine survey, design, manufacturing and cable laying, took 27 months, and was undertaken by USA-based TE SubCom. In Hawaii, the consortium selected DRFortress as its landing and operating partner, with a cable landing station located in Kapolei. Hawaiki Submarine Cable LP – New Zealand Website : www.hawaikicable.co.nz
A new trans-Pacific submarine fibre optic cable, connecting Australia and New Zealand to the USA mainland via Hawaii, has launched commercial operations. Hawaiki Submarine Cable LP, the independent consortium behind the $300 million project, said its 15,000km fibre optic cable represents a “new dawn” for digital communications in the region, delivering 43Tb of additional capacity. “This 25-year trans-oceanic infrastructure opens the door for unprecedented levels of economic, social and research collaboration right across the Pacific,” Hawaiki CEO Remi Galasso said in a statement. “Hawaiki is the fastest and largest cross-sectional capacity link between the USA, Australia and New Zealand. It will significantly enhance our connectivity to the rest of the world and, ultimately, improve the everyday lives of our communities.” The project has attracted support from government
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2018
Industry news
Global brand for Davis-Standard ❍ The new look and branding was first launched at the recent NPE exhibition
the world for equipment reliability and customer support, but we felt our brand wasn’t fully reflective of our standing in the industry,” he added. “We are leading the way in providing the solutions that help our customers be more competitive in today’s marketplace. We now have a brand that better speaks to that leadership. We have been on an upward trajectory and now is the time for our brand to embody what we have become, and still intend to become.” Kai Moellendorf, managing director of Davis-Standard’s subsidiary in Germany, added: “The new brand positively reflects the global nature of Davis-Standard and all the brands it represents. This includes our customer-centric focus at ER-WE-PA in Germany and Davis-Standard Limited in the UK. The tagline ‘Where your ideas take shape’ fits well with our objectives of developing polymer-processing solutions that optimise productivity and profitability. We aim to help customers create a better future with teamwork and collaboration.” The brand refresh includes a new logo – the first logo update in nearly 50 years – and a brighter image. It also includes an updated brand story, and a new website and customer experience. Davis-Standard LLC – USA Website : www.davis-standard.com
DAVIS-STANDARD, a provider of polymer processing equipment and customer support solutions, has revealed the next evolution of its global brand to European customers. The new identity and messaging strategy is designed to better express the company’s customer-centric and forward-looking business approach. It is also expected to provide customers and prospects worldwide with a more unified and compelling visual experience when interacting with Davis-Standard marketing and web resources. The previous Davis-Standard brand dates back to the 1950s-60s, when Ben Davis joined Standard Machinery Co to create the Davis-Standard name. The original company, Reliance Machinery Co, was founded in 1848 and manufactured cotton gins and paper binding machines. Extrusion was developed in the 1950s. “We previously branded ourselves as ‘The Global Advantage’, and we’ve executed that by expanding our global facilities and capabilities over the years. But now the focus is more squarely on helping our customers execute, to better understand their requirements, to build stronger relationships and trust, and to provide the best total solutions,” said Jim Murphy, president and CEO. “Davis-Standard is recognised all over
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2018
Industry news
NDC Technologies recertifies to new ISO 9001:2015
9001:2015 provides a clear framework for organisations to have a more robust but flexible management system. Obtained through thorough external audits performed by an independent accredited registrar company, the certification helps organisations develop a management system that aligns with their broader business strategy. The updated standard contains key updates including an emphasis on risk-based thinking to enhance the process approach, improve services and increase leadership. NDC offers a diverse range of measurements such as moisture, oil, protein and other constituents in food, tobacco and bulk materials; film thickness and coating weight in extruded films and converted products; dimensional measurements for cable and tube products; and flatness, length and speed, thickness and width of metal products. NDC’s Industry 4.0 instrumentation and productivity-en- hancing process analytics software helps customers improve product quality, increase productivity and realise
NDC TECHNOLOGIES has successfully recertified to the new ISO 9001:2015 standard. The audit encompassed the complete value chain, from development and production to sales. This certification applies to NDC’s corporate headquarters in Dayton, Ohio, USA, and centres of excellence in Irwindale, California, USA, and Maldon, UK. “This latest certification supports NDC’s commitment to providing the highest level of customer satisfaction,” said Andy Hall, quality and compliance director at NDC. “We have made some significant advancements in our organisation over the past few years and we are delighted that our continued hard work has been recognised. “We strive to exceed our customers’ expectations in all facets of our business and this recertification reflects our ongoing commitment.” Published in September 2015, ISO 9001:2015 places notably higher requirements on companies than the previous version of the standard. As the leading standard for quality management, ISO
bottom-line advantages. NDC Technologies – USA Website : www.ndc.com
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2018
Mumbai, India
27 th - 29 th November 2018 www.wire-india.com
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Industry news
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Stranding the Jiangsu way!
Wire plating plant
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❍ Planetary stranding machine from Jiangsu Handing Machinery
cage ranges from six to 36, with a maximum of 96 for armouring. Stranding bobbin dimensions range from 400 to 1,000mm flange diameter for standard machines. Special designs are available with up to 4,500 mm flange diameter. The bearing system with the stranding cage is supported on under-roller bearings. Compact design with the stranding cage is supported by bearings housed in the main drive stand and the outer bearing support stand. Pre-forming heads suit all product construction, while die holders can be electronically or manually adjusted. Cage-type stranding machines can be supplied with the following additional assemblies: lubricating equipment, bitumen and chalk applicators, bobbin loading systems, basket-type cable pay-offs and take-ups, tape applicators and yarn applicators. Double-capstan haul-offs with capstan diameters up to 5,000mm and pulls up to 500 kN depending on machine configuration are designed as brake-controlled haul-offs with integral load cells. Jiangsu Handing Machinery Co Ltd – China Website : www.handingmachinery.com
PLANETARY stranding machines with back-twist are used to strand non-rotating cable, or high-tensile or hard drawn round wires. The machines are completed with pay-offs, take-ups, haul-offs, die stands and other ancillary equipment assemblies. Depending on the technological requirement, the machines comprise one or more cages. The bobbins are accommodated in the cages in cradles. The number of bobbins accommodated in each stranding cage depends upon the arrangement of the cages and is tailored to the specifics of the technological requirement. These machines are mainly used for the manufacture of OPGW and fibre optic submarine cable, overhead lines and conductors, armoured cable, signal cable and special cables. Pay-offs are for bobbins with a flange diameter of up to 4,500mm and a capacity of up to 80 tonnes, and are placed between pintles without centre shaft, stationary or traversing type. There is no requirement for a special foundation, driven dancer or drum-fill monitored brake control. For the stranding of profiled wires, stranding cages can be operated without back-twist (0 per cent). The number of bobbins per stranding
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Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2018
m 斯肯索普线材轧机厂的投资已提上日程
British Steel 的 5000 万英镑投资 已有 1000 多人加入。目前,员工的薪资 已大幅上涨 4% ,并且还额外分配了 100 万的公司股票。 British Steel 执行主席罗 兰·容克( Roland Junck )表示:“我们 的转型仍在稳步推进,并以前所未有的 业务投资水平继续快速推进。” 在与政府和其他利益相关方进行积极谈 话,并且对我们的未来充满信心。”
British Steel 公布其第一季度的利润为 2100 万英镑(息税折旧摊销前利润), 并宣布在制造业进行十年来最大的一笔 单项投资。 British Steel 在其第二份年 度交易报告中表示,其转型仍在稳步推 进,并公布了: • 一个重要的长期投资计划,以支持未 来几年的业务 • 5000 万英镑的投资,用于升级斯肯 索普的线材轧机厂 • 在 2019 财政年为其他资本支出投入 4000 万英镑,以维持并提升现有的 资产基础(业务前三年共 1.2 亿英镑) • 目前进行中的项目总价值为 5 亿英镑 2018 财政年的年营业额为 14 亿英镑,而 2017 年为 12 亿英镑。 2018 年的息税折 旧摊销前利润预计为 6800 万英镑(不包 括 4700 万英镑的一次性高炉冷却成本, 公司目前正为此申请保险索赔)。 FN Steel 的利润也有所增加, FN Steel 是 British Steel 在 2017 年 10 月的首个重大 收购。该公司成立于 2016 年 6 月,此后
“我们的订单量很大,我们有能力为高 铁 2 号( HS2 )和希斯罗机场扩建等基础 设施项目做出重要贡献。我们将继续投 资人才和产品,仍然注重降低液态钢的 成本,并逐步在全球范围内开拓新市 场。” “在员工的支持下,我们在短时间内取 得了巨大成就,尽管前方还有很多艰苦 工作,但我们在建设可持续性未来的方 面已经取得了很大进步。” 5000 万英镑的线材投资将在该公司的斯 肯索普线材轧机厂落成一个全新的现代 化线材生产线。该生产线由 Primetals 设 计,其安装也由该公司负责。工程于今 年夏天启动,新生产线预计于 2019 年秋 投入试产。 British Steel – 英国 网址 : www.britishsteel.co.uk
“如果去年夏天没有发生那次唯一的高 炉冷却事件(其影响被媒体广泛报道), 我们就会超额达成第二年的目标,这能 表明我们的业务正不断壮大。” “正是由于这种壮大,很多一流的金融 机构才会继续向我们提供额外融资,以 支持我们的投资和成长计划。这不仅能 使我们改进工厂、产品和服务——正如 我们的线材投资所声明的,它也能让我 们通过收购 FNsteel 这样的公司来扩大 产品组合。” “原材料成本的增加和钢铁价格的波动 仍是一个挑战。自美国对钢铁施加关税 后,我们有必要采取保障措施,以免廉 价钢铁向欧洲市场倾销。不过,我们仍
Graphics bigstockphoto.com Artist Eky Studio
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2018
Davis-Standard 的全球新品牌
Sampsistemi 隶属于 SAMP 集团,宣 布将扩大其在华子公司 Sampsistemi (Shanghai) Co Ltd 的业务。 通 过 近 期 收 购 G a u d e r 集 团 旗 下 的 两 个 知 名 法 国 公 司 S e t i c 和 Pourtier , Sampsistemi 决定扩大并强化 其现有的在华业务。 该公司计划扩大位于中国常州的 Setic 工 厂,对基础设施进行重大投资,并扩大 整个生产区域。工厂位于新北区,面积 为 6400 平方米,目前致力于为电线电缆 行业生产旋转机械和相关设备。 此次扩张将使生产面积增加至 1 万平方 米,此外还有 2600 平方米的专用办公 区。该单元将配备电线电缆机械的组装 线,以及一个带实验室的先进研发中 心。 将生产力整合到一个地点,有助于该公 司充分利用整合后的专有知识和技术, 同时为客户提供更多价值。 SAMP 首席执行官拉普·维沃雷利· 科隆纳( Lapo Vivarelli Colonna )表示: “ 通 过 收 购 S e t i c 和 P o u r t i e r , Sampsistemi 完成了一个为期三年的战 略计划,即强化市场主导地位,满足单 一供应商的持续需求,能够用最前沿 的解决方案向客户提供支持。新的机 构将提高我们在全球最大的电线电缆市 场——中国的产品和服务能力。” Sampsistemi 隶属于 Maccaferri 工业集 团,该集团是国际控股集团,活跃于七 大领域,营业额高达 12 亿欧元,在全球 拥有 58 个生产工厂, 4600 名员工。 Sampsistemi – 意大利 网址 : www.sampsistemi.com Miltec 的新总监 Miltec UV 聘请马克·沃尔特担任工程总 监马克·沃尔特( Mark Walter )被任命为 Miltec UV 的新一任工程总监。 沃尔特在微波技术、等离子物理、工程 和领导方面拥有 20 多年的丰富经验。他 在美国西点军校获得了物理工程学理学 学士学位。他还在密歇根大学的核工程 系获得了工程学硕士学位。工作之余, 他还喜欢航海、游泳、潜水、木工、造 船、计算机构建和金属加工。 Miltec UV – 美国 网址 : www.miltec.com Sampsistemi 扩大 在华业务
m 新外观和品牌在最近的 NPE 展览上首次推出
Davis-Standard 是一家聚合物加工设备和客户支持解决方案供应商,它向欧洲客户 展示了其全球品牌的下一步发展。
这个新的品牌定义和宣传策略旨在更好地表达该公司以客户为中心的前瞻性业务方 法。 它也能在全球的客户和潜在客户与 Davis-Standard 的营销和网络资源互动时,向他 们提供更统一和鲜明的视觉体验。 之前的 Davis-Standard 品牌可追溯至 20 世纪 50 年代到 60 年代,当时 Ben Davis 加入 了 Standard Machinery Co 并创建了 Davis-Standard 品牌。 其前身是 Reliance Machinery Co ,成立于 1848 年,主要生产轧棉机和纸面装订 机。挤出技术发展于 20 世纪 50 年代。 “我们之前把自己标榜为‘全球优势’,多年来,一直通过扩增全球设施和能力来 实现这一点。但现在的重点更偏向于直接帮助客户去执行工作,更好地理解客户需 求,建立更牢固的关系和信任,提供最好的整体解决方案。”总裁兼首席执行官吉 姆·墨菲( Jim Murphy )表示。 “ Davis-Standard 在产品可靠性和客户支持方面得到了全球的认可,但我们觉得我 们的品牌并没有充分体现我们在该行业的地位。”他补充道。 “在提供解决方案以帮助客户在当今市场上占据竞争优势方面,我们是领导者。现 在我们有了一个能更好体现这一领导力的品牌。我们正处于上升阶段,应该趁现在 让我们的品牌体现我们现有的成就以及将来会取得的成就。” Davis-Standard 德国子公司总经理凯·莫伦多夫( Kai Moellendorf )补充道:“新 品牌积极反映了 Davis-Standard 及其全部品牌的全球本质。这包括我们在德国 ER-WE-PA 公司和英国 Davis-Standard 公司以客户为中心的工作重点。‘想法成形 的地方’这一口号与我们开发聚合物处理解决方案以优化生产率和盈利能力的目标 非常吻合。我们的目标是通过团队合作,帮助客户创造更美好的未来。” 新品牌包括一个新的徽标——这是近 50 年来第一次更新徽标,和一个更鲜明的图 像。它还包括更新的品牌故事、新网站和客户体验。 Davis-Standard LLC – 美国 网址 : www.davis-standard.com
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2018
968 年,一对兄弟筹集了 750 美元,购买 了几台手动模具研磨机,然后在父母家 后面的一个小棚子里开了一个小店。 他们创立的就是 Paramount 模具公司, 如今该公司是成品硬质合金拉丝模具的 大型供应商,并且正在开展其 50 周年 庆。 据该公司称, Paramount 在成立后,引 进了线材行业的若干突破性创新技术。 其中一项最大的创新技术——拉丝模嵌 块,已发展为全球标准。拉丝嵌块能显 著降低模具的运输成本,使模具的生产 更容易实现自动化,因此带动了线材行 业的很多转变。 不再受内部模具商店或本地供应需求的 限制,拉丝公司如今可以从全球的模具 专业公司处采购高度先进和优化的拉丝 模具。 在半个世纪的时间里, Paramount 从一 个初创企业发展为业内的一家大型公 司,并在此基础上保持着激发其最初成 功的创新文化。 1992 年,现任所有人兼总裁里奇·萨 弗( Rich Sarver )开始担任公司领导。在 Paramount 的 50 年创新 之路
m 今年初期, Paramount 总裁兼首席执行官里奇·萨弗与 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 金属和流 动技术全球产品总监弗里德里希·柯赫尔( Friedrich Kehrer )在 wire 2018 上庆祝公司 50 周年庆
公司工作期间,萨弗将 Paramount 从一 个地区性模具公司发展为如今的全球组 织。 90 年代初, Paramount 开发了 ParaLoc © 压力系统。这项创新技术通过增加 润滑、减少拉丝温度来优化拉丝流 程。 ParaLoc 使提高生产线速度和材料 拉伸强度成为可能。
随着材料科学和计量学在未来的进一步 发展, Paramount 正探索先进的涂料、 品质等级的发展和几何设计的优化。 该公司正在开发的技术将再次推动拉丝 模具行业的发展。 Paramount Die Company – 美国 网址 : www.paradie.com 化合物公司收购 日本材料供应商 Mitsubishi Chemical Corp ( MCC )宣布了收购印尼 PVC 化 合物生产商 PT ABC Plastindo 的计 划。 Plastindo 为汽车部件、电子电缆、 电器等多个领域供应产品。 MCC 在泰国拥有热塑性弹性体和 PVC 化 合物生产基地,其业务主要针对汽车领 域。通过收购 Plastindo , MCC 希望加 速其业务扩张,进入不断增长的东盟地 区的汽车和电子行业。 6 月底,该公司 宣布收购孟买的 PVC 化合物公司 Welset Plast Extrusions Pvt Ltd ,目的是增加 MCC 在东盟医疗市场的占有率。 近几个月, MCC 加快了它在高性能聚合 物领域的并购活动。 Mitsubishi Chemical Corp – 日本 网址 : www.m-chemical.co.jp
太平洋电缆启动 一条新的跨太平洋海底光缆已经启动了商业运作,该电缆将澳大利亚和新西兰 经夏威夷连接到美国大陆。该项目耗资 3 亿美元,其背后的独立财团是 Hawaiki Submarine Cable LP ,该公司表示这条 1.5 万公里长的光纤电缆代表着该地区数字 通信的“新曙光”,提供了 43Tb 的额外容量。 “这个 25 年的跨洋基础设施为太平洋彼岸的经济、社会和研究合作提供了前所未有 的机会。” Hawaiki 首席执行官雷米·加拉索( Remi Galasso )在一份声明中表示。 “ Hawaiki 是美国、澳大利亚和新西兰之间最快、最大的代表性输电连接。它将显 著增强我们与世界其他地区的联系,并最终改善我们社区的日常生活。” 该项目得到了政府实体和上市公司的支持。它的主要客户包括亚马逊网络服务、沃 达丰、美属萨摩亚电信管理局和研究机构,以及新西兰教育先进网络。美属萨摩亚 的美国领土将在第一天完成连接,该电缆有几个支路装置,以便将来与新喀里多尼 亚、斐济和汤加进行连接。 Hawaiki 电缆系统的建设历时 27 个月,包括海洋考察、 设计、制造和电缆敷设,以上工作由新泽西州的 TE SubCom 公司完成。在夏威 夷,该财团选择了 DRFortress 作为其着陆和运营合作伙伴,并在卡普勒里建立了一 个电缆着陆站。 Hawaiki Submarine Cable LP – 新西兰 网址 : www.hawaikicable.co.nz
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2018
Alloy Wire International ( AWI )前往法 恩伯勒国际航空展,展出其史上规模最 大的高温镍合金系列。 AWI 振翅高飞
的。”销售总监安格斯·贺加斯( Angus Hogarth )表示。 “我们还提供异型线材(从方形到复杂 的不规则四边形)、用于高温密封的精 密 Inconel 扁线材、用于螺母和螺栓的飞 机级锁线( DTD 189A )、以及用于 CNC 加工航空部件的直杆。” 他补充道:“我们所擅长的一个方面, 就是生产尺寸在 21mm 到 0.025mm 之间 的小公差线材。此外,还有能满足越来 越多的航空航天规格的线材,以及根据 客户自己的特殊材料性能生产的线材, 这些线材也面临大量需求。” Alloy Wire 的业务遍布全球 55 个国家, 取得 AS9100 航空和国防质量认证已有 5 年多时间。其 60 款高性能合金均满足 DFARS 和 EU 标准,可供应数量从 300 万到 3 吨不等。 AWI 的线材测试均在现 场完成,包括时效硬化航空航天合金的 热处理测试,以证明机械性能是可实现 的。 Alloy Wire International – 英国 网址 : www.alloywire.com LS Cable & System 将与 AG 集团创立合 资企业, AG 集团在印尼电缆市场的多个 领域具有广泛业务。 一份新闻稿称, LS 与 AG 集团签署协 议,联合投资 4000 万美元用于在雅加 达附近建设电缆工厂,预计 2019 年完 工。 这些工厂将生产用于基础设施建设的架 空电缆和用于建筑和工厂的中低压电 缆,预计到 2025 年将产生约1亿美元的 收入。 LS Cable & System 首席执行官明永 ( Myung )表示,自 2017 年 11 月韩国总统 文在寅在与印尼的商业论坛上宣布了新 的南方政策后,其公司与 AG 集团的讨论 有所“进展”。 AG 集团被称为印尼十大企业之一,活 跃于银行业、酒店业、建筑业和度假 业。 LS Cable & System – 韩国 网址 : www.lscns.com 雅加达合资 工厂
2 0 1 7 年 , 该 公 司 的 销 售 额 增 长 了 2 0% , 此 次 展 出 了 N i mo n i c 、 Inconel 、 Waspaloy 、 Rene 41 、 Phynox ( UNS R30003 )和钛材
料,这些材料针对的是对 产品质量和交付要求较高 的航空航天业制造商。该 行业对抗腐蚀线棒材的需 求量很高。 AWI 也宣传了新活动“不确 定世界中的确定( Certainty in an Uncertain World )”, 强调了公司能在短短三周 内完成“定制订单”的能 力,以及庞大的库存产 品,包括 200 多吨、 60 多种 不同的合金。 “航空航天业对我们而言 存在巨大机遇,弹簧制造 商正使用我们的线材生产 压缩弹簧、张力弹簧、扭 力弹簧和成型部件,用于 飞机引擎等要求严苛的 环境中,而其他线材在 这种环境中是无法使用
m Alloy Wire International 的高温环境
2019 线材展览会正在计划中
国际线材协会 ( Wire Association International )两年一度的线材展览会 ( Interwire )、第 89 届大会和第 3 届全球 连铸论坛正在筹划中,这些会议将于明 年五月在美国亚特兰大乔治亚世界会议 中心举行。 此次大会和铸造论坛将在 5 月 13 日到 16 日举行;线材展览会和一同举行的国际 紧固件制造博览会( IFME )将于 5 月 14 日 到 16 日在 A 大厅举行。 对于此次联合举行, WAI 第二副主席兼 Enkotec Co Inc 总裁简·斯瑞支( Jan Sørige )表示:“新制造材料的快速发展 和工业 4.0 带来的新机遇,让制造业进 入了一段极为振奋的时期,我们应当亲 身体验。这两个在同一屋檐下举办的活 动,具有能代表下一代制造业的协同效 应。” “目前,线材展览会的 175 个展台已 经分配给了 190 个参展公司。” WAI 销 售总监鲍勃·艾克斯勒( Bob Zeller )表 示。“我们计划到 2019 年 1 月售出全部 展台,这也能表明 2019 年线材展览会将 不负美洲最大线缆市场的盛名。” WAI 已经发文号召大家提交关于大会主
题的报告:“下一代电线电缆”;以及 关于铝、铜连铸的技术报告。截至 2018 年 11 月 5 日, WAI 允许线上提交两种报 告的摘要,提交网址为: https://goo.gl/ sVxGvq 。 国际紧固件制造博览会( IFME )将与 2019 线材展览会一同举行。 IFME 展示 的内容,包括在多个领域的紧固件或精 密成型零件的设计和制造过程中涉及到 的机械、材料、工具、控制系统和支持 服务。 关于此次联合举办, IFME 组织者雷·泽 科尔( Ray Zirkle )表示:“尽管 IFME 是 一项新活动,但我们在组织紧固件行业 机械相关的展会方面,已有超过 35 年的 成功经验。” “这项新活动的名称,表明我们将一心 致力于为机械制造商提供比其他地方更 高档的平台。此次决定与 2019 线材展 览会一起在亚特兰大举办,在很大程 度上是基于之前的成功联合举办案例, 以及紧固件和线材行业之间的协同作 用。” Wire Association International – 美国 网址 : www.wirenet.org
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2018
Technology news
D-2050 automated packaging machine ❍ The D-2050 automated packaging line
These additions and more bring increased efficiency to automated packaging of high-performance data cables, fibre optics and other low-voltage cabling products. Tim Copp, vice president of business development, said: “The multiple improvements work together to comprise a faster, more efficient packaging machine while incorporating our G2 control system featuring recipe programming, intuitive machine setup, on-screen help, IoT capabilities, analytics, networking, multi-language support and much more.” The company is offering its automated packing machine for sale, as well as for rent. Reelex Packaging Solutions Inc – USA Website : www.reelex.com
Central to the D-2050’s increased performance is a new robotic arm which performs transfer functions by cutting, grabbing and replacing the cable between the turret-style winding mandrels. This new system operates 20 per cent faster than on the D-2000 and enables the D-2050 to operate at an online speed of over 700 feet (213m) per minute – a 100 foot (30m) per minute improvement compared to the D-2000 and translating to a production rate of over 40 boxes per hour. Other major improvements include an entirely new drip-free glue system, replacement of air cylinders with servo motors in several locations, upgraded safety shielding, improved tension control, non-contact length counter and the integration of Reelex’s G2 control system featuring high-definition touchscreen HMI.
REELEX Packaging Solutions Inc, the creator and licensor of Reelex ® twist and tangle-free packaging technology, has formally released the D-2050 automated packaging machine. An evolution of the D-2000 automated packaging machine in use by the world’s established brands in cable manufacturing, the D-2050 brings several patented improvements and upgrades resulting in increased performance, numerous new features and a new model designation. Like the D-2000 before, the D-2050 performs Reelex coiling, tube insertion, cable end retrieval, boxing and gluing operations without the need for a human operator. Numerous improvements to the D-2050 help perform these operations more efficiently, while offering improved overall performance and functionality.
Graphics bigstockphoto.com Artist Olechowski
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2018
Technology news
Connected in seconds with modern interface
Zumbach equips its instruments with the globally recognised OPC UA standard platform. With this key technology, measurement solutions provide an easy and secure information exchange with differing systems, whether they be in the production line, business platform system or anywhere else. Zumbach Electronic AG – Switzerland Website : www.zumbach.com HVDC certification for LS LS Cable & System reports that it has received certification for its HVDC cable. The cable can now be exported without further tests. Only five companies, including LS Cable & System, have their own HVDC cable technology. The company began developing the technology in 2005 and won the contract for South Korea’s first project to construct an HVDC electric power transmission system overland. LS Cable & System – South Korea Website : www.lscns.com
WHEN searching for the component parts for your implementation of IO-4.0, connectivity is key to success, whether it is email related, performance measurement, machine availability, cost of manufacture, resourcing, communication, supply chain, delivery, stock control or other specific needs in business. Wireless communication, USB, Ethernet TCP/IP, Profibus DP, distributed IO, Profinet, Ethernet IP, CAN bus, SMS, Can Open, MRP, MES, ERP, OPC UA, web interfaces, VPN, virtual network computing, power distribution, etc, are all key phrases in the connectivity area to consider in implementing any business strategy for optimisation and efficiency.
❍ Connectivity releases creativity and possibilities to set new standards
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2018
Technology news
Wire drawing taken to the next level
extracted, at the same production speed, over 25 per cent more heat than the standard indirect cooling system and 13 per cent more heat than convential direct die cooling. Lubricant stirrers were installed on each die box to allow proper wire lubrication at all times and avoid the formation of a tunnel within the lubricant box. The stirrers’ movement was made pro- grammable, to stir the lube only when needed. The spooler was thought to be one of the biggest challenges in the design of the machine. A spool of two tons rotating up to 950 rpm is dangerous and must be fixed to the spooler in a safe manner. The research department took as its base the standard spooler and calculated the frame stiffness and sized the pintles with the appropriate safety factors. Eurodraw Wire Equipment Srl – Italy Website : www.gcreurodraw.com
cooling system was 73 per cent more efficient than the standard system and the heat removal was sufficient to ensure that the temperature of the wire entering the dies was always below 55°C. The cooling water temperature gradient is up over 3°C from the 5°C of the original cooling system. An additional high-volume convective air-cooling system was added to the blocks to remove the heat that was not possible to be removed by conductivity. It was decided that for the practical use of the machine, the cooling system of the die had to be indirect, so that no lubricant would get into the cooling water. The research department developed a very practical pressurised chamber in which the die could be inserted. The chamber was designed to allow high-pressure turbulent water flow with an enhanced exchange surface so that heat could be extracted in the most efficient way. Tests proved that the new system
EURODRAW Wire equipment has just completed the supply of a newly designed machine that takes wire drawing to the next level. Unpre- cedented cooling capabilities allow production speeds that are in excess of 50m/sec on final wire sizes of 1.3mm, starting from wire rod. The machine has 12 blocks and is designed to draw low and medium carbon steel wire from 5.5mm down to 1.3mm. The wire is then wound on a heavy-duty spooler with two-ton capacity. The company’s R&D depart- ment was asked to develop the fastest possible machine and to reach the target perfomances; the focus was mainly on the cooling system, the die cooling, the spooler and the electronic controls. The original Eurodraw cooling system was used as a starting base but in order to reach speeds of 50m/sec it was necessary to make improvements. After four months of trials and studies the
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2018
Technology news
❍ Critical conditions caused by high ambient temperature and mechanical stresses can arise during cable storage
An advanced HFFR solution
high temperature has been taken as the key parameter. The value of tear resistance for Cogegum AFR 1602 UV, measured according to BS 6469-99.1:1992, is already higher at ambient temperature, but it is at high temperature that the difference with the standard material is dramatically improved. In terms of performance, this translates into a high toughness when the material undergoes severe thermal and mechanical stresses. In this regard, performances obtained by Cogegum AFR 1602 UV are comparable with those typical of a crosslinked material. Cogegum AFR 1602 UV complies with BS LTS1, 2, 3, 4, IEC 60502-1 ST8 and IEC 60092 SHF1 norms, and is easily processable on standard equipment for thermoplastic materials. Moreover, it contains a UV stabiliser system to guarantee the mechanical performance of the material during its service life. For cable producers and installers, this material is a ready-to-use solution for the production of armoured cables, avoiding cracking of stored cables, damage during installation and delays in plant start-up. Padanaplast – Italy Website : www.padanaplast.com
IN harsh service conditions, where mechanical stresses and the possibility of damage during laying and digging activities can occur, a metallic armour is applied under the jacket of cables to confer extra mechanical protection. Critical conditions caused by high ambient temperature and mechanical stresses can also arise during cable storage. This is especially true for black cables stored under the sun, when the actual temperature on the jacket can rise to 60-70°C, determining an important thermal expansion of the metallic armour; an indentation occurs on the inner surface of the jacket, promoting tearing of the protective outer layer that normally cannot be repaired. Unfortunately, HFFR materials usually can be more prone to this issue due to their high filler loading, necessary to guarantee good fire performance. Thus, during material development all these aspects must be taken into account, to ensure that the jacket will not crack during storage and laying, while maintaining all the other properties required. For this reason, Padanaplast developed Cogegum ® AFR 1602 UV, an innovative thermoplastic HFFR material specifically designed as the solution to these tough conditions. In this perspective, the tear resistance at
ROD BREAKDOWN & WIRE DRAWING MACHINES SINGLE & DOUBLE TWIST BUNCHING MACHINES STRANDING MACHINES EXTRUDERS TAKE-UPS / PAY-OFFS / STATIC COILERS ACCESSORIES Tecnologĺa del Cable y Aluminio S. L. Since 1973 the best option in machinery, equipment & accessories for the wire and cable industry.
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Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2018
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