WCA November 2011
Industry news
This huge structure now envelops the Versailles’ Royal Courtyard, covers some 1,000m 2 and welcomes visitors with an artistic and surprising sight that shows off the architecture and gardens. Additionally, the campaign is also to adopt trees, benches and statues in the grounds, something that Nexans has also agreed to underwrite financially. M Vincent said that Nexans was “glad that the company could again help the Etablissement public de Versailles modernise the palace and grounds, thereby contributing to its reputation worldwide. “What’s more, I am sure that associating our group’s name with an unprecedented, original work will be an additional source of pride for all our employees.” The facts Figures Palace of Versailles phase 1 n 539km of cables (50% for electricity and 50% for communications) I was then allowed underground, under the castle where visitors do not venture. There are small tunnels and secret passageways to be discovered – running alongside the new wire and cable installations, of course. The difference between the obsolete network present for years in the castle (my fingerprint on these dusty wires was proof of their old age) and what Nexans has provided since 2007 was undeniable. The company had donated a range of low and medium voltage power cables, telecommunications cables and fibre-optic cables manufactured at plants in Autun, Bourg-en-Bresse, Fumay and Lyon. Nearly a quarter of the networks have been replaced by Nexans’ Alsecure cable. This is part of a range of new fire-resistant cables developed to ensure the continued operation of building safety systems including fire detection, emergency lighting, voice alarm and public address, during the evacuation and fire-fighting period. In addition to meeting extreme fire conditions for extended periods, the Alsecure ® cables are halogen-free and n 22% of Alsecure ® cables n €670,000 worth of cables
❍ ❍ Top. The signing of the Palace of Versailles patronage agreement in 2007 ❍ ❍ Above. Press conference at the estate of Versailles in 2011 with, from left, Frédéric Vincent, CEO Nexans, and Jean-Jacques Aillagon, president of the Château de Versailles and French politician m m
Allez for Nexans, and merci, merci…
flame retardant, with minimal smoke emission. As for the future, Nexans is continuing with the sponsorship and is also contributing to other national heritage sites and global initiatives among disadvantaged communities.
Nexans – France 8 rue du Géréral Foy 75008 Paris, France Fax : +33 173 23 86 38 Email : nexans.web@nexans.com Website : www.nexans.com
Wire & Cable ASIA – November/December 2011
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