WCA March 2010
wire 2010
allowing multiple units to be ganged in line without the risk of liquid spraying back into the path of conductors that are already dried. It has nozzle jets at both ends for increased drying at higher speeds than are available on standard models. A complete range of cold pressure welders and dies to suit all needs, from superfine wire to rod. As with all products in the Huestis Industrial range, all new machines are backed by the Huestis warranty and its reputation for cost-effective production and long operating life.
GCR Eurodraw 设计的新装置,增加了 PC生产线效率,将穿线时间减少到只需 几分钟。一般而言, PC 线材生产线穿线 很难,断线要损失几个小时生产时间。 GCR Eurodraw 的 PC 生产线双自动穿线 装置据说大约 5 分钟就可以穿线到 3 米双 绞盘上。 手动穿线操作至少需要 2 个小时。装置 可加在任何型号或品牌的 PC 生产线上使 用,带水平轴绞盘,无需修改电气或机 械。该装置由大型框架、机械穿线手推 车构成。框架承载具有相同周长的车, 与拉力单元配成组。 机械穿线手推车在车上绕着绞盘行走, 并将线材放置到绞盘槽中。手推车可以 多次行走,因为绞盘上有拉力槽。穿线 手推车与 PC 生产线是同步前进的。 GCR Eurodraw 还引入了小巧型在线清 洁装置,由加工盘和热水循环罐构成。 刷子和热水喷射联合使用,清除和化解 了留下的线材拉丝润滑剂。炉子不产生 烟尘,使得工作区保持无烟区。 炉子里也没有堆积燃烧过的润滑皂,这 些物质时间长了会减少效率,造成故 障,需要维修。炉子后面也没有淬火水 污染,因为清洁处理过的线材是不会将 燃烧过的残留物扔在水中。 一旦穿线完成,装置缩回,处于备用状 态,等待下一次换线时再被激活。
Huestis Industrial Stand: 9F05-01
Huestis Industrial will be launching several new products at this year’s wire Düsseldorf: Ceramic Air Miser – a new ceramic version of the standard Air Miser air wiper. It has a full-bodied replaceable insert that mounts flush into the body and is held in place by stainless steel screws. The advantages of the new wiper are said to include extended useful life. The new design eliminates the need for ceramic V-guides to keep the product centred in the air wiper, and the ceramic insert prevents damage to the conductor or to the air wiper body. The new wiper will be available in the most popular sizes, and will utilise the same jet nozzle technology as other wipers in the Air Miser range, maximising drying power while minimising air usage. A new series of powered shaftless payoffs and take-ups. These units are rugged, with a small footprint, and will handle from a 12-inch up to a 36-inch package of a maximum of 2,500lb. They will be available with multiple options in both pneumatic and hydraulic versions. The Down Drafter bottom draining air wiper. This latest unit drains downwards, instead of to the rear,
The new ceramic Air Miser ▼
GCR Eurodraw SpA – Italy Fax : +39 02 9354 0452 Email : gcr@gcrgroup.com Website : www.gcrgroup.com
wire 2010 - New Products on show April 12 th – 16 th 2010
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