WCA March 2010
wire 2010
最少,另一方面尽量使干燥功率最大。 新系列动力无轴收放线装置。该单元 稳健,留下的痕迹小,可处理 12-36 英 寸,最重 2500 磅的成套装置。并且可 以有多种选择,同时用在气动和液压状 态。 Down Drafter 底部排放风刷。 最新单元 是朝下排放,代替了向后排放。允许多 个单元并入到生产线上,不会存在液体 喷回到原本打算干燥的导体路径上的风 险。在两端都有喷嘴射流,比标准款的 干燥速度提高了。
Inhol 还在系列中增加了 TVAB5420 磨损 测试仪器。这种电子线磨损测试仪器设 计用于电缆绝缘在极端条件下的耐久性 和测试特殊的耐久参数变化。
3D representation of the shaftless payoff ▼ and take-up
Inhol BV/PTL – The Netherlands Fax : +31 3560 33235
Email : office@inhol.com Website : www.inhol.com
Invimec Srl Stand: 17E32
满足所有需求的冷压焊接机和模块,其 全部范围包括从细丝到棒材。
Invimec will be introducing the 12-stand model EFFE2015i tandem rolling mill for reduction and wire shaping. Reduction range is from 16mm to 0.5mm diameter. The machine features new single-drive technology with a single motor and drive for each stand, providing perfect tuning of every station and total control on the wire tension. Any number of stands can be supplied, depending on material to be rolled and dimensions desired. The standard output wire is octagonal with rounded edges; round, oval, half-round, profiled wire output can be optionally produced. The opening-upgrade option is useful to insert/bypass any of the rolling stands, in order to get the maximum flexibility in terms of different combination of rolling passes. The other model on show will be ENNE150i rolling mill, multi-stand tandem for plate and strip products, with five stands. Reduction range for thickness is from 10mm to 0.3mm, width range is 10mm to 50mm. The machine features the new single-drive technology (SD), with a single motor and drive for each stand for optimum tuning of every station and total control on the rolling tension; any number of stands can be requested, depending on the material to be rolled and dimensions desired. The CNC upgrade extends the flexibility of the machine: two motors and gearboxes are added to each stand, to give movement to the upper roll and set any stand to the desired position; also, any stand can be excluded from the program. This feature brings further flexibility in complete or partial reductions and to re-use the machine many times to achieve final thickness.
3D ▲ 无轴收放线展示
Down Drafter bottom draining air wiper ▼
作为 Huestis Industrial 范围内的产品, 所有的新机器都有公司保障,并具有低 成本生产和操作寿命长等美誉。
Huestis Industrial – USA Fax : +1 401 253 7350 Email : sales@huestis.com Website : www.huestis.com
Inhol BV/PTL Stand: 12A15
Inhol BV/PTL introduces a new range of irradiation cross-linkable compounds for rapid transport and solar cables. Solar compound (TuV 2Pfg 1169) is also available in a CV curable version. A new range of laboratory equipment includes measurement systems for hot set using a special oven equipped with an electronic camera. This hot set measurement system makes each test result easily accessible in figures and image. The image will give a clear picture of the sample before and after the test. Inhol has also added the TVAB5420 abrasion test apparatus to its range. This test apparatus for electric wire has been designed to test the dura- bility of cable insulation under extreme conditions and measures very specific durability variables. Inhol BV/PTL 推出一个新辐照交联料, 用于高速传输和太阳能电缆。太阳能电 缆料 (TuV 2Pfg 1169) 也可提供 CV 可硫 化型。 一系列新实验室设备包括热变室测量系 统使用配备有电子照相机的专用炉。这 种热变室测量系统使得每次试验结果容 易的获得数字和图像。图像给出试验前 后试样清楚的图片。
Down Drafter ▲ 底部排放风刷
Cold pressure welders from Huestis ▼
Huestis ▲ 的冷压焊接机
Huestis Industrial 在今年的杜塞尔多夫 线材展会上将推出几个新产品。
Ceramic Air Miser –标准 Air Miser 陶瓷 风刷的新型号。它是全体可置换插件, 将冲洗装置安装在体内,并用不锈钢螺 丝国定。 新风刷的优点是使用寿命延长。新设计 不需要瓷 V -导杆让产品保持在风刷的中 央,瓷插件可防止导体损坏或者风刷主 体受损。 新风刷在大多数常用的尺寸领域都可 用,与其它类型的装置一样使用相同的 喷射接管技术,一方面尽量使用空气
wire 2010 - New Products on show April 12 th – 16 th 2010
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