business & market news
Tube Products International May 2015
www.read-tpi.comPrimetals receives FAC for
heat treatment plant
Primetals Technologies has received
the final acceptance certificate (FAC)
from Borusan Mannesmann Pipe US
for a heat treatment plant installed
in the company’s new ERW (electric
resistance welded) pipe mill in Baytown,
Texas, USA.
The equipment is used to quench and
temper oil country tubular grades,
enabling Borusan Mannesmann to
produce a wide range of products for
the competitive OCTG market.
The Baytown facility is a subsidiary of
the Turkish steel pipe producer Borusan
Mannesmann Boru, and is the first
Turkish-owned plant in the USA.
Primetals Technologies supplied FCE –
F&D Furnace Technologies quenching
and tempering equipment, including a
direct-fired, walking beam austenitising
furnace; a high-pressure water spray
quench system; a convective, walking
beam tempering furnace; all associated
material handling equipment; all
necessary instrumentation; and a PLC
control system. The services included
engineering, delivery, installation, and
commissioning of the heat treatment
Borusan Mannesmann, a major steel
pipe manufacturer in Europe, now has
a major facility in the USA. It provides
products such as gas pipes, water
pipes, general-purpose pipes, boiler
pipes, construction pipes and profiles,
industrial pipes and profiles, and large
diameter pipes used in infrastructure
projects such as water, gas, and oil
transmission lines, as well as concrete
pump pipes, oil pipes and sprinkler
The company supplies products for
the fields of energy, construction,
automotive, installation, white goods
and furniture manufacturing, and for
various national and international water,
oil and gas pipeline projects.
PrimetalsTechnologies is anengineering,
plant-building and lifecycle partner for
the metals industry. The company offers
a complete technology, product and
service portfolio that includes integrated
electrics, automation and environmental
solutions. This covers every step of
the iron and steel production chain
that extends from the raw materials
to the finished product, in addition to
the latest rolling solutions for the non-
ferrous metals sector.
Primetals Technologies Ltd
– UK
www.primetals.comEC approval to divest steel service centres
SSAB has received approval from the
European Commission to sell Naantali
steel service centre in Finland, Halmstad
steel service centre in Sweden, and 50
per cent of the shares in Norsk Stål
Tynnplater AS (NST) to Tata Steel in
The transactions are part of the
divestment remedies that the EC
deemed necessary for the combination
of Rautaruukki with SSAB. SSAB has
now received approval regarding the
divestments of all those remedies
required for the combination. The
transactions are still subject to the
approval of national competition
authorities, and have only a limited
impact on SSAB’s financial results.
In July 2014 SSAB received the
European Commission’s approval for
the combination with Rautaruukki.
The approval was conditional on a
commitment by SSAB to divest the
following assets within what was then
its Nordic Steel Distribution system and
Finnish construction business: one steel
service centre in Sweden (Halmstad)
and one in Finland (Naantali), Tibnor Oy
in Finland (a wholly owned subsidiary of
Tibnor AB), the 50 per cent ownership
interest in each of Norsk Stål AS and
Norsk Stål Tynnplater AS in Norway and
Plannja Oy in Finland (a wholly owned
subsidiary of Plannja AB).
As a result of the transaction, Tata
Steel’s ownership of NST will increase
to 100 per cent. Employees in the
Naantali and Halmstad service centres
and in NST will continue on unchanged
employment terms and conditions.
– Sweden
info@ssab.com www.ssab.comBorusan’s new mill in Baytown, Texas, produces tube
and pipe products for the growing oil and gas industry