TPi March 2014
7-11 April 2014
The company’s range of tube sizes runs from diameters of 0.3 to 133mm, with wall thicknesses from 0.08 to 15mm. The group’s specialities are the production of extremely thin walled titanium tube with large outside diameters, and the production of titanium ribbed tubes with very tight tolerances on all dimensions of the rib and tube. Another speciality is the production of multi-layer tubes with individual layers from 0.16 to 0.25mm thickness; from two to 12 layers are possible. A new addition to the company’s range is the production of titanium grade 5 hollows, aimed at the offshore oil and gas industry. Oscar also manufactures a wide range of products for the general industrial markets. As well as tubular products, the company can produce a range of round bar in titanium from 16 to 100mm diameter. The Oscar Group’s production area for the cold working of tube and bar covers 1.4mn square feet, in which is situated over 60 units of cold drawing and rolling equipment, providing a massive production capacity. In addition to this, Oscar has a powerful and comprehensive thermal treatment facility for tubes in a non-oxidising atmosphere of ultra-pure hydrogen (bright annealing) and in vacuum. Investment has been made to extend the lengths of some of the furnaces in order to be able to produce extra-long tubes. This gives wider possibilities for the manufacture of super alloys in titanium, nickel alloys and special stainless grades. Oscar Production Group constantly invests in development of technology and upgrading of equipment, as well as in establishing a quality control standards to the demands of the aerospace, nuclear, chemical, petrochemical, oil and gas, pharmaceutical, defence and shipbuilding industries. In early 2013 Oscar Group was award- ed ISO 9100 certification from TÜV Nord, and is also certified to ISO 9001:2009, TÜV Nord PED 97/23/EC, AD 2000-Merkblatt, VNITI-Test UkrSEPRO system and DSTU ISO 9001:2008. Skilled QA personnel can provide all tests according to domestic and international standards, such as GOST, TU, EN, DIN, ASTM, ASME and AMS.
consistent look and feel as well as enabling combined defect reporting.
Omni-x CZ sro Czech Republic
The testers can easily be combined into complete, automated test systems including triple pinch benches to maintain accurate positioning, standard and custom conveyors, markers, sorters, demagnetisers, water circulation systems for ultrasonic test applications, and sophisticated controls, all designed by MAC. Typical system applications include testing welded and stainless tube, automotive tube, OCTG, and heat exchanger and Duplex tube. MAC’s knowledgeable field staff will provide information inmultiple languages on all of the company’s products.
Following demand from existing customers, Omni-x has increased its mandrel bending tooling range to include end-forming tooling. Parent company Omni-x USA had already started producing end-forming tooling after a successful design and testing period. Omni-x CZ has followed suit, and after undergoing its own testing and design procedures is now fully up and running. With the new tooling added to the range, the company also decided to invest in extra personnel, machinery and the expansion of the premises in Brno, Czech Republic. Five new machines have been purchased: two Haas VF 2 vertical machining centres, a Doosan Lynx 220 turning centre, a Doosan Puma 2600 turning centre and a Mitsubishi BA24 wire cut EDM. To house these new machines, and also to provide extra space for continued growth, the production area has been expanded from 1,100m 2 to 2,100m 2 , and a new 600m 2 warehouse has been added. There are also plans in place to purchase more machines in 2014, which will lead to further job creation for the local area. As both the aerospace and the automotive industries continue to show signs of growth, the demands for new and more complex tooling are increasing. With its team of designers, engineers and highly skilled CNC and milling machine operators, Omni-x states that it is prepared for any tooling project.
Maxvalue Industries Co Ltd China 1E20
Maxvalue was founded in 1995 to export fittings and flanges. The company has since become a major producer and supplier of flanges and fittings in China.
A selection from Maxvalue’s range
Materials used include carbon steel, alloy steel and stainless steel.
Oscar Production Group Ltd Ukraine 4F18
The company’s products can be used in the oil, gas, naval, energy and chemical sectors, and are suitable for systems at low, medium and high temperatures, produced in standard sizes or according to special request. Maxvalue is Bureau Veritas ISO 9001 certified, and the company’s fittings and flanges have the TÜV PED certificate.
Oscar Production Group is a manufacturer of seamless tube, pipe and round bar produced from titanium, nickel alloys and stainless steels. The group was established from the specialised tube drawing plant No 4 (TDW 4) of Nikopol Yuzhnotrubny Plant (NYTP) Ukraine, which began the production of tubes in 1975.
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