TPi March 2014
7-11 April 2014
pipe sizes, including large diameters, with minimal transducer adjustments, if any, during size changeovers. Because the transducers are under the pipe, no tight fitting glands or shoes are needed, resulting in lower water circulation requirements, fewer wear components and virtually no changes required to the basic water tank on size changeover. The spinning tube transducer system can also be installed as a retrofit or upgrade to existing installations. MAC will also be exhibiting the latest MultiMac ® eddy current testers and rotaries to detect surface, subsurface, ID and OD defects in tube and pipe, and the Xiris laser-based weld inspection system. Information will also be available on test systems using a combination of more than one type of test technology – a requirement to meet many of today’s stringent test standards such as API and ASTM. Echomac ultrasonic testers combined with either MultiMac eddy current or MAC’s Rotoflux ® flux leakage technology can meet these standards. Both the ultrasonic and flux leakage systems are capable of testing to 5 per cent defect levels on the OD and ID of tubular products. Because MAC offers all of these technologies, the systems can be fully integrated, providing operators with a
to prevent the high levels of torque from affecting the sensitive ball bearing spindles,” explained service and project manager Björn Brunner. The lifting table concept also offers benefits over conventional machining processes where the bending head is moved vertically. Even with increasing machine sizes, users will be able to position the tubes at the ergonomically optimised operating height of 1,150mm, and carry out tool changes without straining their backs. Minimised set-up times ensure that the machine can be taken quickly into operation so that jobs can be completed faster. The new machine control with Siemens Simotion CNC allows speedy and safe execution of work flows because all axes are moved simultaneously. The intuitive user interface means that the CNC-E series can be operated by people without previous CNC training. Because the clamping and feeding forces are torque-controlled, the machine automatically compensates for fluctuations in tube batches. A high-performance simulation program allows the tubes’ bending properties to be checked in advance so that any necessary corrections may be made before they are worked. It also allows binary-coded 3D models to be imported to prevent any input errors.
Magnetic Analysis Corp USA
With over 85 years of experience in designing and manufacturing non- destructive test instruments and systems for the metals industry, Magnetic Analysis Corp (MAC) will be featuring its newest ultrasonic, eddy current, and flux leakage inspection systems for tube manufacturers. Building on the success of MAC’s Echomac ® rotary ultrasonic testers, the company will be featuring a new spinning tube ultrasonic test system at Tube 2014. The system features an APC (automatic pitch control) transducer carrier that contains the water couplant and follows and adjusts to the pitch of the tube as it rotates through the tester. This allows testing of a large range of
Two Echomac spinning tube type ultrasonic inspection units with automatic pitch control for testing tube and pipe
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