TPi January 2012
For your own interview, please contact the editor,
name: Dr Marco Berera
Firm: Acciaitubi SpA
Title: General manager
employees: 120
location: Italy
moremotivated than ever” “We’re stronger and
Dr Marco Berera
Howmany peoplework for acciaitubi? 120 people overall, linked industries included. dr berera, how many generations of your family have been in the steel – and in particular in the steel tube – industry? Acciaitubi SpA was founded in 1961, but steel is rooted in our family tradition, since the start back in 1919. I represent the third entrepreneurial generation. could you tell us a bit about your role at the company – what does an average day at work involve? My typical day begins with a tour of the factory, together with the production manager. I’m the general manager, so I have to supervise production, sales, purchases, administration, and the strategy of course. Usually, at the end of the day, when everybody else has gone, I set aside a
How do you think acciaitubi has developed and adapted to the modern global market of the steel tubes industry? With an obsessive attention to quality, just in time services and competitive prices. We have a flexible structure, which has changed its production range, and its organisation through time. Nowadays we export 50 per cent of the production and target for 70 per cent. Where do you see acciaitubi in the next 10 years or so? It will seem very ambitous, but we’re devoting ourselves to becoming among the most important companies in Europe for gas and water pipes. Possibly, among the first three. That’s the ultimate goal. What was your lowest moment as a businessman during your years of activity in this industry? In 30 years of activity, the worst moments were in 2009. Every effort seemed not good enough.
moment for myself to think about the overall objectives, without losing sight of what we’re doing and where we’re going to. last year you celebrated your 50 years anniversary. How did you mark this milestone? We chose a peculiar way to celebrate: to work. Last year we’ve been very active in research, development, and new businesses. We tied up some very important contracts. In France, we signed a contract for the supply of pipes for sprinkler systems at the hospital of Orléans, which will be the largest in Europe. We supplied tubes for the heating and sprinkler systems of the offices of Hermès, the well-known fashion label, in Paris. We obtained a contract for the pipes used in the explosion-proof cable management systems linking Russia to Europe. We also supplied tubes for a refinery in Algeria.
Tube ProducTs InTernaTIonal January 2012
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