TPi January 2012
- Business & market news - Products & developments - Tube Dusseldorf 2012 - Copper tubes - Stainless steel tubes - Fittings & valves - Interview with Dr Marco Berera of Acciaitubi Spa, italy - Focus on Stellar Tube & Pipe Group - Pipping and crevice corrosion of offshore stainless steel tubing
The World of Tube & Pipe Products, Materials & Ancillaries
July 2011 2
Supplier and Stockists of Steel Tubes
Since 1997, well known leading OEMs, stockists and cylinder manufacturers from more than 25 countries worldwide have entrusted the quality and reliability of our products. Our tubes are widely used in the automotive industry, solar and wind power, hydraulic applications, petrochemical, machinery and engineering. PRODUCTS: Precision tubes, Cylinder tubes, Chromed bars & tubes, Hollow bar, ASTM/API tubes. MATERIALS: Carbon steel, Stainless steel, Alloys, Titanium.
TEL: +34 954 259022 FAX: +34 954 676315
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8 Business & Market News 34 Products & Developments 46 Tube Düsseldorf 2012 62 Feature: Copper Tubes 66 Feature: Stainless Steel Tubes 76 Fittings & Valves 80 Interview with Dr Marco Berera of Acciaitubi Spa, Italy 82 Pitting and crevice corrosion of offshore stainless steel tubing Swagelok Company, USA 85 Focus on: Stellar Tube & Pipe Group 87 Editorial Index 88 Advertisers Index Contents January 2012
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The World of Tube & Pipe Products, Materials & Ancillaries
The January issue
events calendar
Welcome to the latest issue of Tube Products INTERNATIONAL , which this issue has three great features: copper tubes, stainless steel tubes and fittings and valves. We also have an interview with the charismatic leader of Acciaitubi SpA in Italy and a special focus on Stellar Tube & Pipe Group, which is one of the biggest producers of seamless stainless steel tubes and pipes in China. We also have a feature on Tube Düsseldorf 2012 for this special exhibition edition. Last but not least we have a fascinating article from Swagelok looking at problems with pitting and crevice corrosion in offshore stainless steel tubing. I hope there is something for everyone in this bumper first edition of the magazine in 2012. If you would like your company to be featured in the magazine: with either a technical article, an interview or a special company focus – or of course a new tube or pipe product that you are launching – then please get in touch with myself or your usual regional marketing contact on the magazine. It seems like only yesterday that I was attending my first Tube Düsseldorf but it is now upon us once again. It is always a very busy and exciting time for the magazine and the show itself never fails to amaze due to its sheer scale. But I actually think this year the event will be even more special as we have all made it through some tough times economically since 2010 and come out the other side hopefully stronger and wiser than ever. The first show was in 1988 and welcomed 147 exhibitors andfilledaround4,000m 2 . All these years later it isexpected to welcome more than 1,055 tube and pipe-related companies (as of January) from 44 different countries including Italy, France, Austria, Poland, Spain, the USA, Australia and South Africa. I hear that the Czech Republic has seen the highest increase in its number of exhibitors of any country this year, which hopefully points to a healthy growing manufacturing base in that country. All of these tube companies fill up a staggering 50,000m 2 of exhibition space. This year Tube occupies Halls 1 through 7a. Tube
2012 21-22 February
AMI Tube & Pipe Conference (Germany) Conference 2 nd Middle East Steel Tube & Pipe 2012 (Abu Dhabi) Conference METAV 2012 (Germany) Exhibition Tube Düsseldorf International Exhibition IFAT Ensorga (Germany) International Exhibition Tube China International Exhibition EuroBlech (Germany) International Exhibition Tube India International Exhibition Fabtech (Las Vegas, USA) International Exhibition Valve World Expo (Germany) International Exhibition Tube Russia International Exhibition
22-23 February
28 February – 3 March
26-30 March
7-11 May
28-31 May
25-28 September
23-27 October
30 October – 1 November
12-14 November
27-29 November
2013 7-10 January
Tube Arabia International Exhibition Indometal (Indonesia) International Exhibition Boru 2013 (Turkey) International Exhibition
accessories can be found in Halls 1 and 2, with tube trade and tube manufacturing situated in Halls 2, 3, 4 and 9. Tube Products INTERNATIONAL and its sister magazine Tube & Pipe Technology will be at the show in force – you can pick up a copy of the magazine in the North entrance hall or come and say hello to us at our stand at 4F11.
20-23 February
28-30 March
Tube Russia International Exhibition
Rory McBride Editor
news business & market
Gedik Welding’s presentation at Pipetech 2011
Pipes with premium connections TMK has shipped casing with TMK PF premium connections to Daewoo Energy Central Asia. The product is intended for use in an exploratory drilling programme in Uzbekistan, which is being conducted by Daewoo Energy Central Asia, a subsidiary of Daewoo International. TMK has also run a string consisting of 276 casing pipes with TMK FMC premium connections in a well at Gazprom Neft’s South Priobskoye field. The South Priobskoye field is one of Gazprom Neft’s largest and most promising, and its reserves are estimated at 1.2bn tonnes of hydrocarbons.
Welding at Pipetech 2011 At Pipetech 2011, the 3 rd International Pipe and Pipeline Conference and Industry Fair, Gedik Welding shared advances in pipe and pipeline welding science and technology, while exhibiting GeKa brand welding products used in gas and oil pipelines.
Following the presentation, the stand of AHB – the representative of Gedik Welding in Iran – attracted many visitors. The Gedik team conducted numerous technical visits to Iranian pipe producer companies’ production facilities upon the requests. During the discussions at the stand, views were exchanged on the existing and new oil and gas transmission pipelines and their steel types and welds. The company has also provided information regarding submerged arc welding (SAW) wire and fluxes for fabrication of pipelines where various pipe mills are currently using these products.
CEO of Gedik Welding Dr Mustafa Koçak made a presentation titled, “Assessment of Structural Integrity of Welded Oil & Gas Pipelines: Trends and Challenges” on the second day of the conference and informed the audience about how to make structural integrity analysis calculations in the case of a crack or other damages in pipelines. He also emphasised how crucial it is to analyse X80 type steel pipes, and introduced GeKa products, which can be used while welding these materials.
TMK – Russia
Gedik Welding – Turkey
Tube ProducTs InTernaTIonal January 2012
business & market news
ArcelorMittal supplies £16mn of steel tubing for Olympic observation tower
Mr Mittal said he was immediately interested in the project after he remembered the excitement that surrounded the announcement that London had won the Olympic bid. He saw it as an opportunity to leave a lasting legacy for London, to showcase the “unique qualities of steel” and to play a role in the regeneration of Stratford. Mr Mittal said of his involvement in the project, “I live in London – I’ve lived here since 1997 – and I think it’s a wonderful city. This project is an incredible opportunity to build something really spectacular for London, for the Olympic Games and something that will play a lasting role in the legacy of the Games.”
Mr Mittal’s involvement in the project came about after a chance meeting with Mr Johnson in a cloakroom in Davos in January 2009, as they were on their way to separate dinner engagements; in a conversation that took “45 seconds” he pitched the idea to Mr Mittal, who immediately agreed to supply the steel. Mr Mittal later said of his involvement, “I never expected that this was going to be such a huge project. I thought it was just the supply of some steel, a thousand tonnes or so, and that would be it. But then we started working with artists and I realised that the object was not just to supply steel but to complete the whole project. It took us almost 15 months of negotiation and discussion.” Mr Johnson has said that, “In reality, ArcelorMittal has given much more than the steel.”
The ArcelorMittal Orbit is a 115m (377ft) high observation tower built using tubes in the Olympic Park in Stratford, London. The steel sculpture is Britain’s largest piece of public art, and is a permanent, lasting legacy of London’s hosting of the 2012 Summer Olympics, assisting in the post-Olympics regeneration of the Stratford area. Sited between the Olympic Stadium and the Aquatics Centre, it allows visitors to view the whole Olympic Park from two observation platforms. Orbit was designed by Anish Kapoor in collaboration with engineer Cecil Balmond. Announced on 31 March 2010, the tower was expected to be completed by December 2011 at the latest. The project came about after Mayor of London Boris Johnson and Olympics minister Tessa Jowell decided in 2008 that the Olympic Park needed “something extra”. Designers were asked for ideas for an “Olympic tower” of at least 100m (330ft), and Orbit was the unanimous choice from various proposals considered by a nine person advisory panel. The project is expected to cost £19.1mn, with £16mn of that coming from the involvement of Britain’s richest man, the steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal, chairman of the ArcelorMittal steel company, with the balance of £3.1mn coming from the London Development Agency. The official name of the sculpture, ArcelorMittal Orbit, combines the name of Mr Mittal’s company, as chief sponsor, with Orbit, the original working title of Kapoor and Balmond’s design. Both Kapoor and Balmond believe Orbit represents a radical advance in the architectural field of combining sculpture and structural engineering, and believe that it combines both stability and instability in a work that visitors can engage with and experience, via an incorporated spiral walkway. The structure has been both praised and criticised for its bold design, while it has also been criticised as a vanity project, of questionable lasting use or merit as a public art project.
ArcelorMittal – Luxembourg
Anish Kapoor’s Orbit was officially announced as the winner on 31 March 2010. According to The Guardian , Orbit was chosen from a final short-list of three, with Orbit beating one design submitted by Antony Gormley, and another submitted by the architectural firm Caruso St John. The £16mn to be funded by ArcelorMittal consists of a £10mn cash donation and £6mn in underwriting of capital costs, which could be potentially recovered from profits generated after the games. According to Mr Johnson, the cost of the project would be recouped after the games through the private hire of a dining area at the top of the tower, predicting it would become a “corporate money- making venture”.
January 2012 Tube Products International
business & market news
DeepFlex completes significant funding DeepFlex, Inc, a manufacturer of all- composite flexible pipe used in chal- lenging subsea oil and gas production environments, has closed a funding agreementandcompletedrecapitalisation to simplify its capital structure. AEM Capital of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is the lead investor, with funding from Promon International of the Promon Group of Brazil, and Energy Ventures, Klaveness Invest AS and Mobelmagasinet Tvedt, all based in Norway. significant milestone in the history of DeepFlex. Their vast experience in the Brazilian upstream oil and gas sector as well as their relationships in the business community in Brazil will certainly help propel DeepFlex to the next level.
Antonio Muller, managing partner of AEM Capital, said, “We are excited about the opportunity to assist DeepFlex in becoming a significant force in the flexible pipe market, not only in Brazil, but around the world. “DeepFlex’s current flexible pipe technology is impressive and the technological developments already underway will further distinguish the company’s products.”
“More than half of the world’s subsea flexible pipe market is offshore Brazil, so it is logical to have a majority of our board and a new lead investor from Brazil. Our plans include forming a Brazilian company, adding staff in-country and preparing for a manufacturing facility in Brazil.”
DeepFlex, Inc – USA
Mike Kearney, president and CEO of DeepFlex, commented, “Having AEM Capital lead this financing is a
Prolamsa acquires ERW tubing supplier Prolamsa has acquired 100% of the shares of Aceros Cuatro Caminos, a Mexico City producer of ERW tubing and value-added products for Tier 1 and other automotive and OEM customers. held by the Prolamsa Group. The two companies will explore opportunities and synergies that can benefit the customers of both.
in Houston, Texas, to market and sell structural and mechanical tubing, value- added products and metal building components in the US and Canada. Prolamsa, Inc operates an ERW tubular manufacturing plant and a distribution centre in Laredo, Texas.
Prolamsa is a major steel tube and pipe producer in Latin America. It was founded in 1954 and has plants in Escobedo and Tepeji del Rio, Mexico. The company operates four distribution centres – Guadalajara, San Luis Potosi, and two in Mexico City.
The acquisition will strengthen Prolamsa’s presence in the central region of Mexico and increase its capabilities to serve the automotive industry. The name Aceros Cuatro Caminos will be retained, and it will be included in the family of companies currently
Prolamsa – Mexico Prolamsa Inc – USA
In 1996 the company formed a subsidiary, Prolamsa, Inc, headquartered
Mueller enters into standstill agreement with Leucadia
Mueller Industries is a manufacturer of copper tube and fittings; brass and copper alloy rod, bar and shapes; aluminium and brass forgings; aluminium and copper impact extrusions; plastic fittings and valves; refrigeration valves and fittings; and fabricated tubular products. Its operations are located throughout the United States and in Canada, Mexico, UK and China.
The agreement also restricts sales by Leucadia to counterparties who hold, or after giving effect to a sale would hold, in excess of 4.9% of the company’s common stock. Additionally, the agreement prevents Leucadia from engaging in certain corporate actions without the express permission of the members of the board of directors not appointed by Leucadia. The standstill agreement is set to terminate in September 2013, unless otherwise terminated earlier in accordance with the agreement.
Mueller Industries, Inc has entered into a standstill agreement with Leucadia National Corporation whereby Leucadia agreed to own no more than 27.5% of Mueller’s outstanding common stock, and Leucadia is entitled to appoint up to two directors to the company’s board of directors. Pursuant to the standstill agreement Leucadia nominated, and the board of directors unanimously elected, Ian M Cumming, chairman of Leucadia, and Joseph S Steinberg, president of Leucadia, to serve on Mueller’s board of directors.
Mueller Industries, Inc – USA
Tube Products International January 2012
Pay us a visit at TUBE 2012! March 26–30, 2012 Messe Düsseldorf Germany Hall 3 | Stand 3 E 37
Special tubes and composite tubes are being used succesfully by our customers in waste-to-energy plants, power stations, boiler, heat-exchanging and coalification plants. Why not take advantage of our know-how and processes? Our tubes are wear resistant, multi-functional, heat conductible, corrosion-resistant and easy to work. All tubes are also available as fin-tubes.
Hoesch Schwerter Profile GmbH Eisenindustriestrasse 1 · D-58239 Schwerte Tel.: ++49 (0) 23 04 106-608 Fax: ++49 (0) 23 04 106-673
E-Mail: Internet:
business & market news
NOV and Ameron in merger agreement National Oilwell Varco, Inc (NOV) and Ameron International Corporation have entered into an agreement under which NOV will acquire Ameron in an all cash transaction that values Ameron at approximately $772 million. share in cash in return for each of the approximately 9.1 million shares outstanding. The boards of directors of NOV and Ameron have unanimously approved the transaction, which is subject to customary closing conditions, including the approval of holders of at least a majority of Ameron’s outstanding shares. Under the agreement Ameron’s stockholders would receive $85 per
Ameron is a multinational manufacturer of highly engineered products and materials for the chemical, industrial, energy, transportation and infrastructure markets. The company produces fibreglass- composite pipe for transporting oil, chemicals and corrosive fluids, and specialised materials and products used in infrastructure projects, such as poles and construction materials. The company is also a provider of water transmission lines and fabricated steel products such as wind towers. NOV designs and manufactures equipment and components used in oil and gas drilling and production operations, the provision of oilfield services, and supply chain integration services to the upstream oil and gas industry. James S Marlen, chairman, president and CEO of Ameron International Corporation, commented, “Ameron’s board of directors believes that the proposed transaction with NOV represents an outstanding value for Ameron’s stockholders. The Ameron businesses, while confronting a challenging business environment at this time, hold strong positions, and we have structured the businesses to capitalise on growth opportunities as markets recover. NOV has the resources to fully capitalise on the established business strategies and fully realise the potential of each of the Ameron businesses.” Pete Miller, chairman, president and CEO of NOV, remarked, “The acquisition of this leading fibreglass pipe provider will enhance the scale and scope of the solutions we offer to our oil and gas customers worldwide. Ameron’s marine and offshore products will expand NOV’s offering into seawater handling systems in new oil and gas drilling and FPSO vessels, and our combined oilfield composite pipe operations will benefit from purchasing efficiencies and scale.” National Oilwell Varco, Inc – USA Ameron International Corp – USA
HIGH PRESSURE FITTINGS Forged-Carbon-Alloy-Stainless Steel, Threaded and Socket Weld PRODUCTS: 90°/45° elbow, tee, union, coupling, bushing, plug, cap, insert, pipe nipple & swage nipple . . .etc. MATERIALS: -Stainless Steel: ASTM A182, F304/304L, F316/316L, F304H/F316H, F317L -Carbon Steel: ASTM A105, SF440A & A181, A350 LF2 -Alloy Steel: ASTM A182 F11, F22 PRESSURE RATINGS: 2000, 3000, 6000 & 9000 lbs APPROVAL CERTIFICATES: ISO-9001 Quality Assurance, L/R, C/R, N/K & ABS register of shipping, PED (CE)
Manufacturer & Exporter BOTH-WELL STEEL FITTINGS CO., LTD. No. 303, JEN-HSIN ROAD JEN-WU DISTRICT KAOHSIUNG CITY, TAIWAN R.O.C. (81460) Tel: +886 7 3711536, 3710497, 3720260 Fax: +886 7 3713864, 3713882 E-mail: box@
Tube Products International January 2012
business & market news
Dr Jeffrey Packer joins STINA’s HSS committee board
served on the board of directors from 2004 to 2007. Dr Packer is also the recipient of numerous awards. The Steel Tube Institute was formed in 1930 when a group of manufacturers joined forces to promote and market steel tubing. Their goal was to mount a cooperative effort that would improve manufacturing techniques and inform customers about their products’ utility, versatility and competitive advantages.
another for the American Institute of Steel Construction.
The Steel Tube Institute of North America (STINA) has announced that Dr Jeffrey Packer has agreed to serve on the board of its HSS committee. In this capacity, Dr Packer will advise board members on a variety of issues relating to steel hollow structural sections (HSS). Dr Packer serves as the Bahen/ Tanenbaum Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Toronto, Canada. He is a licensed professional engineer in Ontario and the UK, a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers, a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers (UK), and has served on the editorial boards of several journals. Bill Wolfe, executive director of STINA, noted that Dr Packer’s addition to the HSS committee’s board will provide it with a broad range of knowledge and experience: “Jeff Packer is one of the foremost experts in North America concerning the design and use of tubular steel products. His expertise will be a welcome addition to our HSS board. “STINA is also exploring the possibility that Dr Packer may actively contribute to one or more areas of the HSS committee’s new website. We would like to have the opportunity to share Dr Packer’s expertise with other groups that we serve – designers, fabricators, contractors, government officials, equipment manufacturers and building owners.” Dr Packer graduated from the University of Adelaide, Australia in 1972, and subsequently received his Master’s degree from the University of Manchester (1975) and PhD from the University of Nottingham (1978) in the UK. Since his initial appointment at the University of Toronto in 1980 he has undertaken research, development and consulting work primarily on tubular steel structures. He has published extensively on this topic, including several co-authored CIDECT design guide books (published in four languages), another in Chinese, two design guides for the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC), and
He currently serves on several technical committees, including the American Welding Society (AWS D1), the Comite International pour le Development et l’Etude de la Construction Tubulaire (CIDECT), the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and the International Institute of Welding (IIW), where he
Steel Tube Institute of North America
January 2012 Tube Products International
business & market news
Loose steel tube flying lead orders Deep Down, Inc, an oilfield services company specialising in complex deepwater and ultra-deepwater oil production distribution system support services, has been awarded two loose steel tube flying lead (LSFL) orders worth in excess of $3mn. One order was placed by a major controls OEM, and the other directly by an independent oil and gas, exploration and production group. contains a lightweight and compact termination head and very flexible steel tube bundle, allowing for easy make up of the heads by the ROV on the ocean floor. This technology, coupled with Deep Down’s innovative deployment methods, reduces the time on bottom and hence connection cycle time. Deep Down also offers integrated buoyancy in its flying lead heads for better handling and work-over intervention scenarios, where it is more advantageous to deploy a smaller ROV from the platform, as opposed to mobilising a vessel with a work class ROV.
mark a shift in customer perception and have recognised our success on previous projects. We are confident in this technology and have strong indications from many of our clients that this is the technology of choice going forward. We will continue to expand this product line.” Deep Down’s services and technological solutions include distribution system installation support and engineering services, umbilical terminations, loose tube steel flying leads, distributed and drill riser buoyancy, ROVs and tooling, marine vessel automation, control, and ballast systems. The company supports subsea engineering, installation, commissioning, and maintenance projects through specialised service teams and engineered technological solutions.
A total of 27 flying leads and ancillary equipment will be delivered in the first half of 2012. The flying leads will be deployed in water depths up to 1,300m off the coasts of northwest Australia and Ghana. Given the scope of supply and the delivery method, Deep Down also anticipates additional work from the associated installation contractors during the installation phase. Deep Down’s LSFL technology is robust yet installation friendly. The patent- pending Moray ® termination system
CEO Ron Smith stated, “Customers are recognising that flying leads, although insignificant in cost compared to the rest of the distribution system, represent a bigger challenge to install than simple mud mats. Working in tight quarters and trying to manipulate stiff and heavy flying leads is a challenge; the loose steel tube bundle is the key to effortless make up. These orders
Deep Down, Inc – USA
COLD FORMED WELDED STRUCTURAL HOLLOW SECTIONS ROUND, SQUARE AND RECTANGULAR FOR CONSTRUCTIONS AND STRUCTURES Circular hollow sections: O.D. mm 273 ÷ 610 Square hollow sections: side mm 250 ÷ 500 Rectangular hollow sections: from 300x200 mm to 700x300 mm Thickness: from 6 to 16 mm Lenght: from 6 to 24 mt Certificate: EN 10219 issued by LGA TUV RHEINLAND
We will attend “TUBE 2012” exhibition in Düsseldorf from 26 th until 30 th March 2012. You will find us in Halle 03 - stand 3E50
S.P.A. Via Imperia 9 - 10040 LA LOGGIA (TO) - ITALY Tel +39 011 9628128 - Fax +39 011 9629074
Since 1950 experience, reliability, innovation. Only the best, nothing less.
business & market news
Metallurgy-Litmash 2012 International Trade Fair for Metallurgy, Machinery, Plant Technology & Products
Combined heat and power plant for low carbon heating and electricity A new £4 million nursing home in Southampton, UK has been equipped with a state-of-the-art combined heat and power (CHP) plant to deliver low carbon heating and electricity for residents. The facility, which has been completed by Healthcare Development Services Ltd for Primary Care Investments, is designed to provide accommodation for 80 mainly elderly residents. All plumbing, heating and mechanical services on the project were carried out by Swindon-based Enviroheating Ltd, with products and technical support provided by Pipe Center, part of the Wolseley group. The high efficiency Baxi Commercial CHP plant works in tandem with condensing gas-fired boiler as back-up, generating electricity and providing hot water for heating and domestic use. CHP is considered ideal for use in care home applications due to the requirements for large quantities of hot water. It also enabled the facility to achieve the challenging BREEAM rating set for the development. Craig Gavin, managing director of Enviroheating Ltd, commented, “It’s a technically advanced system designed to be ultra efficient and minimise running costs, while maximising the quality of the environment for residents. “Pipe Center provided excellent support in terms of product specification and technical back-up. Installation and commissioning went without a hitch and the client was delighted with the result.” The system, involving both CHP and traditional boilers, required careful design to ensure efficient integration of all components in the plant room. Pipe Center’s Roger Hoskins worked closely with Enviroheating on this and in specifying the makes, models and sizes of products required to meet the project brief. As well as Baxi Commercial CHP plant and boiler, it included Uponor pipe, Flamco pressurisation system and Wilo pumps. This ‘total solution’ enabled a cost- effective package to be put forward at the tender stage. Following successful completion of the Southampton project, Enviroheating is now working with Pipe Center on two further care home projects, in Erdington and York.
Tube Russia 2012 The International Tube and Pipe Trade Fair in Russia
Aluminium/ Non-Ferrous 2012 International Trade Fair for Aluminium and Non-Ferrous Metals, Materials, Technologies and Products
2 8 – 3 1 M a y 2012
E x P o c E N T R F a i r g r o u n d s
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Wolseley UK
Phone +49(0)211/4560-7793 Fax +49(0)211/4560-7740
Tube Products International January 2012
No need to cover the tracks!
exhibiting at wire/tube düsseldorf ? Make yourself visible and publish your company profile, products and services!
Neureuter Fair Media
business & market news
Riser specialist appointed technical director of Magma
Commenting on his appointment, Mr Hatton said, “It is an exciting time to be joining Magma; my experience at 2H and wider industry relationships will give a great foundation to help move the business forward very rapidly. I believe m-pipe offers the potential for a significant improvement in the way we design, manufacture, install and operate critical riser systems. It’s time for us to look to new materials to solve some of the tough challenges the offshore industry faces; materials which will reduce risk and installed cost of riser systems.”
company 2H where, as a director, he has driven the business in riser system and subsea hardware design and analysis. Martin Jones, Magma Global’s CEO, said, “We are delighted that Steve has decided to take on this important role at Magma. We have worked closely with him for several years and have been impressed with his breadth of knowledge, experience and grasp of the positive impact m-pipe will have in solving some of the challenges facing subsea exploration and production. We expect Steve to have a significant influence over our development and delivery of m-pipe, our strategic direction and growth.”
Magma Global Ltd, manufacturer of the m-pipe carbon/polymer pipe for harsh subsea applications, has appointed Steve Hatton as its commercial director. Mr Hatton joins Magma from Acteon Group Ltd, where he was vice president and principal director of its riser engineering company 2H. With almost 30 years’ experience in subsea equipment and riser systems design, he graduated from Newcastle Upon Tyne University and then worked for Vickers Offshore, John Brown and Cameron Offshore Engineering, where he was predominantly involved in the detail design of riser systems and riser EPC contracts. In 1993 he was jointly responsible for setting up the
Magma Global Ltd – UK
STINA awards certified producer status The Steel Tube Institute of North America (STINA) has announced that six companies who produce steel tubular products have passed its audit process and earned the right to display the STINA Certified Producer mark on their products. The companies underwent a series of internal audits and product testing to assure their processes, manufacturing procedures and products adhere to ASTM and other recognised manufacturing standards.
Achieving producer certification gives the recipient the right to use STINA’s Producer Certification Mark, not only on its products, but also on its website, annual reports, advertising and marketing materials, company letterhead, signage and emails. A second group of companies are applying for, or are currently going through, the process of certification. Mark Bula, STINA’s HSS director, discussed the programme’s initial goal: “Bill Wolfe and the leadership of STINA set out to establish a higher standard of integrity for the products our industry produces.” Mr Bula went on to discuss how the Producer Certification Program achieves that: “ASTM specifications set the primary standards for our industry. But until now, they have been voluntary standards, and they’ve been self- certified. The STINA Certified Producer Program adds an independent, third party certification. That’s a significant difference. It raises the bar to a new level.” Steel Tube Institute of North America
The Steel Tube Institute’s Producer Certification Program is an on-going process. Once a company has passed the initial assessment, it is subjected to up to two visits a year by Intertek, who will audit and test the company’s raw materials, production processes and post production test reports, and obtain samples of manufactured tubes for testing at their verification centre. Bill Wolfe, STINA’s executive director, said that the testing procedures were as demanding as any he has experienced in the steel industry: “Intertek’s years of experience were evident during the process, and their comments and suggestions to our member companies were insightful. It was not only the testing procedures, but the additional information and recommendations they provided that made their audit processes so valuable.”
These six companies are the first to have successfully passed the rigorous audits and product testing administered by Intertek, one of the largest providers of auditing, inspections, testing, quality assurance and certification of companies’ products and processes. All of the facilities certified are producers of steel hollow structural sections (HSS). Two of the companies were able to qualify more than one manufacturing location. The certified facilities are: Allied Tube (Morrisville, Pennsylvania); Atlas Tube (Chicago, Illinois; Harrow, Ontario; Plymouth, Michigan); Bull Moose Tube (Trenton, Georgia; Elkhart, Indiana); Searing Industries (Rancho Cucamonga, California); Southland Tube (Birmingham, Alabama); and Vest, Inc (Los Angeles, California).
Tube Products International January 2012
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Nelson enters commercial vehicle aftermarket Nelson Global Products Inc has announced the appointment of Randy Aylor as general manager – aftermarket. He will lead a team to strengthen and accelerate the company’s initiatives in the heavy-duty and medium-duty vehicle aftermarket with intentions to supply multiple distribution channels with the right products at the right time. The company has been an active supplier to the on-highway, off-highway and speciality vehicle OE markets and had previously stated its strategic intention to improve its service to these respective aftermarkets. “We are confident that our customers want to have Nelson exhaust and fabricated tube assemblies available again in the aftermarket, and Randy’s extensive global aftermarket experience makes him uniquely qualified to lead this segment of our business,” said Tom Gosnell, CEO. Mr Aylor most recently served as area director for Safeworks LLC, a manufacturer of powered access and safety solutions. He was previously director of marketing and business development for Meritor Aftermarket, based in Zurich, Switzerland, and also served in other management positions at Meritor including regional manager in Melbourne, Australia. Nelson Global Products designs, manufactures andmarkets a broad range of high performance exhaust products and tubing for OEM and aftermarket use for the global on-highway and off- highway markets. These products include mufflers and silencers, exhaust tube assemblies, EGR and thermal management tubing (TMT) for emissions systems, pressurised tube assemblies for air, hydraulic and lubrication, and structural assemblies.
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business & market news
Joint venture private water pipeline Aqua America Inc and Penn Virginia Resource Partners (PVR) have announced that certain of their operating subsidiaries have formed a joint venture, Aqua-PVR Water Services, LLC, to construct and operate a private pipeline system to supply fresh water to natural gas producers drilling in the Marcellus Shale in north-central Pennsylvania, USA. The 12" diameter steel pipeline will largely parallel the trunkline of PVR’s gathering system in Lycoming County and will share PVR’s existing rights of way. with other area producers for supply agreements are on-going. The joint venture commenced construction of the fresh water pipeline in the latter part of 2011, and limited water delivery was expected before year-end. The entire 18-mile long first segment of the system is anticipated to be fully completed and begin regular operation during the first quarter of 2012.
Nicholas DeBenedictis, chairman and CEO of Aqua, said, “Marcellus Shale offers a critical and challenging opportunity for the State of Pennsylvania. Critical because the energy needs of the country must be developed domestically and Pennsylvania can be that provider. Challenging because it must be done in a manner that protects and manages our most precious resource, water. This project is the first that prudently enables the development of the Marcellus while helping to protect our water sheds and manage our supplies. Pumping water through pipe, as opposed to trucking water, reduces road traffic and damage that can result in runoff that can negatively impact streams in this sensitive part of the state. Managing the supply from confirmed reliable sources reduces the potential for over withdrawal from those same streams.”
William H Shea, Jr, CEO of PVR, said, “We are very excited to join with Aqua America in building a private water pipeline to supply Marcellus producers. We are also pleased to welcome Range Resources as an anchor customer on the pipeline. We believe this project is a ‘win-win’ solution that offers tangible benefits to both the contracting producers and the local communities in which we operate. The pipeline will provide contracting producers with a more reliable fresh water source at a lower delivered cost. By reducing the number of trucks operating on area highways, area residents will benefit from reduced traffic congestion, noise and delays.”
PVR is constructing the fresh water pipeline and handling negotiation of water pipeline capacity contracts with producers. Aqua will operate the system when completed and handle water intake supply arrangements. Aqua and PVR each anticipate investing approximately $12mn for construction of the first segment of the project. The joint venture has entered into an agreement with Range Resources – Appalachia, a wholly owned subsidiary of Range Resources Corporation, to supply fresh water to three of Range’s water impoundments, and negotiations
aqua america – USA
Penn Virginia resource Partners, lP – USA
Contract extension to continue water network improvements
improve system operability and control on a daily basis.” The programme in Atlanta is focused on improving water main valve and fire hydrant operability, enabling the utility to better respond to water main breaks, achieve a high level of operational control of the water network, and pinpoint repair and replacement of water distribution assets more effectively. Working closely with the Atlanta Department of Watershed Management, services provided by the joint venture include asset location, operational condition assessment, and GPS location mapping of critical water assets.
system improvements to date, including achieving a high degree of water main valve operability that the company says has set industry standards for large urban cities. “Wachs Water Services is proud to contribute to Atlanta’s efforts to ensure a reliable and sustainable water infrastructure to serve their citizens and businesses,” said company president Cliff Wilson. “Managing an ageing water network requires a results-driven approach that achieves both immediate system improvements and long-term sustainability. Every dollar that has been invested into this programme has delivered tangible results that
Wachs Water Services, a provider of solutions for the management of ageing water infrastructure in North America, has been awarded a $9.4mn contract extension to continue supporting the City of Atlanta, Georgia in its efforts to assess, test and survey thousands of valves and fire hydrants throughout its water network. One of the largest water infrastructure projects of its kind in the USA, the company is helping to improve and rehabilitate vital water distribution system assets and control points for the city as part of a joint venture with Brindley Pieters and Associates.
Wachs Water services – USA
The on-going programme has accomplished considerable water
Tube ProducTs InTernaTIonal January 2012
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business & market news
New managing director for Flextraction Flextraction Ltd, a supplier and manufacturer of local exhaust ventilation (LEV) products, has announced that Lee Darton has been appointed managing director. Mr Darton has many years’ experience in the fume and dust extraction equipment industry. He has been with Flextraction for over 12 years, as sales manager and most recently as general manager (products). fume extraction products that cover a multitude of industries, which we continually strive to improve and develop. This marketing strategy has led to increased order books both from the UK and from new markets in Europe. “Working with the UKTI (UK Trade and Investment) in order to find defined Flextraction Ltd – UK
My appointment as managing director will help us take the company forward as part of our ongoing marketing and investment strategies, both in the long and short term.”
partners in Europe has led to the recent appointment of a distributor in France for our HPD products (hood positioning devices). This in turn has resulted in increased production of HPDs. “We are continuing to drive our export business forward and are currently looking at defined partners in both Germany and Spain.
Lee Darton, Flextraction’s new managing director
Wally Gilder, chairman of Flextraction, commented, “Lee has played a significant role in the development of this company and has created a fully focussed and committed sales and after sales team. Under his guidance we have seen our market share continue to increase and this appointment comes at a time when the company is experiencing improved trading conditions and the introduction of a wider product portfolio. It is just reward for all his commitment and endeavours.”
Mr Darton said, “Flextraction has a comprehensive range of dust and
BP Pipelines adopts software management platform
another significant milestone in the short history of Asset Guardian and will enable us to continue our impressive growth record. “We pride ourselves on being able to deliver solutions to our clients that can deliver real business benefits in driving operational efficiencies and minimising the risks involved in managing software for companies with complex processes operating in high risk production industries.” Established in 2004, Asset Guardian provides solutions to more than 260 users across a range of process and manufacturing industries including oil and gas, power generation, pharmaceutical, and food and beverage. Asset Guardian Solutions Ltd – UK
Asset Guardian’s most common uses is as a disaster recovery tool. By managing software and business critical information through a central platform, users can help to minimise system downtime incurred by software failure. Asset Guardian has already been rolled out to many parts of BP but this latest contract will ensure that the integrity of BP Pipeline’s process software will be managed on one platform and securely accessible anywhere via the BP network. The company’s three US control centres operate onshore and offshore systems, handling the transport of crude oil, refined products, natural gas liquids and chemicals. Commenting on the contract win, Sam Mackay, chief executive of Asset Guardian, said, “We are delighted to be partnering with such a significant player in the global energy industry. This marks
Asset Guardian Solutions Ltd, a specialist in software asset protection for the process and manufacturing industry, has signed up BP Pipelines to its proprietary software management platform. The Asset Guardian tool set provides process and manufacturing organisations with a software management solution enabling them to minimise the risks associated with process-critical safety software and related functions. The solution also ensures that companies are in compliance with complex ISO and IEC standards, government directives, and industry best practices for the “configuration and change management” of process critical systems. Given that up to 90% of UK companies have no secure back-up of process- critical application software, one of
Tube Products International January 2012
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