TPi January 2012
business & market news
Loose steel tube flying lead orders Deep Down, Inc, an oilfield services company specialising in complex deepwater and ultra-deepwater oil production distribution system support services, has been awarded two loose steel tube flying lead (LSFL) orders worth in excess of $3mn. One order was placed by a major controls OEM, and the other directly by an independent oil and gas, exploration and production group. contains a lightweight and compact termination head and very flexible steel tube bundle, allowing for easy make up of the heads by the ROV on the ocean floor. This technology, coupled with Deep Down’s innovative deployment methods, reduces the time on bottom and hence connection cycle time. Deep Down also offers integrated buoyancy in its flying lead heads for better handling and work-over intervention scenarios, where it is more advantageous to deploy a smaller ROV from the platform, as opposed to mobilising a vessel with a work class ROV.
mark a shift in customer perception and have recognised our success on previous projects. We are confident in this technology and have strong indications from many of our clients that this is the technology of choice going forward. We will continue to expand this product line.” Deep Down’s services and technological solutions include distribution system installation support and engineering services, umbilical terminations, loose tube steel flying leads, distributed and drill riser buoyancy, ROVs and tooling, marine vessel automation, control, and ballast systems. The company supports subsea engineering, installation, commissioning, and maintenance projects through specialised service teams and engineered technological solutions.
A total of 27 flying leads and ancillary equipment will be delivered in the first half of 2012. The flying leads will be deployed in water depths up to 1,300m off the coasts of northwest Australia and Ghana. Given the scope of supply and the delivery method, Deep Down also anticipates additional work from the associated installation contractors during the installation phase. Deep Down’s LSFL technology is robust yet installation friendly. The patent- pending Moray ® termination system
CEO Ron Smith stated, “Customers are recognising that flying leads, although insignificant in cost compared to the rest of the distribution system, represent a bigger challenge to install than simple mud mats. Working in tight quarters and trying to manipulate stiff and heavy flying leads is a challenge; the loose steel tube bundle is the key to effortless make up. These orders
Deep Down, Inc – USA
COLD FORMED WELDED STRUCTURAL HOLLOW SECTIONS ROUND, SQUARE AND RECTANGULAR FOR CONSTRUCTIONS AND STRUCTURES Circular hollow sections: O.D. mm 273 ÷ 610 Square hollow sections: side mm 250 ÷ 500 Rectangular hollow sections: from 300x200 mm to 700x300 mm Thickness: from 6 to 16 mm Lenght: from 6 to 24 mt Certificate: EN 10219 issued by LGA TUV RHEINLAND
We will attend “TUBE 2012” exhibition in Düsseldorf from 26 th until 30 th March 2012. You will find us in Halle 03 - stand 3E50
S.P.A. Via Imperia 9 - 10040 LA LOGGIA (TO) - ITALY Tel +39 011 9628128 - Fax +39 011 9629074
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