TPT September 2023
Business & market news
Civils Store brings StormTech into stock to help customers meet sustainable drainage deadline
Combining arch-shaped chambers with an innovative, integrated water quality treatment system, StormTech has been used successfully in over 50,000 projects worldwide employing in excess of three million units. Featuring a range of chamber sizes and its unique isolator row, providing ‘first flush’ cleansing and treatment of storm water run-off, StormTech is especially suited to applications requiring minimum cover, installation under trafficked areas and fast construction. As units are stackable, minimal space is required for storage and transport. StormTech fully complies with the recently updated design and construction guidance for foul and surface water sewers, meaning that water companies in England can accept StormTech when offered for adoption by developers under Section 104 Agreements in accordance with the Water Industry Act 1991. Additionally, structural modelling to Eurocodes has demonstrated that StormTech SuDS attenuation chambers can be installed to the minimum and maximum cover depths detailed within the standard ADS installation guidelines, originally based on US standards. Kevin Hancock, Civils Store managing director, said: “We have enjoyed great success with StormTech on a buy to-order basis, and with the huge increase in interest in StormTech and with Schedule 3 just round the corner, it makes perfect sense for us to bring StormTech into stock at our depots. Our first shipment is to Kent in the UK, then into Somerset, with other branches to follow.” Advanced Drainage Systems
Groundworks and drainage supply specialist Civils Store is the latest infrastructure materials distributor to register interest in StormTech, the stormwater management system from Advanced Drainage Systems Inc (ADS). With Schedule 3 of the Flood & Water Management Act 2010, requiring developers to seek adoption of all their sustainable drainage systems (SuDS), expected to be implemented next year, the importance and accessibility of effective stormwater storage and attenuation systems is only set to increase. With Civils Store now stocking StormTech, a versatile alternative to crates, ADS’s products can now be sourced throughout Civil Store’s UK branch network.
The importance and accessibility of effective stormwater storage and attenuation systems is only set to increase
Fredrik Haglund appointed president of Tibnor
own request after four successful years: “Working in Tibnor for the past four years has been extremely rewarding and meaningful, thanks to motivated, creative and professional Tibnor employees. It is now time for me to do something totally different. And I am happy to have an excellent successor: Fredrik will take Tibnor towards 2030 and beyond.” “It gives me great pleasure to announce Fredrik as the next president of Tibnor. Fredrik has extensive experience in Tibnor and has led an impressive transformation and growth in Tibnor Denmark. I am convinced he will lead Tibnor towards continued profitable growth, digitalisation and sustainability in the best possible way. Kimmo has successfully developed
Fredrik Haglund has been with Tibnor since 2008, and a member of the management team since 2016. He has led Tibnor Denmark since 2020, as well as managing Tibnor’s parts business and Tibnor Sweden logistics and production before that. “It is very inspiring to be chosen to lead Tibnor. I look forward to, together with all Tibnor employees, continuing to deliver on our strategy and further strengthening our market position. We have a very strong set-up in all Tibnor countries and this gives a good foundation for further expansion and profitable growth,” said Mr Haglund. Kimmo Väkiparta, current president of Tibnor, has decided to step down at his
Fredrik Haglund
Tibnor in terms of growth, profitability and business culture. I want to thank Kimmo for his outstanding work for the company,” added Martin Lindqvist, chairman of Tibnor. Fredrik Haglund will take up his new position in July and be located at Tibnor HQ in Solna, Sweden. SSAB
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