TPT September 2023
Dietronic delivers eleven Antirust systems to Hierros Añón Group tube mills
(up to 255mm diameter), is currently being installed in Tumesa. The Dietronic Antirust system is now installed on more than 250 steel tube mills globally. It is designed to spray an accurate and precise amount of rust prevention oil on the product surface. This is done in-line and at full mill production speed with automatically adjusted application proportional to line speed. This means even if mill speed is changed the Antirust will always maintain the correct amount of oil sprayed in g/m². The benefit of this is total and accurate oil application with minimal usage resulting in fully protected products with minimal cost. Any oil over-sprayed or collected as mist is returned to the recycle tank and filtered multiple times before being pumped back to the main tank to be reused. This ensures minimal well as loss of coupling in the body and edges of the strip. These defects can therefore be detected early in the manufacturing process. A dynamic calibration can be realised at constant intervals during the control. The inspection mechanism will slide over a calibration table (in off-line position) in order to check all the settings. Sofratest’s software displays the results of the ultrasonic inspection in real-time. The traceability is ensured by production software, which creates complete and customisable inspection reports. Once the recording is completed, a profile file is created and stored. The system’s screen is remote
IN 2022 Tubos del Mediterráneo, SA (Tumesa) located in Valencia, Spain, installed a Dietronic Antirust 04 unit at one of its steel tube mills. The machine was operated over a period of two months to verify performance and ensure that the system would protect their products against rust in storage and transportation. After this successful installation an order was placed for ten more Antirust systems for tube mills in the same plant as well as mills installed in sister companies Perfiles Aragón (Peasa, Zaragoza) and Tubos de Legutiano (TLA, Vitoria). The new Dietronic systems were delivered on a schedule of one per month and immediately installed ready for commissioning. The final unit, an Antirust 12 system for larger pipes and profiles SOFRATEST designs and manufactures non-destructive testing (NDT) solutions, offering customised and adaptable equipment dedicated to SAW and ERW pipes inspection. To strengthen its presence in the NDT market, Sofratest is now part of Controle Mesure Systemes Group, which specialises in the manufacture of eddy current and ultrasonic NDT systems for tubes, pipes, plates, wires and rails. Sofratest’s ultrasonic system allow the inspection of strip before the process of forming and welding into ERW and SAW pipes. It detects lamination, or splitting, defects as
wastage and low environmental impact. Dietronic designs and manufactures precision lubrication systems for all kinds of metal processing applications including surface preparation/protection for tubes, pipes and profiles. It also has a full portfolio of machines for metal stamping/presswork applications. Hierros Añón SA manufactures and markets a wide variety of steel products. The company is based in Madrid, Spain. An order was placed for ten more Antirust systems for tube mills at a number of mills
Dietronic Srl
Strip lamination ultrasonic inspection for SAW/ERW pipes
Strip lamination ultrasonic inspection
to allow a global view of the inspection performed, allowing the necessary adjustments to be made in real-time. Sofratest will be at booth D42441 at the FABTECH Exhibition in Chicago, USA from the 11 to 15 of September 2023.
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