TPT November 2007
P roduction of H eat T ransfer T ubing
The cool solution for refrigeration, air-con and heat exchangers
buntmetall amstetten GmbH, Austria, manufactures the seamless drawn Frigotec ® -KS-copper tube, which is ideal for transportation of technical gases (including R407-C and R410-A) in refrigeration installations, refrigeration and air- conditioning systems. It is also suitable for heat exchangers. Available in straight lengths or coils, the dry and clean inside surface of the Frigotec ® -KS-copper tube is one of its
outstanding characteristics. Frigotec ® - KS-copper tubes fulfil the requirements according to EN 12735-1 for copper tubes, which are required by the refrigeration and air-conditioning industry. DIN 8905 or ASTM B 280 will be replaced by EN 12735-1. The tubes are made of high-quality copper and a dry, clean, non- oxidising and fat-free internal surface. This ensures top grade quality and secure finishing, achieved through
fi Level-wound, thin-walled copper tubes (LWC)
Seamless drawn Frigotec ® -KS-copper tube
Tubes for industrial use can also be supplied with a wall thickness up to approximately 40mm. Most dimensions can be delivered short-termed ex stock. Level-wound, thin-walled copper tubes (LWC) are also available for refrigeration and air-conditioning technology. These thin-walled copper tubes are produced according the latest state- of-the-art technique and guarantee
constant controls according to the quality assurance system ISO 9001/ EN 29001. The tubes are supplied in standard dimensions of 6-108mm or 1 / 4 to 4 1 / 8 " OD, with wall thicknesses of 0.8-3mm dependent on the outside diameter.
High Power RF Tubes for Pipe Welding
Find equivalent replacements for these and other RF tubes at: Richardson Electronics supplies high quality, high performance RF tubes at competitive prices. RS3060CJ ITK30-2 BW1184J2 RS3150CJ ITK60-2 BW1185J2 RS3300CJ ITK120-2 BW1643J2
Order your replacement tubes today. 800-348-5580 630-208-2200 (International)
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N ovember /D ecember 2007
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