TPT November 2007
P roduction of H eat T ransfer T ubing
Bending and forming equipment for demanding nuclear application
special advantages to the processors of refrigeration and air-conditioning technology. The extended lengths of the level-wound coils guarantee low waste during the processing and a long machine running time. Using high quality pre-materials and a 100 per cent eddy-current test, buntmetall ensures the highest quality for industrial processing. The internal surface of the tubes is absolutely blank, clean and dry. The highest requirements for flexibility and the expansion capacities for usage in the production of refrigeration and air-conditioning systems are therefore fulfilled. LWC tubes are individually produced according to specific requirements. Dimensions available include an outside diameter of 4-22mm, a wall thickness of 0.28-1.75mm and coil weight of 145kg, 215kg and 430kg (hard or soft). buntmetall amstetten GmbH – Austria Fax : +43 7472 61604 Email : Website :
Eagle Precision Technologies Ltd, Canada, a worldwide leader in the design and manufacture of tube bending and forming solutions, has successfully supplied equipment for use in a demanding nuclear application. The company was chosen to supply a 5" capacity multi radius bender, a heavy-duty rotary swager and all of the associated tooling for use in the manufacture of reactor feeder tubes for a nuclear power plant refurbishment. The bending application was demanding and required compliance to strict ovality fi Eagle’s 5" capacity multi radius bender has been selected for a nuclear tube bending application
and wall thinning requirements, of less than 7 per cent ovality and 12 per cent wall thinning on a 1.2 D CLR bend. The bending machine was designed for rigidity and the capacity to handle heavy wall schedule 80 pipes of 30ft in length and up to 3.5" in diameter. The machine also needed to be suited to bending of multiple radii and compound bends with minimal tool changeover. This is essential for any project with pipes as heavy as these. The rotary swager utilises Eagle’s unique swaging technology that uses sophisticated hydraulic pulsation of tooling to uniformly reduce heavy wall pipe sections without any tool marking to allow the pipes of the feeder portion of the reactor to be assembled to each other. This machine has a much smaller footprint and produces less noise than traditional hammer type swage machines. Eagle Precision Technologies is a leading manufacturer of CNC tube and pipe
The New World of Surface preparation AGTOS sees itself not only as a machine supplier, but also as a com- plete source for surface preparation technology. Our service program includes wear and spare parts, repairs and mainte- nance, and employee instruction and training. The modernization, altera- tion and performance enhancement of already existing turbine wheel shot blast
machines rounds out the service program.
AGTOS Gesellschaft für technische Oberflächensysteme mbH
Gutenbergstraße 14 D-48282 Emsdetten
Tel.: +49(0)2572 96026-0 Fax: +49(0)2572 96026-111 ·
N ovember /D ecember 2007
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