TPT March 2016
Co-extrusion crosshead for irrigation tubing GUILL Tool has introduced the Series 824, a co-extrusion crosshead designed for irrigation tubing with an emitter tool. Manufactured from stainless steel, this new crosshead features balanced flow design with spiral technology that improves flow characteristics at all extruder speeds. Dual feed ports provide concentric compound flow, while the splits flow from one extruder to feed the inside and outside layers via a manifold assembly. Series 824 is adaptable to all popular extruders currently on the market.
Capacities include a max die ID of 1.875", maximum core OD of 1.25", maximum tip OD of 1.5" and maximum emitter tool OD of 30mm (1.18"). The Series 824 design allows the emitter insertion tool to pass completely through the crosshead ID. Gum space adjustment is performed with die nut
With the Series 824 the customer realised cost reductions, better quality, less scrap and more uptime in their process. The Guill cool-tube design prevented the emitter from melting in the head, and the overall unit mechanics allowed more rapid and easier changeover from a co-extrusion to a single layer. On this project Guill also supplied the customer with the company’s extrusion tool cart, which facilitates easy alignment and tool changes. The removable cart swing gates stay free from accumulated process fluids, while the adjustable height means the cart is compatible with virtually any extruder model. Thermal isolation in the design keeps heat in the head, not the cart.
rotation, while the Guill two-stage clamping mechanism allows easier concentricity adjustment. Quick-
change tooling and a tool kit for disassembly and re- assembly are provided with the unit. Bill Conley, salesmanager for Guill, commented: “On this project, the customer challenged us with an application that required precise placement and bonding of preformed emitters within the extruded tubing without melting them in the crosshead. It was also necessary to process either a low-cost ABA layer construction or single-layer construction within the same unit.”
Guill Tool & Engineering – USA Website:
The Series 824 (and above)
Cutting heavy ID scarf GEBRÜDER Lennartz GmbH & Co KG, from Germany, is a specialist in the manufacture and supply of carbide- tipped circular saw blades for the ferrous and non-ferrous industry. It has now unveiled another new product from its ECOmax family.
with the simultaneous operation of two saw blades to meet the customer’s requirements and decrease the cost of the cut. Successful trials and on-going production usage, together with target customers and machine manufacturers, have shown the ECOmax blades achieve up to 7m² of material removal on welded tubes with wall thickness up to 14mm. Gebr Lennartz GmbH & Co KG – Germany Website:
because they cut the high strength weld bead inside of the bottom of the tube. The service life of the blades was poor and the cost per cut extremely high, resulting in a cutting application that was not always economical. Because of its special tooth form and cutting geometry – and in combination with a new proprietary coating – the ECOmax Scarf saw blade is suitable for this difficult application. The new design works successfully on single head machines as well as on twin saws
The ECOmax Scarf circular saw blade is a new development and is customised for cutting tubes and profiles with heavy ID scarf on flying cut-off units. Previously, conventional blades were heavily damaged after only a few cuts
M ARCH 2016
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