TPT March 2016
Metal Specialized Show Representing Korea 500 exhibitors from 28 countries, 21,384sq.m of scale 28,000 visitors are expected in 2016 show!
International Metal Industry Technology Exhibition
October 19 (Wed)~ 22 (Sat), 2016 10:00~17:00 KINTEX, S.Korea
17 th Tube&PipeKorea
3 rd 3DPrintingTechnology Korea 2 nd AluminumKorea 1 st Laser &SheetMetal ProcessingKorea
17 th Fastener &Wire Korea
10 th Automobile &
Machine Parts Korea
12 th Die Casting& FoundryKorea
4 th SAMPE&
16 th Press &ForgingKorea
Korea Composite Show
4 th Metal SurfaceTreatment & PaintingKorea
Enquiry to Korea Trade Fairs Ltd. Tel. 82-2-783-8261 / Email.
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