TPT March 2014
7-11 April 2014
Eaton Leonard
5B10 & 5F10 USA TUBE bending and end-forming technology specialists AddisonMckee and Eaton Leonard have merged, and will be exhibiting together at Tube Düsseldorf 2014. The combined companies offer customers a complete range of products and services adapted to their specific needs, a worldwide presence, and a team focused on innovative solutions. The companies will be showcasing the following innovations: AddisonMckee eB80 ESRB bender with quick change tooling system – an all-electric bending machine, designed to bend complex tube shapes up to 82mm outside diameter. The eB80 ESRB will feature AddisonMckee’s patent- pending quick change tooling system that provides for ‘part to part’ tool changes with either single or multi-stack tooling to be accomplished by one person in less than ten minutes.
International Trade Fair for Metallurgy, Machinery, Plant Technology and Products
The International Tube and Pipe Trade Fair in Russia
Eaton Leonard’s Tulip bending cell
International Trade Fair for Aluminium and Non-Ferrous Metals, Materials, Technologies and Products
Eaton Leonard’s Tulip bending cell integrates robotics with advanced tube bending technology. The Tulip bending head allows bending clockwise and counter-clockwise rotation on the same part and utilises unique tooling design and positioning to eliminate conventional interference issues, enabling bending of the most difficult, complex part shapes. Using a KUKA robot to manipulate tubes, the Tulip is flexible, with fast throughput, and does not require additional handling devices. AddisonMckee Hydra-Green end-forming machines combine the dependability of the FM range of ram forming, sizing, and tube trimming machines with the benefits of ‘green’ technology. The patent-pending Hydra-Green technology is designed so that the hydraulic pump is in operation only when there is a demand for pressure/flow, and therefore provides for reduced heat emissions, hydraulic fluid usage, noise and power usage. AddisonMckee bend and end-form tooling: AddisonMckee understands the critical role quality tooling performs in every bending and end-forming process, and its knowledgeable design team provides tooling solutions to suit the full line of AddisonMckee and Eaton Leonard equipment, as well as equivalent models. The company also offers in-house tool try-out capabilities, prototype and part development for special applications, and tool stocking programmes. Eagle Muffler Tooling: Eagle originated the simple, drop-in tool design for quick changeover and setup. Experienced engineers combined with advanced manufacturing capabilities and high-grade steels ensure quality tooling with quick delivery and extended service life and reliability. The range of Eagle muffler tooling solutions includes tooling
3 – 6 June 2014
Krasnaya Presnya Moscow, Russia
In co-operation with
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH P.O. Box 101006 _ 40001 Düsseldorf _ Germany Phone +49(0)211/4560-7793 _ Fax +49(0)211/4560-7740
M ARCH 2014
METALLURGY TUBE ALU Russia 2014 Anz 87x260mm.indd 1
07.01.14 15:20
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