TPT July 2011
Dragon 315 CNC,有两种版本:手动移除加热板的SA (Semi-Automatic)和自动移除加热板的FA (Fully Automatic)。 控制数控系统的齿轮箱配有一个紧凑和创新型塑料外壳,能抵抗恶劣的工作环境。要特别注意 的是连接点和军用插头的应用。易于使用的软件和控制面板允许获得得到广泛应用的焊接标准 (UNI、ISO、DVS 和WIS)。通过选择这些标准中的一个和增加管道直径/ SDR,相应的焊接参数 (压力、时间和温度)是自动计算的。 如果将执行的焊接过程不包括在列出的标准里,可以在“非标准”模式里手动输入焊接参数(直 径、SDR、材料类型、焊接时间和压力)。 在这两种情况下,该机器能够自动管理整个焊接循环阶段,包括铣削和加热控制。每个焊接周期结 束时,所有数据都存储在容量达600个记录的内存里。串行端口能连接到便携式串行打印机(为能 即刻得到焊接报告)或个人电脑,在这种情况下,它可以用专门的Ritmo数据管理软件创建一个焊 接历史数据库。 这些机器还拥有快速夹具释放系统SMARTLocK,以及带微动开关的铣刀。它还能根据需要使用侧 轧辊。 该机器工作范围根据型号不同而不同(两者都有110V和230V的):Delta Dragon 250 CNC工作范 围为Ø 75到250毫米;Delta Dragon 315 CNC为Ø 90到315毫米。 Ritmo还提供用于电熔焊的各种型号选择,如Elektra 800,一个强力的万能电熔焊机,适用于高密 度聚乙烯和聚丙烯连接(8到48V),是按照意大利及国际标准生产制造的。 Elektra 800拥有易于使用的软件和控制面板,以及一个大的图形显示器。它还提供光学扫描仪/ 条码自动识别系统(或光学笔,根据要求),能自动读取和设定焊接参数。所需值也可以手动输 入。Elektra 800拥有储存容量达到4000焊接周期的内存。可通过USB接口下载数据并在电脑上用 Ritmo Transfer软件处理。 Ritmo SpA – 意大利 Fax: +39 049 9901993 Email: Website: - - - - - - - OMS adds more qualified weld inspectors to its ranks PIPE measurement specialist Optical Metrology Services (OMS) Ltd has further expanded its ca- pability to offer comprehensive weld inspection services to its clients. The company has added a further two full-time CSWIP-qualified weld inspectors to the team. CSWIP is an internationally recognised mark of competence for people engaged in welding and/or inspection related jobs in manufacturing, constructing, operating or repairing high integrity welded structures, plant or components. As well as qualified weld inspectors, OMS offers advanced video and laser-based measurement tools to enable visual inspection and measurement of weld features in difficult to access structures such as pipe line end terminations (PLETs), manifolds, and critical oil and gas pipeline sections. OMS has recently completed an extensive weld inspection scope on the BP Galapagos project. Richard Gooch, Director of Technology at OMS Ltd commented: “Having more qualified weld in- spectors on our team means that in addition to our video and laser-based pipe measurement ser- vices, we can support clients by assessing the significance of any weld defects that we discover using these tools. We can then make recommendations as to whether these weld defects should be accepted or rejected aginst the specification.”
Компания OMS расширила свой штат квалифицированными сварочными инспекторами Компания Optical Metrology Services Ltd (OMS), cпециалист в области средств измерения труб, еще больше расширила круг своих услуг по инспектированию сварочных работ. Она приняла
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