TPT July 2011
технологи компании Gräbener сократили реальное время гибки трубы до 3 минут, что является доказательством его качества и успеха группы компаний Graebener Group.
RigSaw机器首次推出 德国机床企业Graebener Group 集团的Reika和Grabener Maschinentechnik最近在首次推出机床 RingSaw®后——这是管材、型材和棒材创新的设计——吸引了很多积极的关注,后者记录了一个 大的订单,即向沙特阿拉伯的新管厂交付机台机器。 公司说Reika的RingSaw® Avantgarde有潜力成为明日的经典。详细的试运行连同滚子轴承领先的 制造商一起确证,甚至超出通过绕旋转工件的新技术锯头显著的节省:与30%到60%更快能力的传 统的硬质合金锯片相比,成本节约50%到80%,使投资成本能快速收回。 同时,棒材、较小的(直径40毫米)和较大的(直径600毫米)的管材的新的试运行报告了显著的成果。 因此在REIKA的每个人都为这台机器感到骄傲,在2010年4月杜塞尔多夫管材展上发布后,几乎每 天都在工作。但基地在哈根(德国威斯特伐利亚North Rine)的该公司仍渴望保持工具技术不断更 新。为优化结果,还在持续不断的开发高科技工具。 持续发展也是Gräbener Maschinentechnik的关键词。在生产船舶甲板型材的液压成型、热冲床和 钢板铣边机中,特别要关注的是用于制造纵缝焊管的机床。铣床、管子成型机、三辊和4辊弯曲 机、后弯机、连续根缝机、铣头机等,所有机器将更新为最新的技术标准以及特别小心众所周知的 Gräbener可靠性。 最近的一个例子是,交付给马来西亚钢管厂的Gräbener管道成型机是世界最快的之一。Gräbener的 工程师和技术人员将实际的弯管时间较低到3分钟,这是Graebener Group集团业绩和成功的突出证 明。 Reika GmbH & Co KG – 德国 THE Vasa Museum and Sandvik have announced a research and development cooperation agree- ment for an essential bolt replacement project to commence on the famous Vasa ship, in order to preserve the 17th century vessel’s structural integrity well into the future. The cooperation will see the replacement of 5,000 iron bolts, originally installed in the 1960s, with unique bolts in highly advanced stainless steels from Sandvik, normally used within the demanding oil/gas-industry. It was brought about by the discovery that the original bolts were reacting with the atmosphere and consequently causing chemical erosion, which was damaging the historic wood- work of Vasa. The project is the culmination of two years’ cooperation with Sandvik Materials Tech- nology’s R&D specialists to devise a replacement strategy and identify and evaluate suitable materi- als for the very specific application. To mark the cooperation there was a symbolic exchange of one of the original wrought iron bolts and a new stainless steel bolt, between Robert Olsson, director general, Statens Maritima Museer, and Peter Gossas, president of Sandvik Materials Technology. “Working with Sandvik ensures state-of-the-art technological expertise within the area of materials technology,” commented Dr Marika Hedin, Vasa Museum director. “Since the warship Vasa is a Swedish national treasure, we can only use the very best materials available in our quest to pre- Fax: +49 2331 969036 E-mail: Website: - - - - - Sandvik helps preserve 17th century ship
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