TPT July 2010
I ndustry N ews Tube inspection throughput PFW Aerospace, UK, has installed four ITP Group Tube inspection systems at its site to cope with the stringent inspection requirements of Rolls Royce Aero Engines. On PFW’s latest contracts, Rolls Royce only need supply 3D CAD models of tube assemblies – without the need for fixtures or drawings. PFW uses the ITP Group Pipe Software to extract the tube and fitting data from the CAD model and then export the data to its tube benders and CMMs with no keyboard data entry required. The ITP Group systems are used for initial tube inspection, fitting orientation and final pass-off. Rolls Royce praised PFW Aerospace’s achievements, stating that the integrated production system based around the ITPGroupmachineswas groundbreaking, and that they had never seen the level of throughput achieved at any other company. ITP Group Ltd – UK Fax: +44 1788 567 991 Email:
Siddhi Engineers receives national award in India
AWARDS are always a welcome acknowledgement of success in any organisation. It was in the year 1988 when two young mechanical engineers, Mr Bhagwat Patel and Mr Prashant Gandhi dreamt of developing an industry that would be seen as an import substitute. Siddhi Engineers, based at Chhatral, is actively involved in manufacturing precision drawn aluminium tubes, rods and profiles and they say that meticulous planning, qualitative production, research & development and continual improvement have been the main attributes of the organisation, catering to a high customer segment from automation industry to defense and this has helped them win the latest of a number of prestigious awards. The company has achieved various national level awards at regular intervals and the latest that the company has received are two national awards from the MSME – Ministry of Small and Medium
Enterprise, New Delhi, Government of India for Entrepreneurship and research and development at Vigyan Bhavan fromMinister Mr Dinsha Patel. The award ceremony had an august presence of the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Dr Man Mohan Singh, who inaugurated the function.
Siddhi Group – India Fax: +91 79 27545089 Website:
Siddhi Engineers recieves its award from the Minister Mr Dinsha Patel
LAP Anz.180x125Tube&Pipe100521 E:Layout 1 21.05.2010 9:29 Uhr Seite 1
M e a s u r i n g S o l u t i o n s for Long Products and Tubes
Produce more, produce better – using RDMS, the versatile gauge for rounds, squares, hex, flats, angles, rebar, and tubes with standard measurement ranges up to 530 mm. Play it safe: More than 150 RDMS systems are installed worldwide. Talk to LAP – the technology lea- der in the steel industry for more than 25 years. Y E S , W E C A N
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J uly 2010
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