TPT July 2010
I ndustry N ews Fine Tubes flourishes despite crunch FINE Tubes, a UK manufacturer of stainless steel, nickel and titanium tubing in seamless andwelded,hasbeenawardedD&B’s ‘Rating 1’ for its ‘highest level of creditworthiness’ and ‘minimal risk of failure’. Despite economic turbulence and the frequently quoted ‘credit crunch’, Fine Tubes’ Rating 1 status officially places it among the UK’s top 15% of companies. The score represents the highest level of creditworthiness and a minimum risk of failure according to business reporting firm Dun & Bradstreet (D&B).
“The D&B rating is recognised internationally,” explained Nicky Keyworth, customer experience leader at Dun & Bradstreet, who personally handed over the certificate to Fine Tubes. “It is a dynamic score which is reviewed with the most current data on an ongoing basis, and Fine Tubes have consistently performed at this highest level for more than the past 12 months. D&B ratings consider financial stability, the company’s payment record, public filings, trade payments, business age and other factors to produce one of the most comprehensive reports on a company’s creditworthiness that exists anywhere in the world.” Marshall Davis, chief financial officer at Fine Tubes, commented: “A D&B rating can assist or prevent a business from receiving a loan or an extension to a line of credit. It can also cause investors to vanish or panic, suppliers to cease shipments or vendors
refuse to stock products. “In other words keeping a good Dun and Bradstreet rating is essential to the good operation of any business. To have achieved ‘low risk, high creditworthiness’ status during one of the worst economic times in recent years is fantastic accomplishment.” Fine Tubes has a fully integrated facility of over 215,000ft 2 for the manufacture, research and development of precision tubes in seamless, welded, welded and drawn forms. The standards and specifications for these tubes and coils are aimed at niche applications in the most hostile operating environments. Fine Tubes products serve a wide range of markets such as the oil & gas and chemical process, aerospace, medical,
and nuclear industries. Fine Tubes Ltd – UK The Kuwait Pipeline Technology Conference
to the transport of oil, gas and water. The focus will be on the entire value added chain – from planning, construction and operation to maintenance and repair. All these aspects
THEKuwaitPipelineTechnologyConference & Exhibition is a new international platform for products, systems and services relating
the most pressing challenges in overcoming effective planning and management of pipeline systems. The main objective of the event is to share technological advances, operational experiences and to present important ongoing pipeline projects. It also aims to integrate companies that act in different segments of the pipeline industry: operation, construction, engineering, research and development, training and equipment suppliers. The conference will feature lectures and presentations by major oil & gas companies, utility providers, engineering firms, transport operators, industry associations, industrial providers and users on all aspects surrounding pipeline systems. The Kuwait Pipeline Technology Conference and Exhibition Fax: +965 2433 0809 Email: Website:
will be discussed during the conference. It will provide participants with practical solutions for effective planning, design, construction, operation, corrosion, mitigation and main- tenance strategies applied to state-of-the- art pipeline networks. The conference will go beyond the obvious, presenting detailed information and techniques much needed to overcome
The event will be held in Kuwait City
J uly 2010
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