TPT January 2022
KASTO Maschinenbau GmbH
and then carbide blades are used as well. “The advantage of the KASTOwin pro is that we can use either type of blade economically,” explained Ms Parkinson. “Whenever the material to be cut permits, we change to bimetal to extend the life of the expensive carbide blades.” Changing the blades is quick and easy – and since Howat frequently produces large batch sizes, the time spent on processing is virtually zero. Furthermore, KASTOwin pro excels with its high productivity. Depending on the type of blade, cutting times can be reduced by 50 per cent or more the company said. A frequency- controlled 11kW motor drive provides plenty of capacity for the use of carbide blades. The cutting speed is infinitely adjustable from twelve to 150m per minute. The electro-mechanical feed system can be controlled using two ball screw spindles, each with a servo drive for precise, infinitely variable control. This system provides exact results and minimises material waste. The saw features a retraction unit for lifting the blade from the material when the saw head moves back to protect the cutting surface and the bandsaw blade. This minimises tool wear. User-friendly operation Trum guides mounted at the return side of the blade, inside the top of the saw head enclosure, help to dampen vibration and lower noise during operation. They suppress vibrations on the side opposite from the cutting operation, prolonging blade life and promoting high rectangularity and excellent surface finish. Another advantage is the straightforward and intuitive operation via a touch-screen. The integrated control determines the correct cutting parameters automatically from
Depending on the type of blade, cutting times can be reduced by 50 per cent and more the company said
The highly user friendly interface
a databank for any given material, size and cross-section. The operator must simply enter the cut length and number of pieces required and start the saw. The productivity benefit for Howat is most pronounced when cutting nickel alloys. “We used to saw Inconel 718 using a carbide blade at three to 4cm 2 per minute,” Ms Parkinson said. “Thanks to the new saw, the average is now 12.” As a result, Howat can now process, for example, a 200mm diameter bar that would previously have taken up to an hour and a half to cut, in less than half an hour. The saw was supplied to the British subsidiary by KASTO located in Milton Keynes. If needed, the specialists are quickly on site at any time, for example, for maintenance and service works. Emma Parkinson said: “We have relied on KASTO sawing equipment for a long time and see the company as a partner to our business. We regard KASTO as a premium brand whose rigid and technologically advanced bandsaws maximise blade life and cut accurately for decades, despite heavy use.”
Howat wanted to enhance its efficiency when processing these nickel alloys
KASTO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co KG – Germany
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