TPT January 2022
The international magazine for the tube and pipe industry
The international magazine for the tube & pipe industries
VOL 35 NO 1
Precision Inline Profile Measurement
• Full profile measurement • Surface fault detection • 3D image analysis
09. – 13.05.2022 Düsseldorf, DE Hall 05 / Booth J12
Family owned since 1957, Zumbach is a global leader in the industry. Driven by innovation and experience. We are here for you and ready to build the future together. •
I NDE X Editorial
Magnetic Analysis Corp. .........................................................8 Metall Steel...........................................................................42 MSG Maschinenbau GmbH..................................................48 Nukon....................................................................................18 Olimpia 80 Srl. ......................................................................35 PAO Severstal.......................................................................58 The Plastics Pipe Institute Inc...............................................64 POMINI Long Rolling Mills....................................................28 Reika GmbH & Co KG..........................................................10 Rohmann. .............................................................................45 SAET EMMEDI. ....................................................................17 Sandvik Materials Technology. .............................................57 Shanghai TS Industrial Co Ltd..............................................63 Sikora AG..................................................................20, 30, 43 SSAB. ...................................................................................58 Strohm. .................................................................................57 TD Williamson.......................................................................60 Thermatool............................................................................38 TMK Group. ....................................................................31, 47 TRUMPF...............................................................................46 TSC Subsea..........................................................................63 Tube China............................................................................24 WITT. ....................................................................................41 Xiris Automation Inc........................................................22, 46
3R solutions GmbH...............................................................26 Amazemet.............................................................................22 battenfeld-cincinnati..............................................................62 Bültmann GmbH. ..................................................................12 Cleveland Cliffs – Riverdale LLC. .........................................44 Combilift................................................................................28 Controle Mesure Systemes...................................................34 Decom Engineering. .............................................................60 EWM Group..........................................................................32 FABTECH. ............................................................................30 Fact.MR. ...............................................................................65 Fine Tubes......................................................................58, 64 Fives. ....................................................................................14 FloWide.................................................................................33 FOBA. ...................................................................................36 Fränkische Rohrwerke..........................................................62 Genebre................................................................................62 Huntingdon Fusion Techniques.............................................44 Inductotherm Heating & Welding..........................................27 InfoSight Corporation............................................................44 Ingenium Integration.............................................................18 ISTech...................................................................................42 Friedrich Kocks GmbH & Co KG...........................................42 Lennartz................................................................................33
You have tube and pipe to produce.
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Guild International can design and build the coil joining and mill entry equipment you need to keep your lines up and running smoothly and pro tably. We are the leader in supplying coil joining and
mill entry equipment for the tube and pipe and steel processing industries around the world. Isn’t it time to put Guild’s experience and expertise to work on your tube and pipe production lines?
World Leader in Coil Joining Equipment for the Steel Processing, Tube Producing and Stamping Industries Since 1958 +1.440.232.5887 USA
CONT ENT S 2 Editorial index 8 Industry news 10 Diary of tube events 32 Technology news 50 Tube Düsseldorf 2022 preview 52 Interview: Airmo Inc CEO – Harry Morán 72 Adver tisers index
Editor in chief
Rory McBride
Editorial assistant
Helen Gaskell
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January issue • Business & market news
The trade magazine for tube and pipe products
January 2022
• Focus on seamless steel pipes set to continue across a diverse range of industries, Fact.MR
Case study: shor ter bandsaw cutting times even when processing tough alloys By KASTO Maschinenbau GmbH OTO 608H tube mill from Fives aims to address specific automotive and mechanical tube makers’ requirements By Fives OTO SpA
Tube & Pipe Technology magazine is available in print and online. Go to for more information.
The Professional Publishers Association Member
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The January Issue Welcome to the latest issue of Tube & Pipe Technology magazine. In this first issue of 2022 we have a fascinating interview with the CEO of Airmo Inc, Harry Morán, who offers us an interesting insight into what it is like running the US-based company that
January/February 2022 Vol 35 No 1
Rory McBride – Editor in chief
recently celebrated its 75 th anniversary and continues to go from strength to strength. There is a lot of great advice from Mr Morán that we can all learn from. You can read more starting on page 52. We also have three in-depth articles from Fives OTO SpA looking at tube mills used in the automotive sector; advice on how to decrease cutting times from the experts at KASTO Maschinenbau GmbH; and last, but not least, an interesting and detailed overview of the ever expanding seamless steel pipe market from FACT.MR. Next up we have our Tube Düsseldorf Show Issue in March. With the event being held in the Spring in Germany – a bit later than usual – it should be a fantastic event in the city. It will of course be vitally important to see the global tube & pipe industry together again after an often difficult two years in terms of face-to-face events. The team from Tube & Pipe Technology magazine is looking forward to seeing you all there in Germany. The editorial deadline for the March 2022 issue is 24 January and the advertising deadline is 14 February so please get in touch if you would like to be included in this important issue.
Enjoy the magazine.
The international magazine for the tube & pipe industries
On the cover . . . Nakata entered the cold roll forming industry in 1959 and developed many new technologies. We are particularly proud of the FFX Mill, the only type of mill in the industry that introduced the complete common-use rolls combined with the NC system supported by our proprietary FEM technology. Our mills promise the top quality
VOL 35 NO 1
performance and production of high grade tubes. Everyday we work hard to invent new technologies and to maintain the valuable trust of our loyal customers. We strive to fulfil our mission in becoming “World Leading Technology” pioneers while continuing to meet our customers’ needs. The company values are: • Always keeping harmony with ourselves and our work through the spirit of co-operation. • Always moving one step forward with persistent efforts and creative plans. • Always contributing to society through providing good products.
Magnetic Analysis Corp to show latest NDT innovations at Tube Düsseldorf 2022
line of UT Rotaries which range up to 500mm capacity. MAC’s Echomac FD- 6/6A instrumentation is available for use with the 25mm Rotary providing outstanding inspection of ID/OD, longitudinal and transverse flaws, wall thickness and dimensional evaluation including conditions of eccentricity and ovality. The Echomac ® Model 6A holds GE Qualification for P3TF31 and P29TF82 Class A and B, typically required to meet high level quality standards for aerospace and other critical applications. MAC’s Echomac ® SM is a compact convenient UT Instrument, which covers all kinds of applications in a small package. With up to 8 test channels, the Echomac ® SM can inspect tube for wall thickness, flaws, eccentricity and dimensions. For high speed inspection of small diameter tube and wire for surface flaws such as seams and laps, the 20mm Rotomac ® Eddy Current rotary is designed to operate at speeds up to 18,000RPM using highly sensitive non- contact testing for superior results on product from 2 to 20mm diameter. Other features are an easy to set up Distance Compensation, a critical factor in testing ovate wire, convenient dial in diameter guide for dimensional changes, and simple probe replacement with quick twist-on bushing holders. MAC engineers will be available to discuss the company’s full range of phased array and conventional ultrasonic, eddy current and flux leakage test systems. MAC’s 90+ years developing and supplying non- destructive test equipment and systems to tube, bar, and wire manufacturers ensures a thorough understanding of customer inspection needs.
immediate adjustment of the welding operation, and saving many feet of would-be tube scrap. Real time B and C-scan views of the quality of the weld and seam-trim tool alert the operator to issues such as undercuts and other failures with the scarfing process. High PRF can be used based on thickness to get a detailed weld profile with high resolution and no averaging or AGC is used for processing the data. A key feature of the system is the minimal operator intervention during operation. The wide coverage of the test head can handle typical shifts in the weld location, and the electronically controlled transducers can vary the pulse timing of the individual elements to inspect with multiple angles, if needed, all without any manual intervention. Installation can also be in a lower temperature area below 140°F (60°C) for ID/OD longitudinal flaw detection and profile monitoring, after the forming and shaping operation. The Echomac ® 25mm UT Rotary, which is designed for high performance applications, such as tubular product for nuclear and aerospace installations, is another important test option for tube producers. This equipment provides 100 per cent coverage at high throughput rates on thin wall product ranging from 5 to 25mm diameter. The 630mm overall length of the Rotary allows for ease of installation when upgrading existing inspection lines. Wall thickness as thin as 0.3mm and tubes as short as 1m can be successfully tested. Features include a transformer design, which ensures improved signal to noise ratio, enhanced bandwidth, zero channel cross-talk, 8,000RPM running speed, precision test blocks and transducer holders, convenient adjustment of the transducer angle, and optimum operating safety. The 25mm Rotary is part of MAC’s
MAGNETIC Analysis Corp will feature non-destructive testing instruments and systems for testing tube, pipe and bar at stand number 6H20 at Tube 2022 Düsseldorf in Germany in May. Highlights at the booth will include MAC’S latest Echomac ® Systems for testing ERW welded tube. Systems ranging from the cost-effective robotic and cantilevered phased array ultrasonic designs to conventional cantilever UT systems will be available. An Echomac ® PA TW Robot system, installed recently at a Midwest US tube mill, is unique in that is is able to measure the tube profile and monitor the scarfing trim tool operation in the heat affected zone, often within 40ft of the welder, at temperatures up to 252°F (122°C). This upstream location in the weld line gives the operator instant feedback when the scarfing tool is bad or broken, allowing
Robotic Echomac ® PA TW Phased Array system testing welded tube at an ERW mill
Magnetic Analysis Corp
7th-11th, December, 2020 Dusseldorf, Germany J25, Hall6 23rd-26th September 202 Shanghai, China E1E08
7th-11th December 2020 Düsseldorf, Germany J25, Hall 6
Welding End Facer & Threading Machine
Forming & Sizing Mill
Slitter Line
Shear & Welder
Auto Packing Line
High-tech 24" API chamfering line from Reika for German steel and tube manufacturer
4-8 April MACH Birmingham, UK
9-13 May Tube Düsseldorf Düsseldorf, Germany 17-20 May TOLexpo Paris, France 25-28 May Lamiera Milan, Italy
14-16 June FABTECH Canada Toronto, Canada
The new Reika 24" Model 382 CNC chamfering line will replace the previous Reika line
26-29 September Tube China Shanghai, China
A completely re-designed rigid high- performance spindle unit with up to 100kW continuous power ensures extreme cutting performance. Once more, the output of the machine working in continuous operation is secured for another 20 years. The chamfering machine housing is designed to help to significantly reduce noise and emissions, therefore the machine can be safely and ergonomically operated in the factory and be beneficial to the user. Due to the efficient Siemens latest drive and controller generation, this investment is a major contribution to reduction in a company’s CO 2 value. The system can be operated easily using a self-explanatory Siemens S7 axis control in addition to ergonomic changeover comfort. Reika has also put great emphasis on stability and the long lifetime of their new generation of API machines so that Reika customers can always feel secure with their investment, it said.
LAST year Reika received another order for the delivery of a chamfering line from one of its largest and most loyal custom- ers in Germany – a company that is also a leading worldwide manufacturer of steel tubes. The currently operating Reika cham- fering line, being used in steel tube production since 1997, will be replaced by the new Reika 24" Model 382 CNC chamfering line. The chamfering line, located in the tube mill in Hamm, Germany has in 24 years produced multi-million tons of API grade steel pipes. The Reika chamfering line operates according to API standards and is used for preparing steel tubes with a wall thickness range of up to 25.4mm and a material strength of up to 900N/mm² for line pipes and casing tubes. The line is equipped with a concentric, NC-adjustable 3-jaw clamping system and complete tooling system for different API angles and geometries. Fast changeover times are guaranteed by the quick tool change system with integrated handling device and integrated tool monitoring.
5-7 October Tube Southeast Asia Bangkok, Thailand 25-27 October Tubotech São Paulo, Brazil
25-28 October EuroBLECH Hanover, Germany 23-25 November Tube India Mumbai, India 8-10 November FABTECH Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Reika GmbH & Co KG
As with all shows, and with the continuing coronavirus pandemic, please check to ensure the event is going ahead
Bültmann integrates high quality advanced tube end finishing lines for customers
handling. Bültmann end finishing lines are available as stand-alone machines and integrated into complete finishing lines. An individual design of the machining tools, depending on the machining task, is carried out as well as the selection of the appropriate spindle size or drive power. These are consistently tailored to the customer’s individual requirements and both fully automated and simple manual versions are available. Retrofitting in existing production lines is also a simple process. The company said: “It goes without saying that features such as process monitoring and advanced applications can be integrated as part of Bültmann 4.0.”
Machined ends are also becoming more and more popular on semi-finished products, as they ensure improved processes or also a minor risk of injury, for example during further manual
HIGH quality end finishing for tubes, bars and profiles is becoming increas - ingly important for applications where a dimensionally accurate, superfinished surface is required.
Bültmann end finishing lines are available as stand-alone machines as well as integrated into complete finishing lines
Bültmann GmbH
HF Col Slit Dire
F OREV R Shijiazhuang Forever Machinery Co., Ltd.
F OREVVER Shijiazhuang Forever Machinery Co., Ltd.
HF Tube/Pipe Mill Line Cold Roll Forming Machine Slitting Line and Cut-to-length Line Directly Forming to Square and Rectangular Tube Mill Line Tube/Pipe Mill Line ld Roll Forming Machine tting Line and Cut-to-length Line ectly Forming t Square and R ctangular Tube Mill Line
Metal exper ts meet to address impor tant topics such as sustainability of steel tubes
“It’s a unique opportunity to gather a wide range of industry experts from technical specialists to academia together to have an open discussion on trending topics. It allows us to share rel- evant information, reconsider certain concepts from a different light and establish benchmarks,” said Shervin Djahan, CEO of Fives KEODS, a steel process expert subsidiary at Fives. More than 50 technical experts from 20 companies, including Acciai Bertoli Safau, Aperam, ArcelorMittal Tubarão, CSN, Erdemir, Liberty Steel Magona, Nippon Steel, NLMK, SSAB Europe, Voestalpine, CLN and Eramet gathered together to discuss new insights regarding steel microstructural evolutions and phase transformations; new generations burners for annealing furnaces; scale production optimisation in reheating furnaces; photogrammetry for automotive steel grades; predictive modelling to optimise strip processing; and recycling for steel manufacturing industry. The webinar was chaired by Professor Dierk Raabe from Max Planck Society and Doctor Jean- Pierre Birat, an expert on environmental challenges for the steel industry.
FIVES and the National Institute of Applied Sciences Lyon (INSA) jointly held a tech webinar ‘Sustainable Metallurgy’ to share expertise focusing on sustainable steel processing topics. The event, which was held online at the end of 2021, was a traditional steel expert-level meeting hosting academia, steelmakers, technology providers and end users to have a free exchange on the steel industry’s hot topics.
Experts gathered to discuss new insights regarding steel microstructural evolutions and phase transformations
The wide experience gathered in the tube industry puts Atomat in the position to offer a complete array of products and services.
Düsseldorf, Germany 09 - 13 MAY 2022 HALL: 05 STAND: 5G19
Atomat SpA Headquarter Strada di Oselin 16 int. 17 33047 Remanzacco (Udine) | ITALY
Tel +39 0432 648511 Fax +39 0432 667101
Induction heat treatment for bars and tubes
helps to guide customers through innovative, efficient, technological process solutions. Induction is the best answer because it is fast, green, and precise
SINCE SAET SpA initially joined the Ajax Tocco Magnethermic Corporation group of companies, the SAET EMMEDI brand has been confirmed as a leading provider of a wide range of products and services designed to the highest standards. This synergy with one of the oldest and most experienced manufacturers of induction heating equipment has ensured the consolidation and expansion of SAET EMMEDI with a steady and extended presence in the market. The expertise of SAET EMMEDI Laboratory in the development of innovative and tailor-made processes based on induction heating has led the company to be recognised as a high-quality player in the design and manufacturing of equipment for different bar and tube applications. Since induction heating is a versatile technology used for different processes, applicable in a variety of industrial sectors, SAET EMMEDI
Induction heating is a versatile technology used for different processes and applicable in a variety of industrial sectors
and simplified maintenance, and it gives the possibility to control the heating modules independently, thus obtaining the required temperature profile. In particular, the analysis made on temperature control has allowed the user to get two different strategies to control the power: an automatic mode based on a feedforward closed loop with temperature measurements and predictive filters, and an adaptive mode with an integrated real-time estimator.
and SAET EMMEDI applies induction heating to these treatments, among others: normalising, quench and temper, annealing and reheating. SAET EMMEDI has in this way expanded its range of products by introducing the heat treatment of long products: hot rolled bars; cold rolled or drawn bars; rebars; rails; and wires. Adding to the standard solutions are up-to-date, modern simulations and metallurgical tests that help find the most advanced and efficient results. An approach with modular heating systems for the treatment of long products is advantageous because of its flexibility
Nukon laser tube par tnership INGENIUM Integration Ltd, the sister company of UK-based tube bending machinery specialists Unison, has been appointed as the exclusive UK and Ireland distributor for Nukon’s 2D fibre laser, 3D fibre laser and fibre laser tube cutting machines. technologies, particularly as we believe they would be of significant interest to owners of tube bending machines from Unison and other manufacturers,” said Ingenium Integration sales manager, Steve Haddrell. “Short of building our own laser cutting machines in-house, our challenge was to find an established product range that mirrored the high levels of accuracy, reliability, build quality “For some time we have been looking at extending our product range to include high quality laser cutting
and support that are synonymous with the Unison name. “Having researched the marketplace extensively, we believe we have found such a product range from Nukon. Companies buying a Nukon fibre laser cutting system from Ingenium Integration will receive the same high standards of service and aftersales support as if they had bought a British-built Unison tube bending machine. We are also available to assist any UK or Irish businesses that already own Nukon laser machines,” Mr Haddrell added. The Nukon fibre laser range includes 2D, 3D and laser tube cutting machines. High-spec standard features include: nLIGHT fibre lasers with adaptive beam optimisation and Lantek Expert software, which is one of the most advanced CAD/CAM nesting software packages on the market today. Nukon’s 2D fibre laser machines include models designed for first-time laser users and businesses adding value to in-house manufactured products, as well as high- performance machines for demanding flat-bed laser metal cutting requirements in subcontract environments. The Nukon range of 3D, 5-axis machines has been developed for challenging applications, such as precision-cutting tubes, pipes and intricate profiles in a wide variety of materials, as well as R&D work. While Nukon laser tube cutting machines include pipe and profile cutting models, as well as ‘Vento Flex’, a highly versatile machine able to cut tubes, pipes, profiles and flat metal sheet. Ingenium Integration also offers Nukon’s range of fully automated loading and unloading solutions including highly space-efficient compact lift solutions with vacuum loading and ‘finger-lift’ unloading, ‘Expert’ models that are able to feed multiple laser cutting machines simultaneously, and easily extended modular tower systems with the added benefit of component storage.
Ingenium Integration
Since 1978
40 years of field experience
Tube mill & finishing line pro ducing API 4” to 24” O.D x 20t
pipes, developed w ith adva nc ed
tec hnolog y and v erified th ro ugh c ontinuous R&D based on exte nsiv e field ex perienc e accumulated over 40 years in the tube mill & finishing line.
We provide API, high-strength and high-end tube mill line and an advanced finishing line alongside the latest technology on a turnkey basis. · Tube Mill Line capability of Manufacturing up to 24” · 6-Roll, 7-Roll, and 10-Roll Straightening Line · Max. 2-Head Automatic End Facing & Bevelling M/C · Max. 5-Head, 700bar Hydrostatic Tester · Automatic and Semi-automatic Bundling M/C · Related Equipment and Facilities to Comply with API Standards
4” ~ 8” O.D, Up to 18mm wall thickness TUBE MILL LINE
5” ~ 12” O.D, Up to 16mm wall thickness TUBE MILL LINE
12” ~ 24” O.D, Up to 20mm wall thickness TUBE MILL LINE
BAEKCHUN PRECISION CO., LTD. 252, beoman-ro, Sosa-gu, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea.
E-mail :
Homepage :
Tel : +82 31 313 7151~3
Fax : +82 31 313 2305
Sikora opens new subsidiary in Poland to expand tube and pipe inspection potential
Jacek Lewandowski is director of the Sikora Poland subsidiary, and is the initial contact for customers in the hose and tube industry interested in acquiring advanced inspection technology. Alongside years of sales experience in different industrial sectors, including measurement technology, the gradu- ated engineer holds a master’s degree in management and organisation. In addition to Poland, Mr Lewandowski is also responsible for the expansion of Sikora into Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, as well as the south-east European countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia.
SIKORA AG, a manufacturer and sup- plier of measuring, control, inspection, analysis and sorting systems, has expanded its presence in Europe by establishing a subsidiary based in Lodz, Poland. Sikora Poland brings the company’s total number of subsidiaries up to 15. Dr Jörg Wissdorf, member of the board at Sikora, explained that the decision to open the subsidiary was based on the potential that the Polish market offers, particularly in the areas of tube and hose as well as plastics. Dr Wissdorf said: “For example, there are many hose and tube manufacturers in the field of building services, infrastructure as well as automotive and industrial applications located in Poland, which focus on innovative measuring technologies for best product quality, optimal processes and highest economic efficiency. These
Jacek Lewandowski is director of the subsidiary Sikora Poland
manufacturers will significantly benefit from our local customer proximity through timely and efficient support in the local language.”
Sikora AG
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Hopper Box
Booth /Hall 6 F0 4 9 – 13 May • Int’l +1 856-451-2176 • 1274 Highway 77, Bridgeton, NJ 08302 U.S.A
HORN TOOLS HORN stands for technology at the cutting edge, plus outstanding performance and reliability. Our tools make the difference – helping you conquer challenging machining tasks.
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09th–13th May 2022 Dusseldorf
Xiris Automation collaborates with Amazemet XIRIS Automation has announced its latest innovative project in collaboration with Amazemet, which aims to help the automation of plasma materials recycling. As part of this collaboration, Xiris will provide machine-vision based technology that will allow for the recording and closed-loop control of processes to assist research opportunities during the development of new materials and optimisation of powder production processes. process to enable large-scale recycling of materials such as titanium alloys. With Xiris Automation’s experience in machine-vision, along with its thermal camera that combines 120+ dB HDR Short-Wave InfraRed (SWIR) imaging, the process will be fully recorded to then analyse the process, allowing for full automation and control.
The project incorporates a plasma atomisation process using patented ultrasonic technology to create a cost- and energy-efficient powder production method. The method can use recycled scrap materials to provide the highest quality AM-grade powder.
Additionally, with the help of automation tools provided by Xiris WeldStudio™ software, Xiris and Amazemet will begin to scale the
Amazemet is a spin-off of the Warsaw University of Technology, focused on developing devices that support the Additive Manufacturing process including ultrasonic atomisers used for customised metal powder production suitable for 3D printing from materials of any geometry; and a processing platform for automatic removal of support structures and surface finishes on printed parts formed from titanium alloys.
Xiris will provide machine-vision based technology that will allow for the recording and closed-loop control of processes
Xiris Automation Inc Amazemet
Need to accurately are a whole lot of tubes?
Endforming Tools
© 2022 Airmo Inc.
Booth reservation is open for upgraded Tube China 2022 trade exhibition
Thermprocess China at Tube China 2022 aims to provide a solid communication bridge for heat treatment systems and equipment suppliers from all over the world. Accurate cutting is also an important part of metal and tube processing and the new upgraded exhibition Saw and Laser Cutting China will showcase the sawing products and technical solutions and related laser cutting machinery. Tube and wire China 2020 attracted 36,552 professional visitors and 49 high- quality buyer delegations. Many of the buyers were from fortune 500 companies in the automobile manufacturing industry, chemical industry, oil & gas industry, energy industry, aerospace engineering, construction industry and other application industries.
properties of metal workpieces, greatly improving the performance. Green environmental protection is important in the future development of the iron and steel industry, and heat treatment related technology provides greater feasibility for low-carbon and environment-friendly steel production. Tube China 2022 is expected to gather 46,000 professional buyers to discover new business opportunities with thousands of industry contacts
THE 10 th Tube China will be held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre from 26-29 September 2022. The organisers Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) and MC-CCPIT will promote technological innovation and green and intelligent transformation and provide a professional trade platform to present state-of-the-art tube products, technologies and solutions. The focuswill beon tubemanufacturing machinery, processing technology, raw materials, tubes and accessories, pipeline and OCTG technology and testing engineering. The organisers have also upgraded the previous pavilions of thermal process and sawing products and visitors will also be able to visit related events: Thermprocess China and Saw and Laser Cutting China. Heat treatment technology changes the mechanical, physical and chemical
Tube China
Automated pipe-spool fabrication shop turn- key projects with full software integration
3R’s automated pipe-shop solutions are designed with the experience of more than 40 years in the field of pipe spool fabrication. Focusing on carefully planned workshop layouts and working with leading machine manufacturers allows 3R to create individual concepts that are tailor-made to suit the desired output and quality of fabrication. In combination with automated handling systems the flow of material can be streamlined and optimised, so waiting or idle times at the individual stations are virtually eliminated, and machine capacities are used efficiently. These idle times, as well as transport costs, are generally the driving cost factors in pipe-spool fabrication, so reducing them is vital. The combination of streamlined logistics, sophisticated software and high-performing machinery helps customers achieve savings compared to conventional fabrication. Whether you are considering investing in a pipe-shop or piping software, 3R provides highly customised solutions from one single source based on the customer’s individual needs. The 3R booth at Tube 2022 is in Hall 5, stand number A12 and you are invited to speak to their experts about your needs.
3R is a leading company in the planning and implementation of automated pipe-spool fabrication shop turn-key projects, with full software integration. 3R’s piping software framework consists of applications for the import of 3D models, generation of isometric drawings, feasibility checks, spooling, nesting, warehousing, CNC- fabrication, scheduling/monitoring, material and QA/QC weld tracking and complete documentation. The software is highly adaptable for every customer’s individual needs, giving a high level of versatility and efficiency.
Streamlined workflow with 3R
3R solutions GmbH
Advertise in these issues and be seen at...
March Issue 24 th January 2022 Editorial closing date: 14 th February 2022 Advertising deadline date: May Issue 9 th March 2022 Editorial closing date: 8 th April 2022 Advertising deadline date:
2022 Media Pack
Thermatool CFI 200kW Solid State Welder used in Moldova for first time
knowledge, providing each customer with the best approach to meeting challenging, every-day application needs,” said Chris Tombs, Thermatool sales manager at Inductotherm Heating & Welding. Steelwork manufacturer, Bas Steel Profil, recognised the need to upgrade its welding technology to ensure a more energy efficient product process in line with the continuous modernisation of its manufacturing facility. The company’s main requirements for the new welders were to ensure that they had a highly efficient use of energy, high reliability, repeatability and – most importantly – a supplier that can deliver a comprehensive after sales service package for the life of the product. Thermatool produces
INDUCTOTHERM Heating & Welding has announced the first new Thermatool CFI 200kW Solid State Welder to be sold into the country of Moldova. While there are thousands of Thermatool products installed globally, this was the first time a Thermatool CFI Welder had been purchased by this relatively small, developing country. “We are delighted to partner with Bas Steel Profil to assist in the upgrading of its equipment. Its decision to partner with Inductotherm Heating and Welding with Thermatool equipment ensures that they will receive a professional sales experience and extensive aftermarket support in servicing and spares for the life of the equipment. “Every welder sold is backed with a leading weld process and materials
Bas Steel Profil recognised the need to upgrade its welding technology to ensure a more energy efficient product process
equipment designed specifically for the tube and pipe industry globally. Inductotherm Heating & Welding
Combilift launches innovative new XLE model IRISH materials handling specialist Combilift has officially launched its latest product, the Combi-XLE, as a further addition to its range of electric models. In line with the growing demand for electric powered equipment, this multi-directional forklift, with up to 5-ton (10,000lb) lift capacity, combines emission-free operation with powerful performance for a wide range of industries and applications.
The original engine powered XL C-Series model was developed to address the requirements of tough working environments such as those in the timber, concrete and steel sectors. The new Combi-XLE incorporates the same key design features as its earlier counterpart such as high ground clearance, large, cushioned front and rear tyres and a spacious cab, allowing smooth operation on semi rough terrain while offering a high level of driver comfort. “The technology we have incorporated into the Combi-XLE means that its performance is equally on a par with diesel or LPG powered forklifts when it comes to handling very bulky and heavy loads, while of course offering a greener operation,” said Combilift CEO and co-founder Martin McVicar. “We made our first electric C-Series over 18 years ago, and now over 60 per cent of the trucks we manufacture are electric, with availability in almost all models across our range. As more and more of our customers are opting for electric power it is obvious that they are as committed to sustainability and a circular economy as we are.”
With sustainability ever higher on the agenda, Combilift is also helping its customers achieve their environmental goals with its versatile ‘3 forklifts in 1’ models, which work inside and out, reducing fleet size and thereby their carbon footprint. The Combi-XLE incorporates technology such as the patented all-wheel traction that reduces tyre wear, load swing and enhances braking. Also included is a newly developed, patented Eco-Steer System which provides a smaller turning radius and improved user experience. At Combilift’s own manufacturing facility, features such as daylighting technology – LED lights with individual PIR sensors, solar panel energy and rainwater harvesting are all aimed at conserving natural resources and decreasing energy consumption. 92 per cent of all components used in the truck assembly are 100 per cent recyclable and the company is also on track to save over 473 tons of CO 2 by using carbon neutral wood chip instead of gas for heating within the factory. The original engine powered XL C-Series model was developed to address the requirements of tough working environments POMINI joins Callista POMINI Long Rolling Mills, a company specialised in plants for the hot rolling of long products, has become part of Callista Group, which acquired 100 per cent of its shares from Primetals Technologies. POMINI is based in Marnate, Italy and specialises in the design, construction, installation and start- up of plants for the hot rolling of long products such as bars, commercial profiles, sections, rails and wire rod. All the steel grades are processed, from rebar for reinforced concrete to special and high alloy steels. The POMINI brand began in Castellanza, Italy as a maintenance workshop to service the local manufacturing industry. The business expanded to in-house design and construction of components for the transmission of mechanical power, and to complete plants for long products. Combilift
POMINI Long Rolling Mills
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Sikora AG ranks 10 th in the top 100 of German medium-sized businesses
have improved from 18 th to 10 th place. At this point, my very special thanks go to our colleagues in Bremen, as well as in our subsidiaries around the world.” More than 4,000 companies from all industries with annual sales of between €10mn and €1bn were examined by the Munich Strategy Group. The top 100 companies were determined on the basis of their long-term growth and earnings power. The basis for the selection is the performance of the companies over the last five years. The evaluation covers a period of five years.
SIKORA AG, based in Bremen, Germany, is among the 100 fastest growing medium-sized companies in Germany and has improved it position from 18 to rank 10 in the study “TOP 100 Ranking of medium-sized companies 2021.” The study was conducted by man- agement consultancy Munich Strategy Group. Dr Christian Frank, CEO at Sikora, said: “I am very pleased that we are again among the “TOP 100” this year. In the field of innovativemeasuring, control, inspection and sorting technologies we set significant trends and play a leading role. I am particularly proud that we AS the first large-scale B2B and manufacturing trade show to be held at Chicago’s McCormick Place since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, FABTECH 2021 brought two years’ worth of innovations, keynote presentations, and solution-based education sessions to the global metal fabrication community. The event welcomed over 24,000 attendees from across the US with opportunities to experience product evaluation, in-person networking, education, and collaborative discussions on key topics facing the industry today. “FABTECH 2021 was a great show,” said Michael Bell, director of sales, Pemamek LLC. “The event exceeded our expectations by far and our company closed several large deals during the week. We met with the right buyers. The people who came to FABTECH were here to learn and to buy. We already have our booth for next year.” “We have been exhibiting in FABTECH for years,” said Adam Bowden, president, Jet-Set Hydraulic Spray Systems. “Year after year, they have all been good, but this year the show has changed the trajectory of my business. We had an amazing experience at FABTECH 2021.” Three exhibit halls hosted close to 1,000 exhibitors (including 93 new exhibitors) demonstrating over 400 new products and highlighting emerging
Sikora ranks 10 th in the “TOP 100” of German medium-sized businesses
Sikora AG FABTECH 2021 makes a successful return
ToyMakerz, Inc and Adam Genei, owner of Mobsteel and Detroit Steel Wheel Co. The leadership exchange and state of the industry panels featured groups of subject matter experts who discussed the next phase of advanced manufacturing, the importance of mobile robot and standard robot interoperability, tactics for cultivating the next generation of manufacturing talent and how to navigate 2022 with the industry’s constant state of transformation. During the FABx Tech Talks, visionary manufacturers shared details about how they are integrating technologies like automation, AI and data analytics into all aspects of their operations – from the production floor to the supply chain. FABTECH’s education offerings for attendees included more than 150 conference sessions and workshops led by industry thought leaders and subject matter experts. The sessions spanned 14 technology tracks with sessions focused on automation, smart manufacturing, welding, cutting, lasers, workforce development, business management strategies and more. FABTECH 2022 is set to take place from 8-10 November in Atlanta, Georgia, with registration expected to open in the spring of 2022.
trends and technologies. Featured technology-focused pavilions at FABTECH included the 3D/additive manufacturing pavilion, and the robotics and industrial automation pavilion that introduced new technologies to fill workforce gaps and increase productivity and profitability. “FABTECH is grateful for the support of all the participating exhibitors, speakers and attendees who joined us in Chicago,” said Mark Hoper, FMA senior vice-president media and expositions, FABTECH. “We would like to thank them along with all our partners, vendors and the City of Chicago who supported this endeavour throughout a challenging 18 months leading up to this important industry event.” FABTECH also featured a line- up of special events, including keynote presentations, FABx Tech Talks and Leadership Exchange discussions. During the packed keynote presentations, industry luminaries discussed key learning moments and philosophies that led them to notable successes like landing a rover on Mars, creating boundary-pushing motorised builds and establishing a successful workforce development formula. Speakers included Adam Steltzner, leader and chief engineer of the NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Mission, David Ankin, CEO of
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