TPT January 2012
V OL 25 N O 1
Bending machinery Manipulation of a length of tubing of various sizes entails vulnerability: to breakage, wrinkling, scratching, marking, humping, collapse, excessive springback, and link failure, among others. The methods by which these threats are circumvented may vary, but never the results. The sole standard applicable to the finished workpiece is always “bent the best way.” The companies on these pages are some of the best in the world at this difficult task.
Finishing and end finishing At some stage in the production process the tubes are close to completion – certifiable, deliverable, billable. But it is not finished until it is finished. Those charged with quality control in a state-of-the-art tube mill know this stage as the last checkpoint in the production phase of the cycle, hence the most important. Because rejection further along is always costlier than rejection earlier on, finishing and end finishing tend to be the province of perfectionists.
116 Improving standard methods of grain size determination in high-alloy steel and alloy products By D Yu Klyuev, Ye Ya Lezinskaya, VV Perchanik (National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine) & NA Koryaka (ITA Representative in CIS, Ukraine)
125 Larikka CylinWeld: Tubular parts manufactured better By Maarit Aalto, marketing director, Larikka Ltd, Finland
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