TPT January 2012
T HE J ANUARY I SSUE It is a very proud day at Tube & Pipe Technology magazine as this issue marks our 25 th anniversary. From its inception the magazine very quickly became essential reading and it remains the leading international publication for the tube and pipe technology industry. The magazine was founded almost 25 years ago to the day by Mr John C Hogg, who many of you knew. It was an industry close to his heart and it was a particular dream of his to help the magazine (and tube technology producers) to reach previously untouched markets around the globe. There is no doubt that that vision was more fully realised than anyone could have imagined. Probably the most fitting tribute anyone could pay to the magazine – and to the many people who have helped make it a success – is something a veteran of the industry said to me at the recent FABTECH 2011 show. He was trying to explain to his boss, who was new to the industry, why it is such a great publication. “I’ve travelled the world over the past 35 years selling tube machinery. Every factory that I’ve been to, no matter how big, how small or how remote – in India, Europe, Africa, China – all have one thing in common. At least one well-thumbed copy of TPT magazine on a desk.” We hope that continues to be the case for another 25 years. Rory McBride – Editor E DITORIAL I NDEX .................. 2 I NDUSTRY N EWS ................... 6 T ECHNOLOGY U PDATE ........ 48 G LOBAL M ARKETPLACE ...... 96 中文综合 ........................ 122 A DVERTISERS I NDEX ......... 128
Editor • Rory McBride Features editor (USA) • Dorothy Fabian
• Christian Bradley
Editorial assistant
• Lisa Benjamin
• Catherine Sayers English speaking sales • Giuliana Benedetto Italian sales • Hendrike Morriss German speaking sales • Linda Li Chinese sales
Sales & marketing
• Jeroo Vandrevala Indian sales
• Liz Hughes
• Andrea McIntosh
• Liz Hughes
• Richard Babbedge
Accounts manager
• Caroline Sullens
• John C Hogg
Published by : Intras Publications , 46 Holly Walk, Leamington Spa, CV32 4HY, UK Tel : +44 1926 334137 • Fax : +44 1926 314755 Email : Website : Indian Office : Intras Ltd, Subarna (Ground Floor) P21/N, Block A New Alipore, Kolkata 700 053, India Tel : +91 33 2407 0701 • Fax : +91 33 2407 0700
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F RONT C OVER S TORY Reika is an innovative organisation based in Germany that specialises in the development and manufacture of machines and lines for the tubular products industry. Based on methodical development, years of experience and know-how as well as the latest technologies and materials, Reika can provide machines and lines of high-performance according to any customer’s demands. The machines are built to the highest standards and offer solutions to the problems posed by ever-changing market requirements. Today, Reika is a worldwide leader in the manufacturing of turnkey tube processing systems and lines. Various worldwide patents are proof of continuous and innovative engineering.
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