To ensure pass centre precision, fixing adjusting washer precisely
between roller and rotating arm is needed and the user can
demarcate the dimension on the special carriage assembly lathe.
The roll press down of TRCM is a radial hydraulic roll gap adjusting
mode, so there is no need for washers as it only needs one time
pass centring during the pass machining so it is more easy to use
during the carriage assembly and maintenance process.
Lateral changing roll: The roll carriage changing taking lateral
changing roll mode is an improvement for the tunnel changing roll
mode. This is due to the tunnel changing roll mode not offerinf the
choice to change one stand singly or checking pass outside, causing
a great deal of inconvenience.
But lateral changing roll mode can offer a solution to the above
problems by using the hydraulic servo system to compensate for the
rigidity reduction caused by the moveable connection.
Chief engineer: Guo Jibao
Taiyuan Tongze Heavy Industry Co, Ltd
No.9 Electrical Street, State Level Taiyuan
Eco & Tec Development Zone, Shanxi, China
Tel :+86 351 7852106/7852107
Fax: +86 351 7852106
tz_intltrade@163.com/ tongze@163.comWebsite: