TPT January 2008

I ndustry N ews

The combined event is expected to cover more than 30,000m 2 of exhibition space and attract in excess of 25,000 visitors. A similar event branded MTA Vietnam will take place in Hanoi from 9-12 July 2008.

business news in brief… Business News in Brief…

event news in brief… Event News in Brief…

SMS Group GmbH (www., Germany, has sold Battenfeld Gloucester Eng Co Ltd , USA, to a US management

The Russian Stainless Steel Summit 2007 conference (email: e.argunova@rusmet. ru), titled ‘Stainless steel tube

The 5 th parts2clean (www. welcomed 210 exhibitors from 12 countries to the new Stuttgart Exhibition

and pipe: demand and prices’, took place last November at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Moscow. The conference detailed the rising demand for stainless steel tube imports in Russia (a fivefold increase in 2007). The conference analysed figures for the first quarter of 2007, which show 61.1 per cent of imported stainless tubes are from the EU, 20.3 per cent from the CIS, 12.7 per cent from Asia, and 5.7 per cent from South America.

buyout group led by investor group Mousam Ventures LLC. Battenfeld Gloucester was the Group’s last remaining company in the plastics technology sector, and the sale is part of the Group’s move to focus on its core business – metallurgical machine and plant construction.

Centre from 9-11 October 2007. A total of 3,813 visitors were in attendance, to gather information regarding industrial parts cleaning. The next parts2clean industrial parts cleaning trade fair will take place in Stuttgart from the 28-30 October 2008.

Ernst Blissenbach GmbH ( www. b l i s s e n b a c h . d e ) , Germany, a leader in tube inside/outside bead scarfing equipment, has installed

Roll-Kraft (, USA, recently hosted nearly one hundred tube and pipe and rollforming manufacturers at

The 7 th international exhibition for Minerals, Metals, Metallurgy and Materials (MMMM) will be held from the

three scarfing systems at Tube Products of India . This follows on from similar jobs at KLT India and Tata Steel India . The systems were installed on three different tube mills: a self made TI tube line, a new Oto Mills tube line, and a new Vai Seuthe tube line. The lines will be used in the welding of heavy wall, cold drawn tubes.

its latest 2-day training sessions in Mentor (Ohio). The event was conducted by Mr Robert A Sladky (vice president of tube mill engineering), Mr Chuck Summerhill (vice president of US operations), and Mr Bret Molnar (roll design engineer). Roll-Kraft will offer further regional seminars in the future.

13-16 November 2008 in the India Expo Centre, New Delhi, India (www.metal- The IIM’s 2008 international metallurgical conference will also take place alongside the exhibition, featuring topics including surface engineering, continuous casting, hot and cold rolling and equipment, and finishing processes.

Rohrwerk Maxhütte GmbH (www.maxhuette-rohrwerk. de), Germany, has placed an order with SMS Meer (www., for the repair

Fifty delegates attended a seminar in Solihull, UK on the benefits and uses of induction heating. The seminar was

MTA Malaysia 2008 (www. will take place from the 7-11 May 2008 at the Putra World

organized by Cheltenham Induction Heating (, UK. The informative day long seminar concentrated on the fundamentals of induction heating and the theory behind the process. The event featured live equipment demonstrations featuring the new EasyHeat and EkoHeat range of induction heaters.

and modernization of its existing stretch- reducing mill (Ø 21.3mm to 139.7mm and WT 13mm). Scheduled for completion at the start of 2008, this order relates to the modernization of the drive system and the Carta ® automation system of the stretch- reducing mill. The rotary saw downline of the mill will also be upgraded. better fittings: from a leading manufacturer. Proven and used throughout the world. ERNE buttwelding fittings are made of alloyed and unalloyed steels, stainless steel and further materials. best connections: that means product availability, rapid response times and reliability in quality and delivery. Outstanding logistical capabilities and excellent service make ERNE FITTINGS a flexible partner for stockists/distributors and project specialists the world over.

Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The exhibition is directed at the market for machine tools, tooling and associated metrology in southeast Asia. This is a vast market with combined revenues of approximately US$2,205 million per annum.

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J anuary 2008

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