TPi November 2017
products & developments
Compact storage tower for sheet metal Metal sawing and storage equipment manufacturer Kasto has introduced a new tower to provide a compact, standardised solution for automated storage and retrieval of pallets and flat material. Advantages of the KASTOecostore system include its low space requirement, high storage density and short material access times.
load capacity per station of either 1.2 or 3 tonnes. System height can be specified by the customer, from 3.1 to 8m. The same applies to the level at which loading and unloading takes place, as users can select different heights up to 950mm. As well as being suitable for storing sheet metal in a wide range of sizes, KASTOecostore can hold Euro-pallets and stillages, for applications involving different materials in small businesses, workshops and maintenance shops. It can also be used as a buffer store between production areas in factories, close to machinery if necessary. The lifting gear drive is equipped with frequency converters from Siemens, and the motor is stationary to allow precise, dynamic loading and unloading. Robust roller chains ensure long service life and low maintenance. The steel frame consists of standardised rolled sections and can be dimensioned in accordance with the relevant standards for earthquake resistance. Comprehensive safety control measures prevent malfunction and downtime. KASTOecostore comes as standard with the manufacturer’s own SmartControl, which has an intuitive touchscreen user interface for rapid, error-free data input. Loads can be on pallets or special cassettes, which are stored and retrieved automatically and brought to an ergonomic height for ease our Pyrogel product family represents years of design and engineering effort focused on our overarching goal: to enhance our customers’ safety, energy efficiency and process stability, while lowering their total cost of ownership.” Pyrogel HPS is optimised for high-tem- perature pipe and vessel applications in the refining, chemical processing and power generation markets. With its low thermal conductivity at high temperatures, Pyrogel HPS-based
The store accommodates material up to 1,500mm deep by either 3m or 4m wide. Both types are available with a
of handling. Additional lifting equipment such as a forklift is not necessary, keeping access times short. Kasto offers an extensive range of accessories for adapting the store to special requirements, including a movable carriage for loading and unloading material from the back of the tower; and insert bolts for subdividing pallets and cassettes. A storage aid with lift-off bolts is available to assist in the handling of sheet metal and other materials using a The KASTOecostore tower storage system is a compact solution for storing pallets and flat goods
A KASTOecostore for holding material up to 1,500mm deep by 4m wide
stacker or crane. Kasto Ltd – UK
The tower is equipped with a modern drive and control system Aerogel insulation technology
solutions can be up to 75 per cent thinner than those with competing insulation materials. As a result, Pyrogel HPS is suitable for installation in congested areas or near mechanical clashes, increasing both plant safety and efficiency. Reduced insulation thicknesses also support
Aspen Aerogels has launched its latest innovation in aerogel insulation technology. Pyrogel ® HPS is a high- temperature aerogel blanket engineered to provide thermal conductivity and economic performance at service temperatures of up to 650°C (1,200°F). “Pyrogel HPS is the latest technological advancement to emerge from our Aerogel Technology Platform,” said Donald R Young, president and CEO of Aspen Aerogels. “This new addition to
faster and easier installation. Aspen Aerogels, Inc – USA
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