TPI July 2013
products & developments
A flexible alternative to hard piping installations
resistant rubber cover; and diameters from 2" to 14".
Novaflex also manufactures a complete line of rubber hose solutions. Their rubber connector capabilities include single and double arch expansion joints and bellows, multiflex connectors and pump connectors used as vibration joints. Novaflex’s manufacturing capabilities include a wide range of end configurations, up to 36" ID, as well as the ability to work with a wide variety of compounds, including natural rubber, SBR, EPDM, nitrile, neoprene, Hypalon, UHMW, XLPE, Viton and FDA materials.
Slurry King can also be used as a flexible connection when confronted with the issue of misalignment in a hard piping system, and can compensate for thermal expansion and contraction. The hose is available with many inner tube compounds to meet specific material handling needs, including a ‘wear indicator’ style for visual abrasion monitoring.
Novaflex’s Slurry King hose is a robust and versatile solution to common hard piping obstacles. Its easy handling and reusable quick fastening flange system make installation easy. The hose can be cut to length and couplings attached in minutes. The use of a quick fastening flange system also eliminates the need for welding. Use of a Slurry King rubber hose absorbs system vibration, reduces noise and saves wear on equipment.
Novaflex Group – UK
Specifications include fabric and helix wire reinforcement; ozone and UV
Faster installation for reservoir upgrade Wessex Water has begun work on a new extension to Allington Reservoir in Wiltshire, UK, as part of its ‘Water Supply Grid’ programme, which aims to improve supply to customers without the development of new resources. meant that the pipeline needed to be replaced as part of the reservoir upgrade. The new 1.8km pipeline will serve both the existing reservoir and the extension, discharging the water from the clean-out operation into a larger stream further away from the site.
four vehicle loads. Alex Brownlow from May Gurney commented, “By providing pipe in longer lengths (18m), the supplier helped us reduce the number of deliveries and on-site welds by 30 per cent. The reduced number of joints also helps underpin pipeline integrity.” The pipe lengths were joined by butt fusion welding and, at road crossings, by Durafuse electrofusion couplers. The 18mm pipe wall made the jointing process quick, while providing a sufficient pressure rating for the required flow rate. The May Gurney team installed the pipe in an open cut operation, for which the durability and flexibility of the pipe provided key operational advantages. Mr Brownlow said, “In some areas the trenches are around 3.5m deep, so specification of tough yet flexible Excel PE100 pipe made pipe laying easier and faster.” The Allington Reservoir upgrade is due for completion before the end of 2013, and will form an important element in the Wessex Water eight-year Water Supply Grid scheme, which includes a total of 20 individual projects across Somerset, Wiltshire and Dorset.
The £3.5mn scheme, delivered by main contractor May Gurney, will increase the reservoir’s capacity by 5mn litres. Problems with the integrity of the existing pipeline used for the clean out of the reservoir along with the increased capacity from the extension of Allington
Material suppliers were involved during the design period to stimulate innovative proposals and promote savings. Pipe specified during the feasibility stage and manufactured by GPS PE Pipe Systems was delivered to site in just
GPS PE Pipe Systems – UK
GPS supplied pipe in 18m lengths for the Allington Reservoir project
Tube Products International July 2013
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