EoW March 2010
Armouring & reinforcing of cables
Anbao (Qinhuangdao) Wire & Mesh Co Ltd, of China offers armouring cable wire – heavily galvanised, soft wire in diameters from 0.87mm to 3.15mm. Coil weight is between 20kg and 1,000kg. Standard and custom specifications can be supplied. Packing can be in normal or orbit coils, or on spools or pallets. Steel range includes armouring wire
Soft armouring cable wire from Anbao ▲ ▲
Anbao (Qinhuangdao) Wire & Mesh Co Ltd – China Fax : +86 335 3870760 Website : www.anbao.com Reinforcing cable with Alumoclad Where aluminium and aluminium alloy conductors are used for the overhead transport of electrical energy, the weight of the cables demands a steel wire stiffener for support in the centre of the cable. The steel wires used for this purpose are aluminium- or zinc-coated. In particular, aluminium-coated steel wire, known as Alumoclad, is more resistant to corrosion and is preferred over zinc because of its higher conductivity. GCR Eurodraw makes lines to draw down Alumoclad from the wire rod to the final required diameters, with conductivity and tensile stress that comply with the regulations in force in the different countries of the world. The lines are able to draw the combination aluminium/steel at high speeds, while at the same time maintaining the original ratio between the thickness of the aluminium coating and the steel wire diameter. Die cooling has been optimised for excellent dispersal of the heat produced during the drawing operation, and block cooling is such that the wire temperature is maintained within the required limits after every single drawing block. The die boxes have been expressly designed for this particular production. Alumoclad drawing lines include payoffs and take-ups that are specific for the spools used by the user in the subsequent production processes. GCR Eurodraw SpA – Italy Fax : +39 02 9354 0452 Email : gcr@gcrgroup.com Website : www.gcrgroup.com
EuroWire – March 2010
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