EoW March 2010
Armouring & reinforcing of cables
Planetary strander model CPT-30x630 ▲ ▲
There are two ways of armouring cable, using either steel tapes with overlap or a layer of steel wires. The method chosen will depend on the cable standard and the required reinforcing. For steel tapes Caballé offers rotating eccentric steel taping heads with pads up to 800mm, and longitudinal shielding equipment with flat or corrugated steel tapes. There are also stranders specifically designed for applications involving steel wires. Armourings for cable Single twist stranders for take-up reels up to 2,000mm Drum twisters for take-up reels up to 4,000mm Rigid stranders for payoff bobbins With the single twist stranders and drum twisters the steel wires can be supplied either from baskets (the preferred method) or from bobbins. When armouring with high tensile steel wires a backtwist in the wire is essential, so it must be done with a planetary strander. Caballé offers a complete range of planetary stranders with the following features: Different cage compositions for • bobbins typically of 630mm Variable backtwist • Cast steel cradles for long machine • life Mechanical brake with comp- • ensation for constant tension (or brake by AC motor) Special preforming heads • • • • typically 630mm For low tensile wires:
CM Caballé, sa – Spain Fax : +34 93 399 00 08 Email : caballe@cmcaballe.es Website : www.cmcaballe.es
EuroWire – March 2010
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