EoW March 2008

wire 31 March-04 April

The magazine provides up-to-date tech- nical and corporate news relating to the Asian market bringing the latest business developments to our readers.

Cym manufactures coil (batch-type) and strand (in-line) shot blasting systems at facilities in Argentina and Brazil.

Wire Lab Company 10 H40

Wire Lab Company – USA Fax : +1 216 433 0007 Email : e-mail@wirelab.com Website : www.wirelab.com

Wire Lab Company manufactures the most comprehensive line of mechanical descaling machinery available to steel wire producers. Such a wide variety of models allows customers to put in place the Wilco mechanical descaling system which most closely matches their wire drawing requirements with consideration given for machinery investment, maintenance cost, cost for any consumable items and overall quality requirement of the finished wire product.

Wire & Cable ASIA – UK Fax : +44 1926 314755 Email : info@intras.co.uk Website : www.intras.co.uk

Witels-Albert GmbH 9 E39

Wire & Plastic Machinery Corporation 9 F21

Witels-Albert will be presenting both new and proven solutions from its range of straightener, roll, guide, feed and pre-former products. With the motto of ‘the future of success’, the company will turn the spotlight onto engineering solutions for straightening applications. Visitors to the stand can see the new products in action. This also gives visitors the opportunity to learn more about the latest ideas from the world of wire, tube, rope and cable production, and to familiarise themselves with what Witels-Albert has to offer. Witels-Albert GmbH – Germany Fax : +49 30 723 988 88

For 20 years Wire & Plastic Machinery has provided a wide range of high quality used equipment to the wire and cable industry. Specialising in the non-ferrous and fibre optic cable industry, equipment is available for the following applications: Loose tube fibre optic cable; LAN tight buffered cables; OPGW; telephone cables; building wire; energy cables; rod breakdown to fine wire drawing machines. Wire & Plastic will display photographs of selected equipment recently purchased, or that has been rebuilt, and specialists will be available to assist in selecting the most suitable equipment. Wire & Plastic Machinery Corporation – USA Fax : +1 860 589 5707

Simple-to-use, basic mechanical descaling systems (Model 920 Air Jet and Model 1030 water jet descalers) are well suited for producers of industrial quality wire products where emphasis is on maintaining the lowest possible overall production cost. More feature-rich Wilco descaling systems allow customers to use wire rods of various qualities with the objective being producing a consistently cleaned wire rod suitable for making into higher quality wire products. These Wilco descaling systems (model 1250 and model 1750 automatic wire brush descalers) incorporate the Wilco automatic rod brushing machine into the process. Eight circular wire brushes are positioned around the rod circumference to aggressively clean the rod surface of secondary scale and red rust which are detrimental to producing high quality wire products. More specialised Wilco descaling systems (model 1060 descaling system with lubricant pre-coating and model LRD scale breaker for large diameter rods) satisfy the needs of more specialised producers. The model 1060 applies lubricant pre-coating compounds in the final stage of the mechanical descaling process. Manufacturers of high carbon wire and those working with very high finishing speeds benefit from the increased lubrication established by the pre-coating compound. The Wilco large rod scale breaker (Model LRD) is designed for processing larger diameter rods up to 19mm in diameter. Sheave offset is controlled by hydraulics, thereby allowing simple straight-through string up of the scale breaker. Wire Lab Company represents CymMateriales, an established manufacturer of shot blasting machinery. Comprehensive line of mechanical descaling machinery ▲

Email : info@witels-albert.com Website : www.witels-albert.com

Email : sales@wireandplastic.com Website : www.wireandplastic.com

Wire Association International, Wire Journal International 11 B25

The WAI will display the association’s publications, products and services, including Wire Journal International, The Wire Journal International 2008 Reference Guide and a range of association technical books, reports and DVDs/videos. News about the WAI’s International Technical Conference to be held 19 th -23 rd October 2008, in Monterrey, Mexico, as well as information for WAI membership opportunities, its chapter network and WAI’s internet site (www.wirenet.org) will also be available. This also includes stand availability for Wire Expo 2008 (7 th -11 th June 2008) in Pittsburgh, and Interwire 2009 (25 th -30 th April 2009) in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, the Americas’ largest trade show for the wire and cable industry, which will be co-located with the International Fastener & Precision Formed Parts Manufacturing Exposition and Conference (IFE). Wire Association International andWire Journal – USA Fax : +1 203 453 8384 Email : info@wirenet.org Website : www.wirenet.org


EuroWire – March 2008

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