EoW July 2007
wire drawing machinery
Covering all the production steps
Wire drawing machines and lines developed by Niehoff cover all production steps from wire rod drawing to fine and super fine wire drawing. The machines and lines are being used worldwide to produce wire made of copper and copper alloys, aluminium and aluminium alloys, plated copper wire, as well as superconducting wire, bi-metals wire eg copper clad aluminium and steel wire and other kinds of composite wire and wire made of special non-ferrous materials. The multi-draft rod breakdown machine type M85 is by far the most popular machine of its kind in the world. The experiences gained with these conventionally driven machines have been the basis of the electronically controlled rod breakdown machines type MSM85 which are in industrial operation since 1998. As each capstan is individually driven, for each draft different wire elongations can be realised in a wide range. In the same way slip on the drawing capstans can be reduced to a minimum resulting in wires with an especially high surface quality. The MMH multi-wire drawing machine with an integrated RM continuous annealing system can simultaneously manufacture up to 42 wires. All wires have highly homogeneous characteristics
MMH type multi-wire drawing machine
and a high surface quality and meet or exceed the highest specifications and processing requirements. Niehoff has introduced the latest electronic control and drive technology from the MSM85 rod breakdown machine into the MMH multi-wire drawing machines for plated wires and special applications. Besides the multi-
wire drawing machines for copper, 8-and 16-wire drawing machines for aluminium and aluminium alloy wires are also available.
Maschinenfabrik Niehoff GmbH & Co KG – Germany Fax : +49 9122 977 155 Email : info@niehoff.de Website : www.niehoff.de
Kieselstein’s multiple wire drawing machines
Kieselstein Group, Germany, consists of several wire related companies, including Kieselstein GmbH which has the knowledge and the sales rights for the former Herborn+Breitenbach and SKET wire drawing products. Kieselstein is internationally known as a partner in the development and manufacturing of innovative wire drawing equipment, and offers comprehensive service, spare parts and retrofitting of second-hand drawing machines (Herborn+Breitenbach and SKET). The company’s product range includes the Rubin multiple wire drawing machine for the manufacturing of high-carbon steel wire, stainless steel wire, low-carbon material and non-ferrous metals.
Kieselstein’s multiple drawing machine
Using the company’s modular system it is possible to combine individual blocks, sections with different dimensions of the drawing capstans, to machines suitable for any drawing task. The machine operates torsion-free and features an intensive water-cooling system. Kieselstein also specialises in bull blocks for applications including spring wire and cold-heading wires. Kieselstein International GmbH is another main company of the group, and produces draw-peeling machines focussed on superior wire surface quality. The draw-peeling process enables the removal of marginally decarburised layers, rolling cracks, score marks and pores. The result is a faultless, very smooth surface and a nearly homogenous structure.
Kieselstein Group – Germany Fax : +49 371 910 4105
Email : info@kieselstein-group.com
Website : www.kieselstein-group.com
EuroWire – July 2007
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