EoW July 2007
Testing andmeasuring technology and equipment
With the exception of destructive testing, these processes do nothing to a production run of wire. Yet theymean everything to the value of that wire – as saleable commodity and, later, in its life in service. They command the invisible but critical interface at which a length of perfect wire is known to be a length of perfect wire. Highvolt Prüftechnik Dresden GmbH has developed a brand-new digital recorder for the measuring of impulses, AC and combined voltages in the field of high- voltage (HV) cable testing. The system fulfils all requirements according to the IEC 60060 and IEC 61083 standards eg IEC 60060-1, 61083-1. The MIAS is fast and efficient and operated by a user-friendly graphic interface. Two basically different designs allow an optimum adaptation to any test requirement. Whereas the MIAS design type C integrates the industrial computer, the design type B needs a separate industry PC. New digital recorder
Digital Impulse Analyzer MIAS 200-12/4 C with HV impulse test system ▲
This IPC is also used for controlling the complete HV test equipment eg an impulse generator. The control and data link between MIAS B and IPC is simply made by an optical standard interface. The type MIAS 100-14/2 is available as a digital recorder with a sampling rate of 100ms/s, 14 bits resolution and 2 channels or as a recorder with 200ms/s at 12bits resolution (MIAS 200-12/2, shown above). The number of channels can be extended upon demand. ThecomprehensivesoftwareIAScomprises many application-oriented features and is run by Windows® (XP or Vista). One of theseapplicationsisespeciallydesignedfor
cable testing. The
necessary a l go r i t hms for lightning impulses, switching im- pulses, AC and combined voltage evaluations are integrated. All data of wave shapes are saved automatically and the IAS report generator creates MS-Word® test reports. Optionally the operator can also use its own-designed templates. Highvolt Prüftechnik Dresden GmbH – Germany Fax : +49 351 8425 679 Email : mueller.anita@highvolt.de Website : www.highvolt.de
EuroWire – July 2007
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