EoW January 2013
News Technology
Acid-free rod dry cleaning, coating and drawing
The new version of acid-free rod Dry Cleaning, Coating and Drawing (DCCD) process is rapidly changing the current state of rod preparation and wire drawing, replacing conventional rod wet preparation, including acid cleaning/ rinsing/wet pre-coating and drying, by the new totally dry and completely "green" technology. The DCCD process offers substantial cost savings in the most demanding drawing applications from mechanically descaled uncoated rod, drawn directly without wet pre-coating chemicals, including spring wire, PC strand wire, cold heading wire, plating wire, etc. The process operates at ‘zero’ maintenance cost as there is no acid, no hot liquid tanks for rod pre-coating, no hot air blowers to dry wet rod, and it operates at virtually ‘zero’energy consumption. An added benefit is the automatic control of lubrication parameters, including lubricant pressure, temperature and viscosity, enabling the use of standard high melting lubricants (melting at +220°C/428°F for H/C applications) which are converted from solid into liquefied state and instantaneously deposited on uncoated rod to form a high-performance lubricant film resisting at high load and temperature, generating exceptional thermal stability in all drafts at the highest drawing speed, eliminating the need for phosphate, borax and their wet substitutes. Supermac Industries (India) Limited has since 1974 manufactured different kinds of insulating and sheathing lines for various cable sectors (power cables, optical fibre cables, house wiring, control cable, etc). taking care of customer requirements, and has maintained a leading edge in technology. The company has in-house automation, software developments, panel making and testing facilities for extrusion of cable sheathing. Its qualified engineers are fully equipped in installation and commissioning of plants. The state-of-the art facilities are equipped with international and indigenous Supermac customised specialises solutions, in providing
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▲ ▲ Rod cleaning and wire drawing by DCCD process
In operation, all lubrication parameters ‘communicate’ together in a sensitive and automatic multi-way interaction to form a hard and strongly adherent full-film anti-wear lubricant coat, weight-adjustable, enabling frictionless drawing by physical separation of wire-die contact in all drafts, eliminating friction heat, providing superior surface quality, increasing die life and improving wire ductility. Typical applications with DCCD processed rod: Output of 2.2 tonne/hour with 5.5mm 0.83/0.88%C rod. Spring wire is drawn at 18m/s (3,600ft/ min); 5.5mm 0.72%C rod drawn to 2.35mm at 16m/s (3,200ft/min); 10.5mm 0.85/0.88%C rod drawn to 4.22mm at 8-9m/s (1,800 ft/min). Decalub – France Fax : +33 1 60 20 20 21 Email : info@decalub.com Website : www.decalub.com machinery to carry out the process of manufacturing. It has implemented a customised ERP system to achieve increased productivity, lower costs, and satisfied customers. Recently Supermac has got its products approved for the CE Mark, enabling it to export to the European market. The product range includes: Insulation line for house wiring and control cables; insulation line and sheathing line for power cables; triple extrusion line for SIOPLAS (XLPE) cable; CCV line for LV/MV power cables up to 132 KVA; HCV line for rubber/EPDM/silicon cables; extruders from 30mm to 175mm; cross-head; haul-off caterpillar; capstan; take-up and pay-off from 630mm to 4,500mm. Supermac Industries (India) Ltd – India Website: www.supermacindia.com
Insulating and sheathing lines
January 2013
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