EoW January 2013
News Technology
New technology achieves high-energy savings
Only the oil pressure and volumetric flow that are actually required by the system are generated. In this respect, the motors only run during the main machine function (eg pressing process), but are idle in the non-productive time. This means less power consumption and lower noise burden. The structure also enables feedback into the power network, something like that from the compression energy of the oil. Hydraulic systems with VSP require neither a cooling system nor a central hydraulic station with a large tank. The costs of housings or hydraulic pits as well as long pipelines are eliminated. All hydraulic components are mounted directly in an easy-to-maintain way or on top of the machine. Longer lifetime of the oil also make a contribution towards the low repair costs as do the low number of wearing parts and the modular, easily exchangeable components. The integrated control of the pump parameters even allows preventive repair and maintenance. This means that it can be seen if a component should be replaced in the near future.
Energy savings, reduction of emissions and cost savings are important selling points in all sectors of the steel and non-ferrous industry. The hydraulic system also offers great potential here. A new technical solution from SMS Meer provides considerable advantages. The variable speed pump, VSP for short, enables an efficient hydraulic system with pressures of more than 450 bar. The two major Russian pipe producers, Vyksa Steelworks (OMK) and Izhorsky Trubny Zavod (Severstal), will soon be using the VSP technology on two pipe closure presses (each with 25 MN pressing force and four pressing cylinders). The general principle is that the oil pressure is generated only on the system level – meaning only when it is actually required. Commercially available axial piston pumps are used, and regulation follows through the speed of the servomotors. With energy efficiency and environmental compatibility, this technology fulfils the guidelines of the SMS Meer‘Ecoplants’systems. Set-up is performed using proportional valve technology, during which the complete throttling of the hydraulic power by significantly heating up of the oil is completely eliminated. As a result, an extremely energy-saving and low-loss hydraulic system is built up with the ‘small’ systems, but also with high pressing forces as well as with several hydraulic axles.
SMS Meer GmbH – Germany Website : www.sms-meer.com
New lubricants India launch
Metalube launched a semi-synthetic oil, Inoxol™ 5108, at Wire & Cable India 2012. This latest addition to its lubricant range is specifically designed for the wet drawing of stainless steel wire and significantly outperforms rival products. Inoxol™ 5108 contains the very latest synthetic additives, improving film strength and providing outstanding extreme-pressure and anti-wear properties. Nettleship said: “Our test results for this product are exceptional. We are witnessing excellent drawing performance that will considerably extend the life of dies, and as the cost of dies is noticeably higher than that of a lubricant, the results speak for themselves. Inoxol™ 5108 will radically reduce customer overheads.” Inoxol™ 5108 also contains special additives to minimise thermal and oxidative degradation of the oil, extending the service life of the oil, reducing both the quantity of oil consumed as well as the cost of waste oil disposal. The improved lubricity benefits provided by these additives also produce an exceptionally bright surface finish. Technical director Chris
Laboratory wear tests have shown that Inoxol 598 reduces wear by more than 20% compared to its nearest rival. Metalube specialises in wire and tube drawing lubricants, working with wire, cabling and tubing manufacturers across the world. The headquarters are in Manchester, UK, where the site incorporates offices with warehousing, laboratories and manufacturing facilities. ▲ ▲ Albert Malloy, general manager Metalube; Joseph Ellingworth, Metalube India and Amit Gupte, general manager Metalube India pictured at Wire and Cable India
Metalube – UK Website : www.metalube.co.uk
January 2013
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