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Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e c o m p a n i e s f e a t u r e d i n t h i s s e c t i o n p l e a s e v i s i t

w w w. w i r e - r u s s i a . c o m

EuroWire – May 2007

wire Russia 2007

28-31 May

Weber & Scher

Booth D01

Now in their 90


year of business, Weber

& Scher has specialised for more than

60 years in providing equipment and

technology specifically to the wire and

cable industry. At wire Russia 2007, the

company will be displaying information

and literature on its complete range of

products, including corrugated metal tape





handling and ultrasonic splicing equipment

as well as longitudinal forming equipment

for smooth and corrugated metal tape,

core wrap tape handling, application and

binding equipment.

Also included in their production programme

is Kevlar serving equipment, cable core

pressure filling and flooding equipment for

optical fibre cables and copper telephone

cables, metal tape overlap seam bonding

systems, multi-position tension controlled

supply equipment, high speed rewind/repair

equipment, vertical and horizontal cable

accumulators, belt wrap type capstans, linear

belt caterpillar capstans, concentric and

eccentric taping heads and cable pay-offs/


Detailed information and video presentations

will be available covering the company’s

unique Inductoweld and Gatweld continuous

seam welded sheathing systems for coaxial

cables, RF cables, optical fibre cables and

power cables.

Weber & Scher Mfg Co Inc – USA


: +1 908 236 7001

Well Gain

Booth J07

Well Gain Cable Systems is specialised in

the supply of machinery and with 20 years’

extensive experience, can supply wire and

cable machinery to fulfil needs such as

equipment for conductors, power cables and

communication cables.

All machines are manufactured in China

and the range of products include Cu rod

upward continuous casting line, rod break

down machine and wire drawing machines,

rigid strander, planetary strander, cage

strander, drum twister, extrusion lines,

CCV line for up to 35kV cables, testing

equipment, compounding machines for

PVC and LSHF materials.

Well Gain Cable Systems (Shanghai) Ltd

– China


: +86 021 34140438


Booth J24

Windak, based in Stockholm, Sweden,

offers the largest range of automatic coiling

and spooling equipment in the industry.

The key to Windak’s success has been the

close co-operation from the early stages

in each project. The company’s extensive

experience ensures the correct equipment

recommendation. To cater for an expanding

market, Russian-speaking support and trained

service personnel are on call.

Windak supplies the following equipment:

Fully automatic coilers

: From max 360mm

coil OD to max 1,000mm coil OD in seven

different models.

Fully automatic spoolers

: From 165mm to

1,200mm spool flange diameter in five

different models.

Pay-off/take-up and rewind equipment


From 200mm to 4,500mm reel flange

diameter in a large range of models.

Other sizes and specifications can be


Windak AB – Sweden


: +46 580 38955


Booth G13

Wire and Plastic Machinery Corporation – one

of the largest suppliers of used equipment

in the world – specialises in buying quality

used equipment and reselling them in either

their original condition or refurbishing them

mechanically and electrically to current


Based at Bristol, Connecticut, USA, and with

more than 90,000m


of warehouse, the

company stocks a wide range of equipment

for producing almost all cable types such as

fibre optic cable, low voltage cables, data

cable and copper communication cables.

The company will exhibit photographs and

provide technical data on the equipment

currently in available from its stock.

Wire & Plastic Machinery Corp – USA


: +1 860 589 5707

Zumbach Electronic AG

Booth H06

Zumbach Electronic will present many new

developments and products.



the ODEX® 10 concentricity and diameter

gauge for wire extrusion. This extremely

accurate and advanced sensor is

insensitive to environmental conditions,

fully non-contact and is based on

magnetic and laser technology;

new laser-based diameter gauges for very

big cables and profiles;

large 3-axis laser diameter gauges with

incorporated fault detection;

ethernet TCP/IP enabled diameter gauges

for direct networking without need of

external processors;

new ultrasonic scanners of the novel

Umac® Z range for wall thickness

measurement with quick and easy

adaptation to cable diameters and space-

saving integration.

Data Acquisition, Processing and Display

Units (Processors)


three new full lines of USYS processors,

ranging from a low-cost basic model

USYS 200 up to the high-end multi-sensor

processor/controller USYS 8100, will also

be displayed;

all USYS processors are extremely user-

friendly, safe, stable and flexible for

extending to and upgrading.

Complete Measuring and Control Systems


Wallmaster wall thickness and eccentricity

systems for cable jackets and tubes

now offer combination with gravimetric

weigh hopper Gravi 8000 and Diacal

option for fully automatic calibration

and control.

Cellmaster®, Jacketmaster and Multiline

systems for extrusion and wire-drawing are

based on the new USYS line.

Zumbach Electronic AG

– Switzerland


: +41 032 356 0530

A small corrrugator fromWeber and Scher

The latest offering from Zumbach

24 wire planetary strander recently shipped

to China