Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e c o m p a n i e s f e a t u r e d i n t h i s s e c t i o n p l e a s e v i s i t
w w w. w i r e - r u s s i a . c o m
EuroWire – May 2007
wire Russia 2007
28-31 May
market activity and testimony to the high
degree of an acceptance of products by
the users.
At wire Russia the company will be
introducing its latest products to a specialist
public. These include the highly efficient
stranding machine type MKZT for the
stranding of copper and aluminium wires,
the MKRD for the manufacture of OPGW
cables, the drum-twister for assembly
of milliken cable, modern double twist
stranding machines for the production of steel
cord and specialised tubular stranders with
integrated stretching device and planetary
cage type stranders for the production of
steel wire strands and heavy ropes.
Sket Verseilmaschinenbau GmbH
– Germany
: +49 1405 5837
Booth D04
SMEI supplies several plants/machines to
suit any customer requirement. Among these
are wire drawing machines, straight-line
multi-pass wire drawing machines, lattice
girder machines, straightening units, mesh
machines and panelling machines.
The company also has a wide range of butt
welder machines covering different types of
welding from 0.5mm diameter to 350mm
SMEI Srl – Italy
: +39 0432 9647 84
August Strecker
Booth C27
August Strecker will be exhibiting an
extensive programme at wire Russia. On
display will be buttwelding machines for
all kinds of wires, starting at 0/04mm
diameter up to 35mm diameter for steel,
34mm diameter for solid non-ferrous
wires, including welders with automatic
deburring cycle.
For steel wire welders there are different
annealing features available, depending on
the individual steel quality.
Booth B15
On display at Sikora’s stand will be the
X-Ray 8000 and X-Ray 2000 which measure
power cables without requirements of
calibration or lengthy set-up routines,
with information available as soon as the
extrusion is started. The German company’s
technical approach provides the operator
with information when it is needed, saving
materials and money. The Ecocontrol 2000
processor system provides for the integration
of the range of Inline 2000 series gauges into
one common system. The touch screen driven
device simplifies operator interface while
offering the state-of-the-art approach to FFT/
SRL examinations, tandem extrusion control,
eccentricity graphical analysis and more.
The full range of Inline 2000 systems starts
with the support of the diagnostics software
for each device. This support software offers
flexibility in the ease of configuration, as
well as expanding the range of information
available from a standard device.
True innovation reflects the technique
employed in the Laser 2000 series XY and
triple axis diameter measurement devices. No
moving parts means lower maintenance and
cost while laser diffraction analysis techniques
supported by Texas Instruments DSP provides
the highest data rates and FFT/SRL analysis
done inside the device.
The Centerview 2000 series provides non-
diameter and wall thickness – all from
one system on a non-contact basis. The
other devices of the Inline 2000 range of
products offer similar benefits – Lump
2000 series of XY and triple axis lump and
neck-down detectors, Capacitance 2000
series of capacitance measurement systems,
Spark 2000 series of spark tester systems
and more will be demonstrated.
Sikora AG – Germany
: +49 421 489 0090
Booth B23
As a traditional supplier to the cable and steel
rope manufacturers in Russia, Sket Verseilmas-
chinenbau’s success is the result of sustained
Sikora’s 3 Laser T Red
A traditional supplier to steel cable and rope