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Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e c o m p a n i e s f e a t u r e d i n t h i s s e c t i o n p l e a s e v i s i t

w w w. w i r e - r u s s i a . c o m

EuroWire – May 2007

wire Russia 2007

28-31 May

Agir Technologies

Booth F01

Mouton, part of the Agir Technologies Group,

has more than 50 years’ experience in the

design and manufacture of grinding machines

and various machine tools dedicated to the

machining and repairing of tools and, in

particular, tungsten carbide wire drawing dies

from 0.10-30mm.

Mouton has also developed shaving

machines for ferrous and non-ferrous

wires to offer customers top-of-the-range

wires. In 2006 Mouton created a new

universal grinding machine, the MU 210,

to repair any shaving die and tool.

As toolmakers, the company’s machines are

initially manufactured to meet their own

needs and are then commercialised.

Mouton’s range also includes wire drawing

dies (round, shaped, pressure), drawing dies

and plugs, cable extrusion tools, straightening

tools, wire-guides, tools for welding rods and

plated wires.

Agir Technologies, also including Rivom,

have specialised in the design and manu-

facturing of tungsten carbide tools for metal

forming (heading dies and punches, extrusion

tools, plate-cutting and ironing tools and

compacting tools).

Agir Technologies Group,

Rivom-Mouton – France


: +33 380 51 81 36


Booth G08

AIM’s Accuform ‘E’ series is the economical

choice for the CNC steel wire bender industry.

It offers functionality, ease of use, and a great

value unmatched in the industry.

The E-Line of 2D and 3D programmable CNC

steel wire benders make virtually any kind

of simple or complex parts from round and

flat wire. There are five sizes of machines to

choose from: 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12mm.

All models take wire directly from the coil,

straighten, bend and cut to produce products

using a software package that provides

flexibility and simplicity in programming.

The ‘E’ series offers an ‘a-la-carte option’

where the user has the choice of putting

extra options as their business needs change,

without sacrificing quality because of price.

The AFE-3D8-T is great for saving money and

getting your production needs met.

AIM Inc will also be exhibiting at Wire

South-East Asia, in Bangkok, Thailand from





October 2007.



: +1 630 458 0730


Booth G01

With 22 member companies, the Austrian

Wire and Cable Manufacturers Association will

be staging their own display at wire Russia,

in conjunction with the Austrian Federal

Economic Chamber.

At the favourably positioned AWCMA/

VOEDKM Stand/G01, which – for easier access

for visitors – has been combined with the

Eder Engineering stand, information and

catalogues about all member companies

and their special products will be available,

particularly those enterprises which cannot

be in Moscow.

Besides printed and verbal information being

available in Russian, the AWCMA, jointly with

the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber/H01

also has arranged a special ‘Café Vienna’, which

will be at the full disposal of our exhibiting

member companies and their visitors and

friends there.

AWCMA – Austria


: +43 1367 494949


Booth C05

AWM is presenting its complete range of

machines and plants for reinforcement steel


Since 1987 they have supplied machines

for the production of standard and special

electro-welded mesh and lattice girders,

all types of cold rolling lines, straightening

machines, and special machines for the

production of tunnel reinforcement.

They will also be introducing the new

high-speed wire straightening machine

‘Duo Straight’, featuring two spinners

equipped with hyperbolic rollers granting

an excellent straightening quality without

damaging the wire ribs.

The machine has been re-designed, adopting

a new flying shear driven by a brushless

servomotor, suitable to cut at high speed and

ensuring good accuracy on the length, thanks

to a new electronic control. The remote

technical assistance via modem has also been

introduced on this machine, following the

company’s policy concerning the quality of

after-sales technical service.

In addition, specifically for the Russian and

Ukrainian market, AWM has developed a new

patented system for the easy loading of cross

wires on its ‘Easynet S’ mesh machines, fed by

pre-cut hot rolled wire. This unique solution

has already been tested on several machines

installed in Russia and the Ukraine, and has

produced excellent results.

AWM also has an official agent in Russia who

ensures commercial and technical support,

as well as qualified after-sales service.

AWM SpA – Italy


: +39 0432 780350

Balloffet SA

Booth G23

A forerunner in manufacturing innovation

(drilling, forming, sizing, polishing) tight

controls of the products, Balloffet is ideally

placed to help reduce your maintenance costs,

combined with excellent quality and service.

The French company has bases in the UK,

USA and Germany, alongside a worldwide

network of agents.

The product range includes natural diamond

dies from 6µ to 2.5mm, mono-crystalline dies

from 6µ to 0.5mm, poly-crystalline (PCD) dies

from 50µ to 28mm, compacting, stranding

and special shape dies, enamelling guides,

extrusion tooling (guides and dies), special

tooling with diamond insert and repolishing

machines and equipment.

AFE-3D8-T steel wire bender

A complete range from AWM


New Grinding Machine MU 210

Wire Shaving HeadTr02