wiredinusa March 2012
Wire Lab Stand: 10H40 Wire Lab
accumulators, belt wrap type capstans, linear belt caterpillar capstans, concentric and eccentric taping heads and cable pay-offs/take-ups.
When the wire brushes need replacement (typically after processing 300 tons of wire rod) the control system will shut down the Wilco brusher while illuminating an indicator lamp communicating the machine’s condition that the brushes need replacement. Additional models of Wilco descaling systems are available from basic, non-aggressive systems to the automatic brush descaling system with lubricant pre-coating. Wire Lab Company – USA Fax: +1 216 433 0007
and enameling. Die sizes are available in a range from very fine (52ga.) to as large as 32mm with the jumbo PCD nibs.
Company manufactures a comprehensive line of mechanical descaling machinery allowing customers to put in place the Wilco mechanical descaling systems which most closely match their wire-drawing requirement. On display at wire 2012 will be the Model 1250 automatic brush descaling system that allows users to convert wire rod of various qualities into bright drawn wire. The Wilco automatic rod-brushing machine incorporates into the descaling process eight circular wire brushes which are positioned around the rod circumference and aggressively clean the rod surface of secondary scale and red rust which are detrimental to producing high quality wire products. Unique to the Wilco wire brushing machine is that the pressure of all wire brushes is automatically maintained on a real-time basis by the advanced electronic control system. The operator is not responsible for making manual adjustments to the brush pressure, leaving a consistently cleaned wire rod.
Email: e-mail@wirelab.com Website: www.wirelab.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Woodburn Group Stand: 09C71
A power cable welding line from Weber & Scher
The Woodburn Group provides diamond and carbide dies to the wire drawing community around the world through its network of manufacturing facilities. Headquartered in the USA, Woodburn Diamond Die services the North American and European markets along with its counterpart Woodburn Wire Die, which services much of the Mexico market from inside the country. The Walson Woodburn Wire Die group from India services much of the remaining world market, especially Asia and the Middle East. Utilizing two manufacturing sites, it is able to supply both domestic and export markets with support from sales representatives throughout the regions. Products offered by all three divisions include: diamond dies made from both single crystal diamond and polycrystalline diamond, available for applications in drawing, stranding and bunching, guides
Physically elongated and matched sets for multi-wire equipment are a priority of all the groups with sets as large as 48 wires having been provided to the industry. Carbide dies and specialty products are available upon request. Woodburn Diamond Die Inc – USA Fax: +1 260 632 4388 Email: info@woodburndd.com Email: info@walsonwoodburn.com Website: www.woodburndd.com
Detai led informat ion and video presentations will be available covering the unique Inductoweld and Gatweld continuous seam welded sheathing systems for power cables, coaxial cables, RF cables, and optical fiber cables. The Inductoweld system features the use of high frequency induction welding technology while the Gatweld system uses a TIG (GTAW) welding process to produce longitudinally seam welded metal tape sheath constructions. Corrugating systems are available for imparting either a helical or annular corrugation in welded metal sheath in tandem with the welding operation. Weber & Scher Mfg Co Inc – USA Fax: +1 908 236 7001 Email: webscher@webscher.com Website: www.webscher.com
The 1250 DB automatic brush descaling system
wiredInUSA - March 2012
wiredInUSA - March 2012
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