wiredinusa March 2012
There’s always a great ‘community’ feeling to the wire and cable industry. Whether if it’s at an exhibition, on the golf course, at the hotel bar or, in this case, just a friendly company going a little extra for those less fortunate. I’m referring to Allied Wire and Cable on p11 of this issue. Each year this company chooses one week in December to be ‘charity week’ during which a percentage of all sales are donated to charity. That doesn’t have to be done. It’s a choice that Allied make each year. They include all staff who nominate their own charities and the customers even have a say, voting online to decide which organization is to receive the largest donation. The sixth annual week from 19 th -23 rd December last year raised a superb $15,818.78 , with CureSearch for Children’s Cancer group getting the largest donation. Autism Speaks, nominated by Wisconsin employee Rebecca Mertens, also had a share of the spoils with Allied donating $1,000 towards Mertens taking part in the Walk Now for Autism Speaks event in Milwaukee on 28 th April. It’s refreshing that we take just a little time now and then and do something good for others. Allied can be justifiably proud. David Bell Editor
wiredInUSA - March 2012
wiredInUSA - March 2012
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