wiredinusa July 2011
About the IWCS For sixty years, the IWCS, a non-profit organization, has presented the latest technologies in wire, cable and connectivity. Now rebranded to reflect its expanded scope the IWCS International Cable-Connectivity Symposium remains the prestige venue for the presentation of peer reviewed work in fields of wire, cable and interconnected technology for the communi- cations, data, electronics, power, industrial, automotive and aerospace industries. In 2009, the topical scope of the symposium program was broadened to include the adjacent manufacturing segments of connectivity and wiring harness products with the inclusion of the IICIT (International Institute of Connector and Interconnection Technology) Symposium with the IWCS conference. Additional conference tracks, professional development offerings, and exhibition spotlights that target the interests and needs of the interconnect community are planned for 2011. For complete connectivity solutions, the International Cable-Connectivity Symposium has no rivals.
Report shows 100% growth in 2010
Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA), consisting of America’s electric utilities and solar companies, has released a report revealing that utilities are increasingly expanding solar power generation portfolios, and that most of these solar installments are outside of California. SEPA’s fourth annual Top 10 Utility Solar Rankings, that analyzes utility solar electricity markets in the United States, found that utility integrated solar grew 100% in 2010 from 2009 figures. Of the Top 10 ranked utilities, seven are from outside of California and contributing 561MW of solar electric capacity. SEPA’s annual rankings measure a utility’s recently installed solar power and include photovoltaic and concentrating solar power technologies that were incorporated between 1st January and 31st December 2010. The rankings are categorized
into ‘Solar Megawatts’ which measures a utility’s total solar capacities and ‘Solar Watts-per-Customer (w/c)’ which regulates solar capacity by the size of the utility. Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), which installed a further 157MW of solar power capacity in 2010, topped the Solar Megawatt ranking whilst its competitor, Florida Power & Light Company, secured second place with 82MW of added solar capacity. The third spot was held by New Jersey’s Public Service Electric & Gas Co (PSEG), which added 75MW of solar capacity in 2010. The Solar Watts-per-Customer (w/c) was topped by California’s Silicon Valley Power, adding 40-watts per customer.
Join the industry’s leading companies and technologists for the 60th Symposium that will include : - Technical Symposium - Executive Track - Suppliers Expo - Professional development Courses
- New Product Presentations - Networking Opportunities - ...And more
Charlotte Convention Center Charlotte, NC, USA November 6th-9th, 2011
More information on the IWCS can be found at www.iwcs.org or by contacting John Barteld, CEO/Director of IWCS, by email: jbarteld@iwcs.org
wiredInUSA July
wiredInUSA July
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