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wiredInUSA - March 2014


A planned 30km fence at the border

between Bulgaria and Turkey will require

600km razor wire, 12,000 posts, 4,000m³

concrete and 30km chain-link fencing.

The fence was planned last autumn as a

measure against illegal border crossings of

people seeking asylum in Bulgaria.

Discrepancies in the original cost estimates

haveprompted theBulgarianprimeminister,

Plamen Oresharski, to order a full financial

audit of the project. “Each eventual misuse

of money for the construction of the border

fence will be considered marauding,”

ministerofdefenceNaydenov toldBulgaria's

public broadcaster, BNT. “There will be no


According to Naydenov the construction

will be completed this spring. The project

attracted criticism from the EU and the

UN, insisting that the planned measure for

limiting the access of refugees to Bulgaria

violates international law.

Bulgaria building

a border

Advaris and AESA Cortaillod are

joining forces to fulfill the specific data

management needs of thewire and cable

industry. The product ranges of the two

companies are largely complementary,

and this cooperation and combination of

skills, knowledge and products is expected

to result in providing a complete,

integrated and professional solution,

exactly suited to this specific market.

Both companies will offer the combined

solutions to their respective customers.

Advaris software is based on a highly

flexible modular system incorporating

specific functions, starting from the

cable design to the billing, through




resource planning and production orders

management. It is said to combine the

advantages of individual development

with those of a standard software


AESACortaillodprovides acomprehensive

range of test systems and a data capture

and management system for the

cable industry. Central database and

evaluation functions help to enhance

the quality management and production


Data management
