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wiredInUSA - March 2014


Hindustan Cleanenergy Ltd, part of

HindustanPower Projects Ltd, is undertaking

a major expansion plan. The company is

aiming for an installed capacity of over

500MW of solar power generation by the

end of 2014, increasing to 1,000MW by


Of the 350MW installed to date about

120MW solar capacity is at overseas

locations in Germany, Italy, the UK and

Japan. In the expansion process now

underway, about 100MW capacity is at an

advanced stage of implementation and

will be added shortly. Of this, around 50MW

is in Gujarat and the rest in other states,

including Madhya Pradesh, explained

Rajya Wardhan Ghei, chief executive

officer of Hindustan Cleanenergy.

Cleanenergy in major


Work has begun on the construction of

East Africa’s first utility-scale solar PV plant.

The 8.5MW plant, which, once complete,

will generate 8 percent of Rwanda's

electricity, is being built on land belonging

to Agahozo-Shalom youth village.

The Rwandan government’s own objective

is for a five-fold increase in renewable

sources of power by 2017. The solar field will

feed electricity into the national grid under

a 25-year power purchase agreement with

the Rwanda energy, water and sanitation

authority (EWSA) and is expected to be

operational before the end of the year.

The $24 million project was announced

by Yosef Abramowitz, the president of

Gigawatt Global Coöperatief, which

arranged for its financing.

Agahozo-Shalom youth village is leasing

the land, and some of the fees generated

will be used to help fund the charity's

ongoing activities. The village was built to

take care of orphans of the 1994 genocide

against the Tutsi. It was founded by the

late Anne Heyman, who died in January

following a horse riding accident.

Utility-scale solar for
